Journal of College of Physical Education <div class="lRu31" dir="ltr"><span class="HwtZe" lang="en"><span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">The Journal of Physical Education Sciences was established, issued by the Deanship of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">Iraq in 2002 by issuing the first issue of the magazine, and 15 years after its founding, the magazine still continues to issue four issues annually, in addition to its contribution to issuing special issues for the scientific conferences hosted by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, namely the Fourteenth Scientific Conference 2011 for colleges and departments of physical education.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d"><span class="ryNqvb">In Iraq and the International Scientific Conference for Sports Sciences 2014.</span></span></span> <div class="OvtS8d"> </div> <div id="ow1457"> </div> </div> <div class="UdTY9 WdefRb" aria-hidden="true" data-location="2"> </div> Babylon University / College of Physical Education en-US Journal of College of Physical Education 1992-0695 The influence of the sources of the leader’s power on the rational decisions of the clubs of the Kurdistan region of Iraq from the point of view of the members of their administrative bodies <p>The goal of the research is to identify the relationship and the percentage of contribution between the sources of the leader’s power and the rational decisions in the clubs of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. When selecting the research sample, the researchers relied on a random method, and since the number of the study sample was (60) members of administrative bodies, the researchers used the statistical program spss to conduct the statistical analysis. One of the most important conclusions of the research is that there is a significant difference between the sources of the leader’s power and the rational decisions in the clubs of the Iraqi Kurdistan region from the point of view of the members of the administrative bodies. There is a positive correlation, that is, a statistically significant relationship, between the level of the sources of the leader’s power and the rational decisions from the point of view of the heads of the members of the administrative bodies in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. One of the most important recommendations is to work on providing new sources of power, such as (the source of the power of persuasion, the source of the power of subordinates, the source of the power of connection) that support the areas of rational decisions. It is important to view the sources of the administrative leader’s power as a positive phenomenon that leads to the development of the club.</p> Darius William Corbell Prof. Dr. Ozer Saadi Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 4 37 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.4-37 The effect of metcon-style exercises to developing strength characterized by speed and motor balance and performing two skills - MIDDLE DRIVE, FAKE STEP THROUG SHIMMY, JAB2DRIBBLE, FLOATER, combined offensive basketball for under 18 years <p>The problem of the research lies in the presence of a weakness in the bio-kinetic capabilities, the strength characterized by speed and motor balance of basketball players under 18 years of age, and their direct connection and importance to the performance of complex offensive skills, and that raising the training level of each player cannot be advanced, whether physical, skillful, or tactical, without developing the bio-kinetic capabilities. This is important and has a large role in complex offensive performance, especially my skills - MIDDLE DRIVE, FAKE STEP THROUG SHIMMY, JAB2DRIBBLE, FLOATER. As well as the movement of the player and changing his speed and direction with extreme and explosive abilities, so the researchers wanted to delve into this study by applying exercises in a training method represented by (metcon training) for the purpose of giving a clear and accurate scientific indication for coaches to develop these bio-motor abilities because their development will contribute to reaching high skill performance. By improving the accuracy of performance in executing the technical skills required to be performed while playing, the research aims to prepare exercises in the metcon style to develop the strength distinguished by speed, motor balance, and the two skills - MIDDLE DRIVE, FAKE STEP THROUG SHIMMY, JAB2DRIBBLE, FLOATER, combined attack for basketball players under 18 years old. And to learn about the effect of metcon-style exercises to develop the strength distinguished by speed and motor balance and the performance of two skills - MIDDLE DRIVE, FAKE STEP THROUG SHIMMY, JAB2DRIBBLE, FLOATER, combined attack for basketball players under 18 years old.</p> Ali Ishahab Abdel Hussein Asst. Prof. Dr. Samer Ahmed Hassan Prof. Dr. Maher Abdel Hamza Hardan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 38 54 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.38-54 The effect of suggested exercises using ladders and hoops to developing some motor abilities among young football players <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the proposed exercises using ladders and hoops on youth football players. The research population was the same sample of Ramadi club youth players in Anbar Governorate, who numbered (30) players and were divided into two control and experimental groups, each group containing (15) players. The most important results of the research were that there were significant differences in favor of the experimental group that applied ladders and hoops exercises. The researcher recommended the necessity of using ladders and hoops in the training units to help players master motor abilities.</p> Asst. Lec. Waed Muhammad Atallah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 55 70 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.55-70 Visual abilities and their relationship to the accuracy of performing the chest handling skill in basketball <p>Scientific and technical progress is one of the features of the modern era, and the importance of research lies in identifying the extent to which visual abilities are related to the accuracy of performing the chest handling skill in basketball, by highlighting its importance in mastering the performance of this skill. The research aims to identify the percentage of visual abilities and the accuracy of performing the basketball chest handling skill among members of a sample, and to research and identify the relationship between visual abilities and the accuracy of performing the basketball chest handling skill among members of the research sample. The research problem has become clear by considering visual abilities as one of the most important factors that make skill performance successful through the motor link between skills. To find out what affects their skills, the researcher decided to study visual abilities and identify their relationship to the accuracy of performing some basic skills in basketball, which is the chest handling skill. As for the method The researcher adopted the descriptive approach in order to suit the research objectives, as the research sample included (10 players) who are the advanced players of the Maysan Governorate national team.</p> Asst. Lec. Zahraa Radi Jabbar Lefta Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 71 81 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.71-81 The range of motion of some joints of the body and its relationship to some bio-kinematic variables in the pulling and extending backward phase in the overhead throw hold from the standing snatch in Romanian wrestling for youth <p>The study aimed to identify the relationship between the range of motion of some joints of the body and its relationship to some biokinetic variables in the pull-back and backward extension phase. The research sample consisted of (6) six youth wrestlers, and the descriptive approach was used using the correlational method to achieve the research goal. The researchers used tests, measurements, and video recording of the skill of throwing the catch from above the chest from standing snatch, using two (2) cameras placed on either side of the wrestler at a distance of (4.5) meters, and the kinematic variables were obtained using the Kinovea motion analysis program. The research aims to identify the relationship between the range of motion of some joints of the body and some biokinetic variables in the extension phase, the moment the body leaves the ground in the overhead throw hold from a standing snatch in Romanian wrestling for youth.</p> Abdul Latif Maher Ahmed Asst. Prof. Dr. Muaed Mana Allawi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 82 95 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.82-95 Evaluating the level of psychological stress and loneliness with the effect of suggested exercises to reduce them and develop the performance of serving and volleyball setting skills among orphans of state homes <p>The importance of the research lies in using exercises to relieve psychological pressure and feelings of psychological loneliness because they represent an unpleasant experience, indicating a lack of harmony, which is accompanied by many cases of difficulty in social integration among orphans of state homes, as well as developing the performance of the serving and preparation skills in volleyball. The goal of the research is to identify the level of Psychological pressure and the feeling of psychological loneliness among the orphans of the State House, knowing the role of the proposed exercises in alleviating their psychological pressure and feeling of psychological loneliness, and knowing the role of the proposed exercises to learning the skills of serving and preparing in volleyball for the research sample. The researcher reached the conclusions that the exercises prepared by the researcher have a positive effect in alleviating psychological pressure and reducing feelings of loneliness among the research sample, and that the exercises prepared by the researcher have an effective impact in developing the volleyball serving and preparation skills among the research sample, and the researcher recommends allocating an entertaining sports lesson within the classroom. Orphans play sports to reduce their psychological pressure and keep them away from feeling lonely. It is necessary for orphanage administrations and educational counselors to pay attention to orphans to satisfy their psychological and social needs so that they do not feel psychologically lonely and to reduce the psychological pressure on them.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Naeema Zidane Khalaf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 94 114 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.94-114 Building a stadium hooliganism scale for the football league in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq <p>The researcher used the descriptive method in a survey style to suit the nature of the research, and he built measurements in each area related to stadium hooliganism separately from (administrators - coaches - players - referees - fans - media) in the governorates of the Kurdistan Region, and the research community included (660) people representing those concerned. With the riots in the stadiums, the researcher used (600) of them as a sample of the building, and he succeeded in constructing measures in each of the mentioned fields. To process the data, he used the statistical package (SPSS-Vertion 20).</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Diyar Kamal Asaad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 115 137 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.115-137 The effect of special exercises using an innovative device to developing motor response and learning the side punch and its defenses of boxing for students <p>The thesis aimed to manufacture an innovative device to develop motor response and learn the side punch and its defenses, as well as to prepare exercises specific to the innovative device, as well as to identify the impact of the exercises specific to the innovative device on developing motor response and learning the side punch and its defenses for students. The researchers assumed that there is a positive effect of the exercises specific to the innovative device in developing Motor response and learning the side punch and its defenses. As for the research methodology, the researchers used the experimental method in the manner of two equal groups, control and experimental. The research population was determined by the students of the second stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Babylon, for the academic year (2023-2024), who numbered (125) students. The research sample included (40) students who were chosen randomly and were divided into two control and experimental groups with (20) students. For each group, the experimental group used exercises specific to the device, while the control group applied the method followed by the professor. The duration of the curriculum took (16) units and lasted for (2) months, with (2) two-week educational units. The researchers recommended the necessity of using tools and aids during the learning process, and ensuring special exercises to develop learning.</p> Marwan Majed Habib Prof. Dr. Shaima Ali Khamis Asst. Prof. Dr. Aqeel Abdul Jabbar Abdul Rasoul Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 138 159 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.138-159 The predictive value of snatch performance in terms of the strength of cognitive control among physical education and sports science students <p>The study aimed to know the predictive value of the snatch lift performance by knowing the strength of cognitive control between them and their contribution rates with the aim of building a predictive equation for the snatch lift performance. