The effect of exercises using an aid (Bungee Cord) to develop the equilibrium characteristic and the performance of the kinetic chain on the balance beam for female students


  • Dr. Feryal Younes Nouman



exercises, balance, aid


This research included the introduction to the research, its importance and the important impact of the training aids, as the importance of the research in the aids and their role in developing the performance of the kinetic chain on the balance beam for students, which helps in reducing time and reducing the effort and building a good base for the next stage, as well as finding the most appropriate exercises according to the aid used, For the purpose of developing basic skills on the balance beam in your artistic gymnastics, the researcher identified the research problem with the lack of use of modern means for students, which is one of the most important stages of basic exercise on the balance beam. The balance beam for the female students The experimental approach was used in a two-group style, totaling 20 students. The research sample was determined by the intentional method, as the research sample constituted 22%, where they were divided into two experimental and control samples. Six weeks and one training unit per week One of the most important recommendations of the research is to use the aid to add the suspense factor, increase safety and develop balance for the player in order to increase the ability to perform the skills.