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the style of a survey and correlational relations, and the research population was determined by first-year students - College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Babylon for the year Academic year (2023-2024), which includes (30) students, and the research sample was chosen using a random sampling method. The results revealed that the performance of the snatch lift can be predicted by means of the strength of cognitive control.</p> Ahmed Ammar Mahdi , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nima Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 158 171 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.158-171 The effect of SAQ exercises on developing some Coordination abilities of offensive foot Movements for young basketball players <p>The problem of the research centered on the weakness of the offensive footwork of young basketball players, despite their importance and their direct connection to offensive skills, due to not giving sufficient time in training and focusing on developing them during the training units using modern training methods by most coaches. Raising the training level of any player cannot be achieved. Whether physical, skillful or tactical, without developing the skills of offensive footwork. Given the great importance of foot movements in offensive performance and the player’s fluidity of movement through changing speed and direction with Coordination abilities, the researcher decided to research this study by applying modern training methods represented by (S.A.Q training) in order to provide an accurate scientific study to develop these abilities because their development will contribute to reaching an increase in the skill level through smooth performance in executing technical skills while playing.&nbsp; The research aims to prepare S.A.Q exercises to develop some harmonic abilities for the offensive foot movements of young basketball players and to identify the impact of the S.A.Q exercises to develop some harmonic abilities for the offensive foot movements of young basketball players.</p> Lec. Dr. Ahmed Ishahab Abdel Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 174 194 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.174-194 Strategic success in terms of communication skills among the administrative bodies of sports clubs in Babylon Governorate from the point of view of employees <p>The research aims to identify the correlation between strategic success and the communication skills of the administrative bodies of sports clubs in Babylon Governorate, and to find a predictive equation for strategic success through the communication skills of the administrative bodies of sports clubs in Babylon Governorate.The researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey method and correlational and predictive relationships for their suitability and the nature of the study, and the research community was determined from workers (coaches, media professionals, executive director, financial secretary, therapist) in sports clubs in Babylon Governorate for the 2023-2024 sports season. They numbered (144) workers distributed among (18) clubs, and the researchers chose the samples for their research from that community in a random way, as the number of the exploratory experiment sample was (16) workers, and the main sample was (110) workers. The strategic success scale was applied, which consists of (26) items representing four areas (survival, stability, adaptation, growth and expansion, learning and reinforcement), and the communication skills scale prepared by (Bidaa Karim Fleeh 2019) was applied, which consists of (47) items representing five areas (skills). Verbal skill, listening skill, reading skill, thinking skill, non-verbal signaling skill, skills of communication methods, means and aids), and the answer alternatives for the two scales are five-pointed, which are (completely agree, agree, sometimes, disagree, completely disagree) and the key to correction is (5, 4). , 3, 2, 1).</p> Khader Taha Hamza Prof. Dr. Salam Muhammad Hamza Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 195 205 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.195-205 The effect of using the direct mental training method to developing some basic volleyball skills for female students <p>The use of mental training is not limited to participating in competitions only, but it is also used in the field of movement in general and in the stages of acquiring motor skills in particular. The research aims to reveal the effect of using the direct mental training method in developing some basic skills in volleyball. The researcher found that the lack of use of the direct mental training method within the educational curricula dedicated to volleyball appeared clearly, especially in the academic year following the stage in which female students learn the basic skills of volleyball, which requires an increase in the use of the mental training method in order to develop the basic skills of volleyball. The plane among college students. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research, and the research sample consisted of (24) female students from the fourth stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala. They were distributed into two groups, with (12) female students for each group. . The researcher used the college curriculum for volleyball for the fourth stage, in addition to the direct mental training method for the experimental group, while the control group used the college curriculum. Each educational program consists of (12) educational units over a period of (6) weeks, with two educational units per week, and the duration of each educational unit is (90) minutes. The researcher concluded that the direct mental training method, as well as the curriculum prescribed for female students, has a positive impact on developing some basic volleyball skills.</p> Lec. Dr. Jalela Jweer Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 206 223 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.206-223 An analytical study of sports tourism in Iraq from the perspective of the pioneers <p>Sports tourism has a very important role in developing tourism activity, as it is a scientific approach to organizing and managing tourism activity with all its elements and patterns. It provides a common framework for making decisions in the management of tourism resources and provides responsible authorities with the methods and directions that they must take, which facilitates their work and saves a lot of effort. Lost in addition to increasing the practice of competitive sports activities. The research aims to prepare a measure of sports tourism in Iraq from the point of view of the pioneers. Identify the measure of sports tourism in Iraq from the point of view of the pioneers and determine the standard levels of the measure. The researcher used the measure of sports tourism consisting of (21) items, and the sample number was (50) pioneers in Iraq in terms of The two researchers reached a number of conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is: The current scale is a tool for detecting the level of competencies of sports tourism planning in Iraq. Spreading tourism awareness through various visual, audio and print means of communication, including television, radio, newspapers and the Internet.</p> Asst. Lec. Marwa Alaa Hussein , Prof. Dr. Sondos Musa Jawad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 224 238 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.224-238 Building and applying a psychological fragility scale to female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon <p>The research aims to build a measure of psychological fragility among female students in the College of Education. Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, and identifying the reality of psychological fragility among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon. The researcher used the descriptive approach using survey methods and correlational relationships to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research community included female students in the four stages. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Babylon for the academic year (2023-2024), numbering (129) female students, and the research sample was selected using the method. Randomly (117) applicants for this. A special scale was built for the purpose of identifying the degree of fragility among female students, and the scale was built according to the scientific steps for preparing standards. The psychological fragility scale consists of (36) items divided into three dimensions (magnification, rumination, and helplessness). The magnification items were (12), the rumination items were (12), and the helplessness items were (12). The answer options were three-fold, which are (always applies to me, sometimes applies to me, It does not apply to me at all) and the correction key for the psychological fragility scale (1,2,3).</p> Lec. Dr. Firas Hadi Mohammed Al Jassar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 239 250 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.239-250 The effect of an educational curriculum with two different styles on some team games skills and enhancing school social interaction for students <p>The research aims to build a measure of school social interaction for the subjects of basketball and football among students at Al-Fadael Primary School. The research problem lies in the following question: What is the level of school social interaction among students? The researchers determined the population and sample for their research, which were the students of the sixth grade of primary school, Al-Fadhael Primary School, in the subjects of basketball and football for the academic year (2023-2024). They numbered (120) students and represented (3) people, by seeking the assistance of the school administration, and the main measurement sample was (100). A student and the exploratory sample was (40) students who were chosen randomly. The researchers reached a set of conclusions, including the widespread use of skills and experiences in the subjects of basketball and football, the presence of some obstacles that affect the scientific benefit when using school social interaction. As for the recommendations, attention to school social interaction because it contributes greatly to the development of students’ scientific skills, holding seminars Continuing about the most important programs and websites that provide scientific benefits and how to enhance social interaction in a way that achieves the greatest amount of scientific benefit for students. Statistical methods: The data obtained were processed using the statistical package (SPSS) and Excel.</p> Hossam Asal Wanas Prof. Dr Thamer Hussein Kaht Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 251 263 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.251-263 Need-supportive teaching during physical education lessons and its role in academic motivation among Secondary school students <p>The researcher followed a descriptive approach based on both the survey method and the correlational method in order to verify the objectives of this research, which was to reveal the nature of the relationship between teaching that supports the need during the physical education lesson and the academic motivation of the students, after the levels of each were revealed. Of teaching that supports the need and academic motivation, the research population was limited to secondary school students numbering (8600) students. These students represent (11) secondary schools within the Al-Musayyib District Education Directorate. Then the researcher selected (368) students from them to represent the main research sample, which the researcher in turn divided into three sub-samples: the first was the exploratory study sample with a number of individuals of (18) students, the second was the statistical analysis sample with a number of individuals of (210) students, and the third It is a sample of the final application with a number of individuals amounting to (120) students, and to obtain the data required in the research, the researcher prepared two scales, the first scale to measure the level of teaching that supports the need during the physical education lesson and the number of its paragraphs (13) items, and the second scale to measure the level of academic motivation among students during The lesson has 12 paragraphs, and after completing the preparation and applying the two scales to the final application sample, the results were extracted and processed statistically.</p> Lec. Dr. Qasim Muhammad Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 264 285 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.264-285 The effect of skillful physical exercises in a static and dynamic style to learning the skill of serving and setting aring in football tennis <p>The research aims to prepare physical skill exercises for the fixed and moving method in learning the skill of serving and preparing in tennis and football. The researchers assume that there is a statistically significant difference between the pre- and post-tests to learning the skill of serving and setting in tennis for the research sample. The researchers used the experimental method by designing two equal groups to suit the nature and problem of the research. As for the research sample, it consisted of Shahraban Sports Club players for the junior category for the year 2022, who numbered (16). They were chosen intentionally, and were divided into two experimental and control groups by lottery, each group consisting of (8), where the percentage constituted 80% of the research population for the year 2022. After completing the main experiment, the researchers used the SPSS program to conduct statistical treatments and reach the results.</p> Asst. Lec. Yasser Shahid Abdul Rahman Asst. Lec. Bakr Basil Kamel Asst. Lec. Wathiq Shaker Mahmoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 286 296 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.286-296 An educational curriculum to building mental maps and its impact on the starting and starting stages of the 100m freestyle event in athletics <p>The importance of the research included interest in learning and its various methods and methods in this field in order to advance the sporting reality to a level consistent with modern methods and methods that make the athlete prepare physically, skillfully and tactically to face the problems that confront him in his sporting life and thus be able to perform with high efficiency that helps in demonstrating his potential and abilities. And his inclinations and directions through obtaining a degree of freedom and independence, and one of these methods or strategies is mental maps. The importance of the research lies in the students’ use of mind mapping in an educational curriculum that works to improve the technical performance of the starting and starting stages in the research sample. Hence the problem of the research came in not introducing modern methods and methods for learning skill performance in a way that is consistent with the students’ abilities and capabilities so that they can memorize and recover the skill and bring pleasure. And love for the skill, therefore, the researcher resorted to using mind maps, believing that they lead to taking into account individual differences among learners, and thus this leads to the development of thinking and activating the mind, and this reflects positively on the level of performance so that the correct motor performance of the skill to be learned is achieved.</p> Karim Naima Rahn Zaghir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 297 309 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.297-309 The effect of metcon-style exercises to developing strength characterized by speed and motor balance and performing two skills - MIDDLE DRIVE, FAKE STEP THROUG SHIMMY, JAB2DRIBBLE, FLOATER, combined offensive basketball for under 18 years <p>The importance of this study lies in the fact that it contributes to: a better understanding of the personal traits and personality types of officers of the Ministry of Interior, which may help improve the process of recruitment, training, and selecting appropriate individuals for different tasks. Providing valuable information to the Ministry of Interior about the factors affecting the behaviors of its officers. The researchers relied on the descriptive survey method, where questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 343 officers of various ranks. The questionnaires included questions about body type and personality traits, in addition to questions about the officers' sports practices. The researchers recommend developing training programs to develop administrative leadership skills among Ministry of Interior officers, taking into account the characteristics of the physical type, and using the administrative leadership scale related to the physical type to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and determine future training needs, and to support the practice of sports among Ministry of Interior officers to improve their health and well-being, which may It improves their job performance.</p> Muhammad Kazem Abdel Muhammad Prof. Dr. Raad Abdel Amir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 310 328 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.310-328 The effect of the Bransford and Stein model on probing thinking in volleyball <p>The current study aimed to prepare a measure of probing thinking for students in the second stage, prepare educational units according to the Bransford and Stein model in probing thinking in volleyball, and identify the effect of the Bransford and Stein model in probing thinking in volleyball for students. The researchers used the experimental approach by designing two equal groups (control and experimental). The researcher's population included students of the second stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Karbala for the academic year (2023-2024), which amounted to (86) students. As for the research sample, it amounted to (30) students, as they were chosen randomly and were divided into two groups. There were (15) students for each group, and the data was statistically processed for the investigated variables using the statistical package (SPSS). The researchers concluded that the Bransford and Stein model had a positive impact on the superiority and raising the level of the experimental group in probing thinking in volleyball. The researchers recommended the necessity of relying on teaching models that Learners are the main focus in order to achieve the best results.</p> Ahmed Hassan Ghadeeb , Prof. Dr. Haider Salman Mohsen Asst. Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza Kadhem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 329 347 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.329-347 The effect of special exercises on some biokinematic variables for the hopscotch and step stages and the completion of the triple jump for students <p>The research aimed to prepare special exercises and include them in the main section of the educational units and to identify the effect of these special exercises in developing some selected biomechanical variables (the starting angle, the starting speed, and the starting point height) and to achieve them for the students of the second stage (2023-2024). The researchers used the (experimental method) with a design Two equal groups (control and experimental). The researchers prepared special exercises for each variable and they were included in the educational units in the main experiment, which included (10) educational units that were applied at the rate of two educational units per week and for five weeks. The duration of the educational unit was (65 minutes) in which the exercises were varied for the purpose of improving the digital level of the effectiveness of the triple jump. For students, use the statistical portfolio (Spss), the most important thing that the researchers concluded was that the special exercises had an impact on developing the biokinematic variables (launch angle, launch speed, and starting point height) and the digital level (achievement) for the experimental group, and that the experimental group that used the special exercises had an advantage in developing the selected biokinematic variables and the digital level (achievement). ) for effectiveness than the control group.</p> Ali Nasser Jassim Asst. Prof. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein Prof. Dr. Nadia Shaker Jawad3 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 348 374 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.348-374 The effect of the Woods model on the cognitive achievement of international law subjects in handball for students <p>The aim of the current study is to prepare educational units based on the Woods model and achieve cognitive achievement in the subjects of international law and handball for students. And to identify the effect of the Woods model on the cognitive achievement of international law subjects in handball for students. The researchers used the experimental method by designing the experimental and control groups. The research community included third-year students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karbala, for the academic year (2023-2024). Their number reached (88) students, while the research sample amounted to (32) students, as they were selected by a simple random method. They were divided into two groups, with (16) students in each group. The data was processed statistically for the investigated variables using the statistical package (Spss). The researchers concluded that the Woods model had a positive impact on the superiority and level of the experimental group in the cognitive achievement of international law subjects in handball for students. The researchers recommended the necessity of relying on teaching models with learners as the primary focus in order to achieve the best results.</p> Mahdi Hadi Hamed Asst. Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdel Hamza Kadhem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 375 396 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.375-396 The effect of an educational program in the style of representational systems in learning the skill of the front hands jump on the mat of floor movements in artistic gymnastics for female students <p>The research aims to prepare an educational program using the representational systems method in learning the skill of hand jumping on the mat of floor movements in artistic gymnastics for third-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Karbala. The effect of an educational program using the representational systems method in learning the skill of hand jumping on The floor movements mat, as well as identifying the advantage of influencing learning the skill of the front hand jump on the floor movements mat in gymnastics, between the educational program in the style of representational systems and the curriculum approved by the teacher. The two researchers used the experimental method by designing two equal groups (control and experimental) with a pre-test and a post-test, which is what they believe is consistent with the specifications of the problem of their research and the achievement of the objectives of their study. The research population is determined by third-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Karbala for the academic year (2023-2024). They numbered (59) female students, divided into four groups (A, B, C, D). An exploratory sample was chosen using a simple random sampling method, with (10) female students constituting (16.9%) of the community’s elements. The main sample for the research was chosen using a simple random sampling method. (30) female students constituted (50.8%) of the population, with (15) female students from Division (B, A) representing the experimental group, and (15) female students from Division (C, D) representing the control group.</p> Doha Imad Majeed Asst. Prof. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 396 411 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.396-411 The effect of the cooperative learning mechanism of active learning to learning some freestyle wrestling holds for students <p>The importance of research is evident in raising education and in an active and cooperative manner in performing the types of wrestling holds for students. Thus, we succeed in producing an appropriate and effective lesson for learning and raising the level of students to learn these holds. Some difficult sports games require practice to reach an appropriate educational level and a teaching method that works to raise some difficult skills and movements such as the wrestling game, which It depends on the performance of some difficult tasks and requires active teaching that raises the level of correct learning. The research aims to identify the effect of the cooperative learning mechanism of active learning in learning some freestyle wrestling holds for students. The researcher concluded that the cooperative learning mechanism of active learning is important and has a successful teaching method in learning some freestyle wrestling holds for students. The researcher recommends adopting the cooperative learning mechanism for active learning because it is important and has a successful teaching method in learning some freestyle wrestling grips for students.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Jalal Abdul Zahra Kanaan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 412 423 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.412-423 The effect of competition style (pendulum and simulation) on the strength endurance of the arms and some basic skills in wheelchair basketball for youth <p>The importance of the research comes in considering that the two training methods (simulation and competitive) are the most helpful methods in improving the physical aspect of the game and according to competitive exercises that match the atmosphere of the game, which raises the specialized physical requirements, including strength endurance as well as the skill performance required for wheelchair basketball players, in addition to raising the level of youth, which is The age group studied for the purpose of their future development and their recruitment to the national teams after training and development. The research aims to identify the effect of two methods of competition (pendulum and simulation) on endurance and strength of the arms and some basic skills in wheelchair basketball for youth. The researcher concluded that my methods of competition (pendulum and simulation) achieved the goals of sports training science in raising the level of strength endurance in the arms and some basic skills in wheelchair basketball for youth. The researcher recommends adopting two competition methods (pendulum and simulation) in training wheelchair basketball players because it achieves the goals of sports training science in raising the level of strength endurance in the arms and some basic skills.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuhair Salem Abdel Razzaq Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 424 438 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.424-438 The effect of special exercises according to the areas of the goalkeeper’s stance to developing the performance of the 7m handball throw for players aged (16-18) years <p>The educational process must focus on preparing players well for different situations, whether with regard to the goalkeeper or players executing 7-meter throws. Through the researchers’ careful follow-up of international handball and players aged (16-18) years in Iraq, they noticed the lack of educational foundations or rules for performance and how the player deals with performing the 7-meter throw in our beloved country, where the immediate and subjective dealing with the situation without referring to the established principles Training on it because it was not previously identified and known, whether it relates to the goalkeeper or the implementing player. This condition has also been diagnosed in particular among players of Al-Qassim Club’s youth team. It was also diagnosed that there was a weakness in executing this important throw. The research aims to know the effect of special exercises on developing the performance of the 7-meter throw among handball players aged (16-18) years. The researchers used the experimental method by designing two equal groups (experimental and control) with pre- and post-tests to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research population was determined by the players of Al-Qasim Handball Club, the youth category, who numbered (14) players. The research sample was selected using a comprehensive enumeration method with a percentage of (100%) of The original population and the sample was divided into a simple random method (lottery), an experimental group (7) players, and a control group (7) players. The statistical package (SPSS) was used for the purpose of processing the data.</p> Ali Muhammad Hussein Prof. Dr. Samer Youssef Muteab Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 439 451 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.439-451 The effect of educational units according to the Needham model to learning some individual defensive skills of handball for students <p>The aim of the research is to identify the effect of educational units according to the Needham model in learning some individual handball defensive skills for students, and through the researcher’s observation of the students’ performance in the educational units for handball for the third stage at Al-Qadisiyah University - College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, as he is a doctoral student and a national team player. Handball and Al-Karkh Sports Club. He noticed the lack of modern models used in the process of learning skills within the educational curriculum, according to the researcher’s knowledge. This model is considered one of the modern models in the learning process and helps students participate in the educational process with vitality and activity, because it is based on the ideas and principles of constructivist theory. This model contributes to speeding up the learning process by taking into account individual differences and reducing effort. As for the research methodology and field procedures, it The research community was determined by the students of the third stage of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/Universities of Al-Qadisiyah, who numbered (153) students, and a sample of them was drawn by simple random method (lottery), with a strength of (44) students, representing (28%) of the research community.</p> Asst. Lec. Hussein Abdul Hadi Mahdi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 452 468 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.452-468 The effect of progressive fartlek exercises to developing the Eurostep and Fluttershot basketball skills for young players <p>Mastering skills is one of the most important topics that preoccupy those concerned with the game, and it has become a given that raising the training level of any player cannot be improved, whether physical, tactical, or psychological, without learning the technical performance of all the basic and complex skills of the game, as it includes all the vocabulary of the various duties that are performed in the game. The framework of the law of the game, whether with or without the ball. The extent of the proficiency of any team’s members in all forms of basic skills is one of the most important factors that lead to success and excellence. The game is characterized by a fast rhythm and a shift from defense to attack very quickly, as well as sudden starts, whether with or without the ball, unexpected stops, jumps, rotations, changing directions, and transferring movement according to the events of the match. All of these matters require complete mastery of aspects of technical performance without the use of the ball and in relatively small arenas, which makes the player A greater chance of receiving the ball as well as scoring an injury. These skills cannot be overlooked as they are the basis of play and are relied upon in matters of team collective movement (tactics).</p> Asst. Lec. Laith Ezzat Issa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 469 479 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.469-479 The effect of the fair investigation strategy on the performance of the forward and Arabic hand jump skills on the floor movements mat of gymnastics <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the fair investigation strategy on the performance of the forward hand jump skills and the Arabic jump skill among third-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Khanaqin/Garmian University. The researcher used the experimental method with two pre- and post-tests to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research population consisted of third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Khanaqin at Garmian University for the academic year (2023 - 2024), numbering (14). The researcher selected the research sample intentionally, and it consisted of (12) students, constituting (85%) of the research population. The sample was divided into two experimental and control groups by lottery, with (6) students for each group, and (2) students were excluded for the purpose of the experiment. The experimental group was taught according to the educational program prepared by the researcher, which is (fair survey strategy), and the control group was taught according to the method followed by the subject teacher. After applying the educational program, the statistical methods for the research were extracted using the (SPSS) program.</p> Lec. Dr.Shenyar Burhan Nemat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 480 492 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.480-492 The effect of an educational curriculum using the Driver model to learning the skill of open jumping on a vaulting horse of gymnastics <p>The research aimed to identify the differences between pre- and post-tests regarding the effect of an educational curriculum using the (Driver) model on the skill of open jumping on a vaulting horse apparatus. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature and problem of the research. The population and sample of the research included students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, third stage, who numbered (14) students were divided into two groups (experimental and control), and (2) students were excluded for the purpose of the exploratory experiment. An exploratory trial of the educational curriculum according to Driver's method was conducted on the research community, to determine the suitability and validity of learning the skill of the open jump on a vaulting horse. The pre- and post-tests were conducted on the research sample. The duration of the program lasted (5) weeks and consisted of two educational units per week. The statistical data was processed using the statistical package (spss).</p> Lec. Dr. Muhammad Yassin Al-Zahawi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 493 504 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.493-504 The effect of special exercises according to motor performance variables and the exclude stroke accuracy index for badminton players <p>The researcher found that the skill performance of badminton skills must be highly effective and characterized by accuracy and speed for the performance to be effective, and since the distance stroke is an influential skill in deciding and scoring points, the researcher decided to prepare special exercises according to the variables of motor performance to improve and develop the accuracy index for this skill. The research aimed to identify the effect of special exercises according to motor performance variables to develop a exclude stroke accuracy index for badminton players under 17 years old at the Badminton Training Academy in Al-Mahweel. The research population was determined by the badminton training academy players for the 2023-2024 season under 19 years, and the entire research population was chosen to represent the study sample, numbering (6). Each player was given 5 repetitions, so the research sample became 30. They were divided into two groups, 3 control players and 3 experimental players. The researcher concluded that the research sample did not implement the correct mechanical conditions for the variables of the peripheral speed of the striking arm and the speed of launching the shuttlecock when performing the push stroke, and this is a result of their lack of knowledge of the importance of these conditions. The interrelationships of the mechanical variables were of great importance when performing the exclude strike.</p> Asst. Lec. Ali Mohi Maktouf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 505 528 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.505-528 The effect of a giant-set training approach and a beta-alanine supplement (ALLMAX) to developing strength endurance for bodybuilding athletes <p>The current research aims to prepare giant group exercises (GIANT SET) and identify the effect of supplementing with the nutritional supplement Beta Alanine and giant group exercises (GIANT SET) in developing some forms of strength for bodybuilding (fitness) players.&nbsp; The researchers used the experimental approach with a dual design, using the two experimental groups and comparing the pre- and post-measurements. Because it suits the nature and problem of the research. The research community was selected and the number of players for this weight and height category is 40 players in Karbala Governorate. A random sample consisting of (10) bodybuilding and fitness players was selected, their heights ranging from (161 cm - 189 cm) and their weights (77-83), who represent (25%) of the research population. Statistical methods were used within SPSS. The researchers concluded that the Giant group exercises with the nutritional supplement beta-alanine had a positive effect on the development of endurance, strength, limbs, body, legs, arms, and shoulders for members of the second experimental group. It also affected anthropometric and hormonal variables. The researcher recommends the necessity of using Giant Set exercises designed for players because of their positive effect in increasing force endurance in working muscles and increasing muscle mass.</p> Asst. Lec. Ali Rahim Abdul Hussein Ruwayda Faleh Hassan Asst. Lec. Ali Kadhem Ginger Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 529 541 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.529-541 The effect of an educational curriculum with aids to learning the skill of defending the volleyball court for students <p>The research aims to prepare an educational curriculum with aids in learning the skill of defending the court with volleyball for students, and to identify the effect of an educational curriculum with aids in learning the skill of defending the court with volleyball for students. The researchers adopted the experimental method because it suits the nature of the problem, which is considered one of the best means to Obtaining accurate information and results to reach reliable scientific knowledge. The research community was represented by second-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Diyala for the academic year 2022/2023, who numbered (187) students representing (5) academic divisions. Through what the research results showed and in light of its objectives and hypotheses, the researchers reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that the educational curriculum with assistive means has an effective effect in learning the skill of defending the court in volleyball. The skill exercises prepared within the educational curriculum have an impact in learning the skill of defending the court in volleyball for students. The second academic year. The approved aids have an impact on the implementation of the exercises of the educational unit for court defense skills in volleyball for students of the second academic year. In light of the results of the research and conclusions, the researchers recommend the most important recommendations: the necessity of diversifying the aids used in teaching.</p> Asst. Lec. Zaid Khalifa Abd Prof. Dr. Thaer Rashid Hassan Prof. Dr. Mujahid Hamid Rashid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 542 562 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.542-562 Building and codifying a measure of creative Thinking for fencing players <p>The research aimed to build and codify a measure of creative thinking for fencing players. The areas of research included the human field, namely (102) players from the Iraqi youth fencing clubs with the sword weapon for the sports season (2023-2024), with the exception of the northern governorates due to the difficulty of reaching them, and the time period was determined for the period from (8/25/2023) until (12/30/2023) As for the spatial area, it included the halls and stadiums of the clubs investigated. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method. The research sample consisted of (102) players from Iraqi youth fencing clubs with the sword weapon. On (9/20/2023), the exploratory experiment was conducted on a sample consisting of (6) players, and their percentage of the research community was (5.88%). The scale was also applied to the construction sample during the period from (9/30/2023 to 10/25/2023), which numbered (61) players and their percentage of the research population was (59.80%), as well as during the period from (11/10/2023 to 11/30/2023) The scale was applied to the legalization sample, which numbered (35) gamers, and their percentage of the research population (34.31%) were gamers, noting that the system used was (SPSS) to obtain the search results.</p> Asst. Lec. Muhammad Fadel Anbar Hazal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 563 584 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.563-584 The adaptive experiences that teachers gain in teaching physical education and their role to developing their educational quality <p>The importance of the research lies in its attempt to find ways to improve the learning process in physical education lessons, as well as providing valuable insights into how the adaptive experiences of physical education teachers affect students’ experience in the physical education lesson, as well as the role that this research may provide in evaluating and analyzing the quality of Education and teaching methods in the field of physical education. The research aimed to reveal the role played by physical education teachers’ possession of adaptive experiences in developing their educational quality in teaching physical education. This was after revealing the level of both their adaptive experiences and educational quality. The researcher followed a descriptive approach through both survey and correlational methods. The research sample was determined by physical education teachers in the schools of Hilla District, affiliated with the Babylon Education Directorate, who numbered (260) teachers belonging to (90) school. The researcher prepared two questionnaires, the first questionnaire to measure the level of adaptive experiences among physical education teachers, with a number of (20) statements, and the second questionnaire to measure the level of educational quality for physical education teachers, with a number of (20) statements, and after ensuring that the two questionnaires possess the scientific conditions of validity and reliability. They were applied to the final application sample to extract the levels of the two research variables.</p> Lec. Dr. Ahmed Karim Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 584 607 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.584-607 The effect of the Driver model to performance of some snake tape skills in rhythmic gymnastics for third-stage female students <p>Paying attention to the educational process and improving it has become the main concern of educational institutions and many researchers in order to facilitate the process of providing information to students and developing skills, which requires not keeping the provision of information by the school only. Therefore, modern teaching models must be found in which the center of activity in the education process moves from school to school. The student, because it is one of the axes of the educational process, and all of this is done according to a model that contains organized, planned, and purposeful steps that the school follows to reach its goals. Accordingly, we need new and modern teaching models applied in the field of physical education, such as the Driver model, because it helps to learn and master the performance of skills, including the snake tape skills in rhythmic gymnastics, to reach the best performance that guarantees learning and mastering the skill to ensure the achievement of the desired goals. The research aims to identify the effect of the driver model on the performance of some snake tape skills for third-year female students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Karbala. Also, identifying the superiority of influence between Driver’s model versus the method used by the subject school in cognitive motivation and the performance of some snake tape skills in rhythmic gymnastics for female students.</p> Ola Naeem Mohsen Prof. Dr. Raghdaa Hamza Hussein Al-Saffah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 608 634 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.608-634 Body kinetic intelligence and its relationship to the level of performance of the two jumping skills (open and closed) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students <p>The study aimed to identify the relationship between bodily-motor intelligence and the level of performance of the two jumping skills (open and closed) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students. The researcher chose the descriptive approach using the correlational method, and the research population was chosen intentionally from third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Saladin University - Erbil for the academic year (2023-2024). The researcher used appropriate statistical methods, as he used the statistical bag Spss. The researcher reached the following conclusion, which is that there is a high moral relationship between physical-motor intelligence and the level of the two skills (jumping open and wide) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students. In light of this conclusion, the researcher developed a set of recommendations, which are giving more importance to physical-kinetic intelligence while teaching students gymnastics skills, adopting new educational methods in order to improve physical-kinetic intelligence among male and female students, and conducting other research focusing on mental processes, especially related to intelligence.</p> Lec. Dr. Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 635 653 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.635-653 Material and human requirements for applying electronic management in colleges and schools of physical education and sports sciences in Erbil Governorate - Iraq <p>The study aimed to know the human and material requirements necessary to implement electronic management at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - Salahuddin University - Erbil and the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the Universities of Koya and Soran in Erbil Governorate - Iraq. Also, identifying statistically significant differences between the responses of members of the study population in the material and human requirements necessary to implement administration in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences, which are due to the variables of “stages of study - academic qualification - years of service - working in the college - mastery of foreign languages ​​and computer proficiency. The researcher used the descriptive survey method. The research community consists of the administrative body in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences. The sample consisted of the dean, the assistant dean, the heads of the scientific branches, the registration unit official, and the librarian. The obtained data were statistically processed using the SPSS statistical program using the following statistical methods: Cronbach's alpha coefficient, correlation coefficient, frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Tahseen Ali Ismail Sherwani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 654 676 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.654-676 The effect of special exercises with a differentiated training method to Special endurance of handball players under 19 years of age <p>The research problem was revealed through the researchers’ experience in the game of handball and their constant knowledge of the Iraqi league matches in general and the youth league in particular, as well as the experience of the supervisors in the field of training and the requirements of this game, in addition to the personal interviews that the researchers conducted with the coaches and workers with this category, which the results indicate. There is a weakness in the physical aspect, represented by the variables of special endurance and some basic skills in handball for the youth group, as a result of the lack of use of modern scientific training methods and methods by those in charge of this category, which in turn helps to develop and raise the players to higher levels, so it has become necessary to stop at this problem and know its causes. And finding solutions to raise the level of the game of football. The aim of the research was &nbsp;preparation of special exercises with a differentiated training method in special endurance (performance endurance, strength endurance, speed endurance) for handball players under (19) years of age. Also, identifying the effect of exercises of different training methods on the specific endurance (performance endurance, strength endurance, speed endurance) of handball players under (19) years of age.</p> Hanin Haider Khalil Asst. Prof. Dr. Hossam Ghaleb Abdel Hussein Asst. Prof. Dr. Rafid Saad Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 678 693 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.678-693 The effect of two training methods (distributed - intensive) to developing some creative motor abilities and learning the skills of put down and scoring in football for players aged (9-11) years <p>The importance of the research lies in the need to find the best educational methods that work to achieve the greatest amount of learning, by using and experimenting with two training methods (distributed training) and (intensive training) in developing the creative motor abilities and learning the skills of (suppression and scoring with football) for the players. Football. The objectives of the research were the extent of the effect of distributed and intensive training in developing creative motor abilities and learning the skills of suppression and scoring in football for players and identifying which of the training methods (distributed - intensive) is better in developing creative motor abilities and learning the skills of put down and scoring in football for players. As for the research hypotheses, distributed exercise and combined exercise are appropriate in developing creative motor abilities and learning the skills of put down and scoring with soccer for players. There are also significant differences between distributed and intensive exercise in developing creative motor abilities and learning the skills of suppression and scoring with soccer for players, and in favor of the distributed exercise method. The researcher used the method The experimental design was conducted in two equal groups due to its suitability to the nature of the research. The researcher chose the research population in a deliberate manner, namely the players of the specialized football center aged (9-11) years, who numbered (40 players). The researcher selected a sample of (30) players in a random manner.</p> Lec. Ahmed Hussein Abd Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 694 717 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.694-717 The effect of the group competitive learning strategy to developing students’ motor response speed and volleyball blocking skill <p>The importance of the research lies in using a group competitive learning strategy to develop the speed of motor response and the skill of blocking the wall in volleyball for third-year middle school students, considering that this age group is the nucleus and basis for selecting good players in the future. As for the research problem, from the researcher’s field experience and his continuous follow-up as a player, in addition to his being a teacher in the General Directorate of Education in Najaf, he found that there is difficulty in learning the skill of blocking the wall with volleyball for students, as well as slow motor response when performing that skill. The research aimed to prepare a strategy for group competitive learning in volleyball, as well as to identify the effect of the group competitive learning strategy in developing motor response and the skill of blocking the wall in volleyball for third-year intermediate students. The researcher reached the most important conclusions, including: The group competitive learning strategy helped students learn the skill of blocking the wall with volleyball. Members of the experimental group achieved an advantage over members of the control group in the post-tests. The researcher reached recommendations including: The need to pay attention to studying the current physical education curricula in the school. Middle school due to its need for a comprehensive reconsideration for the benefit of students and society, conducting similar studies on other activities and different age groups.</p> Lec. Dr. Muthanna Ahmed Aboudi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 718 731 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.718-731 The effect of educational units based on some of Bloom levels to learning the skills of put down and shooting of futsal for students <p>The importance of the research lies in the interest in modern and advanced methods that take into account individual differences among learners, and through the work of educational and learning systems at the present time with unparalleled activity in developing their curricula and preparing their teachers and qualifying them to be able to employ modern teaching strategies, methods and models that contribute to creating educational environments capable of preparing capable students. To keep pace with progress in various fields, the problem of the research lies in the presence of weakness and fluctuation in the level of performance of some offensive skills in futsal by students. The reason is due to the students not possessing the mental, cognitive and behavioral capabilities that have an effective impact on the performance of these skills. Its importance also lies in It comes in line with new methods that call for adapting educational situations. The researcher used the experimental method and designed the method of the two groups (control and experimental) with two pre- and post-tests. The results of the research showed that the educational units, according to some cognitive levels, had an effective and positive impact on developing creative thinking and learning some offensive football skills for the experimental group. The experiment was carried out for the period from Sunday (11/5/2023) until (1/7/2024). Its duration was (8) units.</p> Lec. Dr. Ammar Ghazi Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 732 751 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.732-751 The effect of critical speed training accompanied by taking the Amino Max supplement on anaerobic enzymes in 400m runners under 20 years of age <p>One of the important things for obtaining a successful training curriculum, through which the athlete can achieve the best digital achievement and which is an honest indicator, is the athlete’s use of modern training methods that can contribute to further developing physical and physiological abilities. Among those methods used is the critical speed method, which It is considered one of the important and modern training methods used in training high levels in many sports, including short, medium and long distances. The science of sports nutrition and sports physiology all aim to improve the athlete’s internal systems. And increasing the production of equipment for the athlete, and among these sports are the sports of strength games (arena and field), running, racing, and short distances (400 meters) to the maximum degree, which generates energy production and its use in the correct and optimal way to obtain the highest levels. This depends mainly on the fuel supply that is given to the athlete. Obtaining the energy necessary to continue performing sporting events. Among these important foods that provide the athlete with the energy necessary to continue performing in sporting events and achieving the highest achievement are nutritional supplements of amino acids (Amino Max 8000).</p> Hassan Ismail Zidan Prof. Dr. Maysoon Alwan Odeh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 744 764 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.744-764 Indicators of rapid learning and their effectiveness on some cognitive aspects of swimming <p>The study aims to identify the difference between the average of the research sample members and the assumed average in indicators of rapid learning, as well as identifying the most important indicators of rapid learning and their effectiveness on some cognitive aspects in the subject of swimming. The descriptive approach was used in both survey and analysis methods to suit the nature of the study. The research community represented third-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Saladin University, and the main research sample was chosen by a simple random method, where (60) third-year students were chosen. With a percentage of (48.38%).As for the sample of the exploratory experiment, it amounted to (58) third-stage students, with a percentage of (46.77%). The research tools included a scale of rapid learning skills prepared by (Nabil Al-Shammari and Sarah Khalil, 2021), and the validity and reliability of the tool was confirmed. And the cognitive achievement test for swimming prepared by (Al-Daoudi, 2016). The two study tools were applied to the main research sample, after which the questionnaires were collected, unpacked, analyzed, and processed using appropriate statistical methods.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Shahla Ahmed Abdullah Prof. Dr. Fidaa Akram Salim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 773 804 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.773-804 The effect of an educational program according to the concept mapping strategy to cognitive achievement and the acquisition of some basic skills <p>The study aims to investigate the effect of the concept mapping strategy on cognitive achievement and learning some basic skills in futsal football, as well as acquiring some basic skills in futsal football. The sample consisted of (36) students who were chosen randomly, from students of the College of Physical Education - University of Diyala, third stage and For the academic year 2023-2024, the sample was divided into two groups, the first group is an experimental group, which is taught using the method of concept maps, and the other is a control group using the followed method. A form was determined to measure the skill performance of the students for the two research groups and to determine their grades. The study material for the two research groups was also determined after reviewing the curriculum. For the purpose of measuring cognitive achievement, an achievement test was constructed for the students in the study subject by the researcher for basic skills in indoor football by preparing a table of content specifications. The subject is determined according to the first three levels of Bloom’s Achievement Hierarchy (remember, understand, apply) and determine the relative importance of the subject. Where the researcher used the achievement test and the educational units using the concept maps method, and after obtaining the test results data, it was processed statistically, and the researcher concluded that there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group in cognitive achievement and the acquisition of some basic skills in futsal. In favor of the experimental group that studied according to the concept mapping strategy.</p> Asst. Lec. Hadeel Yahya Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 805 821 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.805-821 The pressing method to developing the bio-kinetic abilities and defensive movements of handball players <p>Countries seek progress in various scientific fields, including the sports field, which has begun to develop significantly as a result of the use of modern and developed methods and methods in order to achieve the best sports levels. The game of handball has received special attention from experts and specialists working in its field. International levels require determining the form of the training planning process, its methods and programmes, whether for local teams or at the national team level. Codifying training, its loads, adequacy, types and objectives has become one of the important issues sought by those concerned with the game. One of the games that has received great attention recently is the game of handball, which is one of the most popular games in the world. The game of handball requires great muscular ability to perform its skills, as performance is not limited to the athlete’s ability to resist fatigue in a specialized physical performance, but rather the extent of his ability. To achieve the performance with high efficiency and in a specific time, and when we look closely at the nature of the performance, we find that it requires high energy to perform the motor duty with strength and speed, as it requires high physical abilities from the players when performing its skills, because it requires a large amount of muscle power production.</p> Mustafa Qasim Rahman Hussein Prof. Dr. Hussein Abdel Amir Hamza Copyright (c) 2024 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 17 4 822 836 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.822-836 Conscious leadership and its relationship to the organizational climate among workers in the Sports and Scouting Activity Department in the Middle Euphrates governorates <p>All sports institutions at the present time are facing many internal and external pressures and challenges, as well as changing conditions requires all employees in these institutions to plan programmed to bring about change in their various programs and operations in order to be able to overcome the pressures and achieve the ability to survive and continue, and this only comes through the presence of leadership. Conscious, so these institutions make great efforts to reach the stage of excellence and creativity by reconsidering planning and programs through efficient management and conscious leadership, and by providing an organizational climate that suits employees at work. Because it has great importance in organizational behavior and its vital role in influencing many other variables within the organization, the importance of studying the organizational climate becomes clear because of its great impact on developing the positive behavior of individuals and thus on the organizational behavior of the organization, as well as its role in determining the level of organizational activities conducted by the activity department. The athlete. The problem of the research is that the researcher, by virtue of his work as a university teacher on the staff of the Ministry of Education, as well as his participation in the scouting activities held by the Department of Sports and Scouting Activity, believes that there is a need for conscious leadership and the organizational climate to be at a high level. The objectives of the research are to prepare two measures of conscious leadership and organizational climate among workers in the department. Sports and scouting activities in the governorates of the Middle Euphrates and the relationship between them.</p> Lec. Dr. Mortda Ali Shaalan Al-Saadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 837 855 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.837-855 Special exercises using training tools to help develop the strength and speed of the arms and the skill of receiving and shooting three-point jumps for basketball players under 16 years old <p>The research aims to prepare special exercises using auxiliary training tools for basketball players under 16 years old, to know the extent of the effect of special exercises using auxiliary training tools in developing the speed-specific strength of the arms for basketball players under 16 years old, to know the extent of the effect of special exercises using auxiliary training tools in developing skill. Receiving and shooting three-point jumps for basketball players under 16 years old. The researcher used the experimental method by designing two equal experimental and control groups. The research sample was selected from North Oil Sports Club players under (16 years old), and pre- and post-tests were conducted for the two research groups, after the experimental group was subjected to the independent variable prepared by the researcher, and the control group was subjected to the followed approach. By the trainer and then making comparisons between the test results for the two research groups in the pre- and post-tests using statistical treatments. The researcher concluded that the strength and speed of the arms of the experimental group developed relatively better than that of the control group due to the effect of exercises on the use of training aids for basketball players, and that the skill of receiving and shooting three-point jumps developed relatively better for the experimental group than the control group due to the effect of exercises on the use of tools. Training assistance for basketball players.</p> Omar Khalil Alwan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 856 878 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.856-878 The effectiveness of compound exercises in developing the accuracy of passing and shooting for the football player <p>The research aimed to prepare complex exercises and their effect on developing the accuracy of handling and scoring for the soccer player. The researchers recommended: There are statistically significant differences between the pre-tests and the post-tests and in favor of the post-tests in the research variables. The research problem centered on the presence of weakness in the player. What the two researchers noticed while following the first division matches, which led to the loss of many scoring opportunities that were not exploited optimally by the focal player. The researchers used the one-group experimental method, a pre-test and a post-test, in order to suit the research problem and sample. After conducting the exploratory experiment, pre-tests for the research were conducted, then the researchers conducted the main experiment, and the complex exercises were applied to the research sample for a period of (6) weeks, with three training units per week (Saturday - Monday - Wednesday), so the total number of training units reached (18). ) a training unit, and after completing the application of the main experiment, post-tests were conducted and then discussed statistically using the (SPSS) program. The researchers concluded: The progression of compound exercises from easy to difficult has an effective role in developing accuracy of handling and scoring in football. The researchers recommend the necessity of using compound exercises to develop accuracy of handling and scoring in training curricula because of their effectiveness in developing skills.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salman Saleh Abbas Fadel Qadouri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 879 892 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.879-892 The effect of a proposed training program to developing some kinematic variables and achieving 100-meter freestyle running <p>The importance of the current research lies in focusing on developing maximum speed and then it can sustain muscular momentum by maintaining stride length and frequency, which are two important and essential factors in improving achievement through the proposed training program. The problem of the research is that the digital level of Iraqi club players has been stable for some time. Long periods without improvement in achievement, which prompted the researcher to contribute to developing some solutions that may contribute to the development of achievement. The study aimed to prepare a proposed training program to develop stride length and frequency and to complete the 100-meter freestyle run. On this basis, the researcher assumes the presence of statistically significant differences in the variables investigated and in favor of the post-test. As for the research methodology, the researcher used the experimental method with one group, as the sample was chosen intentionally, represented by the players of the Diyala Short Distance Club, who numbered 6 players out of 8, as it was conducted on them. The pre-tests were conducted and the training program was applied to them. After completing the application of the program prepared by the researcher, the post-tests were conducted and the results were processed statistically, placed in tables, analyzed and discussed.</p> Lec. Walid Abdul Razzaq Jabbar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 893 903 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.893-903 The effectiveness of an educational curriculum based on the realistic learning model in the skills of passing and shooting - basketball for female students <p>The research aims to prepare an educational curriculum based on a realistic learning model for the skills of handling and shooting basketball for female students, and to identify the effectiveness of an educational curriculum based on a realistic learning model for the skills of handling and shooting basketball for female students. The researcher hypothesized (there were statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests for the control and experimental research groups in the skills of handling and shooting with a basketball for female students) and (there were statistically significant differences between the results of the post-tests between the two research groups, the control and the experimental, in the skills of handling and shooting with a basketball for female students). The research sample represented first-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls - University of Baghdad, and the researcher concluded (there are significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests for the control and experimental groups, in favor of the post-tests) and (there are significant differences between the control and experimental groups in the results of the post-tests, in favor of the experimental group) The researcher recommends the necessity of using the educational curriculum based on the realistic learning model in learning the two selected skills because of its positive impact.</p> Prof. Dr. Sahar Hur Majid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 904 912 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.904-912 The effect of the pentagram strategy to developing positive thinking and learning the skill of table tennis backhand for students <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the pentagram strategy on developing positive thinking and learning the skill of table tennis backhand for students. And finding the significance of the differences for the two research groups (experimental and control) in developing positive thinking and learning the skill of the backhand kick in table tennis among students in the pre- and post-tests. The researchers used the experimental approach by designing two equal groups with a pre-test and a post-test. The research population consisted of (53) male and female students from the third stage in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Qalam University College 2023/2024, while the research sample was (24) students representing (1 2) Students in the experimental group that used the pentagram strategy in teaching. And (12) students represent the control group that used the imperative method followed in the teaching process. The researchers concluded that the implementation of the Pentagram strategy had an impact on learning the skill of the backhand kick in table tennis for students in the third stage, and contributed clearly to raising their level of performance due to the stages of the Pentagram strategy, which gave a major role to the student in making decisions by relying on developing and activating their positive thinking processes in order to achieve goals. The lesson compared to the traditional method followed by the control group. The two researchers recommended the necessity of introducing the Pentagram strategy into the teaching process.</p> Omar Iyad Taher Asst. Prof. Dr. Amina Karim Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 913 936 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.913-936 The effect of the cognitive stimulant strategy on student's badminton cognitive achievement <p>Scientific research has become one of the most important necessities in our modern society to reach the highest levels in all aspects of life by identifying the various abilities and energies that God Almighty has given to man in an attempt to achieve the greatest possible benefit from scientific theories and their application to serve and develop society. Many sporting events may require a long time to reach a high level of performance. In order to save effort and time, teaching and learning strategies and methods must be used and have an effective impact on academic and cognitive achievement for that event. Learning requires us to develop the basic skills of the game and knowledge of the game, which is represented by cognitive achievement, as it must take its prominent place in the learning process. Because without a level of knowledge of the skill and the rules of the game, the process of learning is difficult for the learner. Here lies the importance of research through applying the strategy of cognitive stimulants and identifying their effect on cognitive achievement to facilitate the skill learning process, as prior knowledge of performance accelerates the learning process through visualization, expectation, and anticipating the performance of the skill with scientific knowledge of it and providing the opportunity for him to practice learning methods and processes himself through his thinking. And his conclusions, using his information to reach logical results.</p> Ghaida Ahmed Jawad Prof. Dr. Hudhayfah Ibrahim Khalil Prof. Dr. Haider Mahmoud Abboud Prof. Dr. Raghda Hamza Al-Saffah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 937 952 The effect of special exercises with aids on the accuracy of shooting for handball juniors <p>The importance of the research is evident in working on finding modern auxiliary training methods that can be relied upon to develop the shooting accuracy of handball players. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce special exercises, modern training devices and means that contribute to the development of the complex offensive skills of the players. The objectives of the research were to prepare special exercises using means to assist in shooting accuracy for handball juniors. Also, identifying the effect of special exercises to help speed up the performance of complex offensive skills for handball youth. The most important conclusions were that exercises on using aids in raising the level of shooting accuracy for handball juniors. The researchers recommend adopting exercises related to the use of assistive devices to raise the level of speed of performance of the offensive skills of handball youth.</p> Ali Adel Abdel Amir Prof. Dr. Atheer Abdullah Al-Lami Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 953 966 Sports bullying and its relationship to the skill of players’ performance on sports fields <p>The research dealt with the concept of sports bullying, its forms, theories explaining it, its causes, and its treatment. The research reached several results, the most prominent of which is that sports bullying is defined as the exploitation of power and force to engage in aggressive behavior by a player or a group of players towards another player. These practices are characterized by repetition, so what happens once does not happen. It may be considered bullying. Bullying may be direct, i.e. face-to-face, and includes physical actions such as hitting and kicking, or verbal actions that include cursing, insults, and insults, or bullying may be indirect, occurring in a way that other players do not notice, but it causes harm and includes spreading rumors, lies, etc. Bullying can also be divided into four main forms: psychological bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, and physical bullying.</p> Sijaad Latif Mahmoud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 967 978 Evaluating the level of physical performance according to specialized physical and motor tests for applicants’ 50m freestyle swimmers <p>The importance of the research lies in evaluating the level of physical-motor performance according to specialized tests to know the strengths and weaknesses of the performance levels in the 50-meter freestyle swimming for the applicant category. Therefore, the importance of the research was evident in the evaluation process using tests and measurement and how to obtain grades and convert them into standards and levels for specialized tests designed (physical). -Kinematics) reflects the condition of a real swimmer. The researchers used the descriptive survey method to achieve the research objectives. The research sample included swimmers from the Baghdad-Maysan clubs for the 2023/2024 sports season. The SPSS Ver 21 statistical package was used and a set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which is that specialized physical and motor tests are the best way to determine the true condition of swimmers in the physical and motor aspects. The levels set by the researchers represent the true level of the swimmers’ physical and motor capabilities. The most important recommendations are the adoption of specialized tests and levels set by researchers. Establishing standard levels for all methods of swimming, including physical, motor, and skill aspects.</p> Asst. Lec. Wissam Halil Manati Prof. Dr. Ali Farhan Hussein Asst. Prof. Dr. Mekki Jabbar Odeh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 979 1008 The effect of exercises using a balance pillow on the speed-specific strength of the arms and legs, some biomechanical variables, and the human wheel performance of gymnasts aged 7-9 years <p>The research aimed to prepare exercises using a balance pillow and to identify the effect of these exercises on the strength and speed of the arms and legs, some bio-kinematic variables, and the human wheel performance of gymnasts over 7 years of age. These exercises were applied for a period of two months, at the rate of three training units per week, on the research sample, which was (12) players aged from 7 to 9 years. They were chosen intentionally, and some tests related to the research topic were conducted regarding the biomechanical variables affecting the performance of the human wheel skill. The results showed significant differences in favor of the post-tests in both the strength and speed of the arms and legs, the performance of the human wheel, and the biokinematic variables (the angle of inclination of the torso at the moment of fulcrum with the driving foot, the knee angle of the fulcrum leg at the moment the hand contacts the ground, the horizontal distance between the fulcrum foot and the point of contact of the first hand with the ground, The angular velocity of the snapping leg, the time taken between the contact of the first and second hand, the angle between the open legs at the moment of the handstand).</p> Asst. Lec. Fatima Al-Zahra Nafaat Abd Prof. Dr. Aintisar Kadhem Abdel Karim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1009 1027 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence and its relationship to psychological burnout and some basic skills for football students <p>Many educational and psychological studies have focused on knowing the variables and factors influencing the educational and training process. Bodily-kinetic intelligence and psychological burnout are among the basic variables that determine the activity and ability of the player in correct motor behavior and performance. Therefore, it is assumed that any player, when practicing any sporting activity, has a level of intelligence. In proportion to the goal behind this, reaching a degree of achievement. Since players vary in the degree of their possession of the level of bodily-kinetic intelligence, this leads to the emergence of a discrepancy in achieving the required performance, especially among students, and given the weakness of its diagnosis and the lack of knowledge of coaches about the importance of the impact of the level of bodily-kinetic intelligence among student football players in an objective manner, which It is necessary to know the extent of the impact of this characteristic in the sports field. The research problem lies in answering the following question: Is there a relationship between physical-kinesthetic intelligence and psychological burnout in football? Is there a relationship between physical-kinesthetic intelligence and some basic football skills for students?</p> Sarmad Fadel Prof. Dr. Ihab Falah Talib Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1028 1044 A comparative analysis study between breathing for one arm cycle and three cycles in some biokinematic variables for 50-meter freestyle swimming for Iraqi youth national team swimmers <p>The research aimed to identify the values ​​of some biokinematic variables and the achievement using one breath, one cycle, three arm cycles, and one breath in the 50m freestyle swimming for men. A comparison between the values ​​of some biokinetic variables and performance using the types of breathing used in the 50m freestyle swimming for young Iraqi national team swimmers. The researchers assumed that there were significant differences between some biokinetic variables and the two achievements of different types of breathing for one arm cycle, three cycles, and one breath in the 50-meter freestyle swimming for the Iraqi youth team. The comparative descriptive approach was used using the analytical survey method to suit it and the research problem. The research community included young Iraqi national team swimmers in freestyle swimming, from whom five (5) swimmers were taken.</p> Prof. Dr. Arif Mohsen Al-Hasawi Asst. Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Amin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1045 1057 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1045-1057 The effect of the divided task strategy on mental alertness and learning the skill of defending the volleyball court for female students <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the divided task strategy on mental alertness and learning the skill of defending the volleyball court for female students. The researcher used the experimental approach based on the design of two equal groups, and the main research sample consisted of (30) female students during the second semester of the academic year (2023). -2024) It was divided equally into two groups, one of which was control, studied using the usual method, and the other was experimental, studied using the divided-task strategy. The research tool was applied, which is a measure of mental alertness and tests of technical performance and accuracy for the skill of defending the court in volleyball. Complete research procedures were followed and then the results were extracted, which were processed using appropriate statistical means. In light of this, the research reached several conclusions, the most important of which were: The divided tasks strategy contributed in a positive way to increasing mental alertness and learning the skill of defending the court with volleyball, in addition to the emergence of a significant superiority for the experimental group that followed the divided tasks strategy over the control group in mental alertness and the skill of defending the court with volleyball. The research concluded with a number of recommendations. Among the most important are: It is necessary to adopt a strategy of divided tasks in the educational units for volleyball because of its role in developing mental alertness and learning the skill of defending the court, with the need to adopt a mental alertness scale prepared to measure this variable among female students on a regular and continuous basis.</p> Lec. Dr. Alia Hussein Farhan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1058 1078 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1058-1078 The effect of the educational props strategy to harmonious behavior and learning the skill of receiving the volleyball serves for students <p>The research aimed to prepare a measure of harmonious behavior for students, as well as identifying the effect of the educational props strategy on harmonious behavior and learning the skill of receiving a volleyball serve for students. The research sample consisted of (24) students who were equally distributed into two groups, the first an experimental group that worked with the educational props strategy, and the second a control group that worked In the usual manner, the equivalence process was conducted in the research variables: Harmonic behavior, technical performance, and accuracy of receiving the volleyball serve. The results were processed using appropriate statistical methods, and among the most important conclusions reached by the researcher are: The use of the educational supports strategy contributed in a positive way to improving the behavior of the members of the experimental group. The members of the experimental group that adopted the educational props strategy also outperformed the members of the control group in the variables of harmonious behavior, technical performance, and accuracy of the skill of receiving the serve with volleyball. Among the most important recommendations recommended by the researcher are: the necessity of employing the new strategies by including them in the academic curricula for the students of the second stage, in addition to about introducing the educational pillars strategy and adopting it in educational units to develop harmonious behavior and learn the skill of receiving a volleyball serve.</p> Lec. Dr. Fadia Abdel Hussein Kadhem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1079 1097 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1079-1097 The effect of a psychomotor approach of basketball to self-efficacy and some basic movements for female students aged (14-15) years <p>The research aimed to prepare a measure of self-efficacy for female students aged (14-15) years, as well as to identify the effect of the psychomotor approach in basketball on self-efficacy and some basic movements for female students aged (14-15) years. The research sample consisted of female students in the second middle school year. Al-Aqeedah High School for Girls in Al-Rusafa II for the academic year (2023-2024), numbering (24) students from the original research community, numbering (128) students. Pre-tests were conducted on the two groups, and then the equivalence in the dependent research variables was extracted. After that, the vocabulary of the psychomotor approach in basketball was applied within the educational units, which numbered (10) units, at the rate of two educational units per week, and the time of each unit was (45) minutes, and after the end of the duration of the educational units. Posttests were conducted. The researcher came up with several conclusions, the most important of which was: The psychomotor approach to basketball played an effective and significant role in the self-efficacy and jumping, throwing, and standing movements of second-year middle school female students aged (14-15) years. The researcher recommended the need to adopt the psychomotor approach to basketball and apply it to middle school female students during physical education lessons, paying attention to the female students’ self-efficacy and strengthening it through psychological preparation programs linked to physical education curricula in middle schools.</p> Asst. Lec. Maryam Abdel Rahman Hashem Hadid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1098 1114 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1098-1114 The effect of competitive playing exercises to developing some motor and skill abilities for players of the Talent Specialized Football Center aged (13-14) years <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of competitive playing exercises in developing some of the motor and skill abilities of the players of the Specialized Center in Football at the age of (13-14) years. The researcher used the experimental approach by designing two equal groups using pre- and post-measurement, and the sample was chosen randomly from the players of the Specialized Center in Football. (13-14) years old in Baghdad (24) were divided into two groups: control and experimental, each group included (12) players. The researcher conducted pre-tests for the research sample, and then the training items were implemented at a rate of (4) units per week for a period of (5) weeks, and the time of the training unit was (90) minutes. After completion, post-tests were conducted, and the results were extracted, which were processed using appropriate statistical means. The researcher concluded Several conclusions, including: Competitive playing exercises played a major role in developing some of the motor and skill abilities of the experimental group members. The members of the experimental group that followed competitive playing exercises also outperformed the members of the control group in all research variables. The researcher recommended several recommendations, the most important of which are: applying competitive playing exercises to the players of the Specialized Football Center to develop their motor and skill abilities, the necessity of searching for other training methods and methods that contribute In developing motor and skill abilities in football and improving them to reach the highest level of sports performance.</p> Haider Hussein Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1115 1133 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1115-1133 The reality of sports injuries among first-class football referees in the Iraqi Premier League <p>Sports injuries of all kinds that occur to football referees are a phenomenon that calls for the attention of all those responsible for managing sports activities by identifying the reality and most important sports injuries that occur and providing methods and means that work to treat and rehabilitate them and limit their occurrence in the future. The importance of the research lies in identifying the reality and most important common sports injuries that football referees are exposed to by preparing a questionnaire form for the most important types of different sports injuries and the period of occurrence of the injury that football referees may be exposed to during the season, the most common of which is among referees and first-class assistant referees. The researcher prepared a questionnaire for the most common injuries among football referees in the first division of the Iraqi Premier League for the season (2022-2023 AD) to identify the rates of injuries and the most important and common injuries that Premier League referees are exposed to and the period of their occurrence during (preparation - match - tests) so that we can establish The appropriate scientific solutions for them, after they were prepared in detail and presented to the experts to seek their opinions and correct them before distributing them to the research sample. The questionnaire form was distributed to all first-class referees accredited by the Central Iraqi Football Federation and the Central Referees Committee of the Federation to arbitrate matches for the Iraqi Premier League for the season (2022-2023 AD), who number (170) referees from all governorates of Iraq.</p> Mustafa Mohsen Falih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1134 1146 Psychological hesitation and its relationship to digital achievement of the 100 m hurdles event <p>The research aimed to identify the reality of psychological hesitation for fourth-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and to identify psychological hesitation and its relationship to the digital achievement of the 100-meter hurdles running event for fourth-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The nature of the problem to be researched determines the nature of the method, and the researcher used the descriptive method using the (correlational relationship) method. The objectives set by the researcher for his research and the procedures he uses will determine the nature of the chosen sample. Therefore, the selection of the sample is always linked to its representation of the original community and the possibility of generalizing its results to the group from which it was taken. The community of origin represents the students of the fourth stage of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Diyala, who number (281) male and female students. Research sample: The research population was chosen intentionally, as it numbered (58) female students, and (4) female students were excluded for not attending, so that the number of the experimental sample became (48) female students and the number of members of the exploratory sample was (5) female students. Through the results, the researcher concluded that psychological hesitation appeared clearly on all female students in the research sample, but in different proportions, and there is an effect on achievement in the 100m hurdles running event for women due to the presence of the trait of psychological hesitation among the members of the research sample, and there is an inverse correlation: the greater the psychological hesitation, the lower the digital achievement. This is what appeared in the research sample.</p> Asst. Lec. Othman Mahjoub Khalaf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1147 1160 The effect of educational games on some visual abilities in handball for players aged (13-15) years <p>The importance of the research lies in the use of educational games by developing exercises in educational units because they have a role in raising the level of visual abilities of young handball players, which the players need in the match in a way that is appropriate to the different playing situations and which is important for the player to receive the responses and stimuli surrounding him. Such a type of game that includes a visual aspect will bear fruit for young players, especially if these games are exciting and diverse, they will achieve the best results in the future. As for the research problem: Through the experience of the researchers, who are experienced in the field of the game, they found that most players have weakness in visual abilities, especially during the match and the performance of offensive skills in making decisions in the match. Accordingly, the researchers decided to use educational games and study their effect on some visual abilities, which is a step towards introducing educational games into educational units in a way that is appropriate for these age groups. When the study aimed to identify the effect of educational games on some visual abilities in handball for players aged (13-15) years, the research methodology was: The researchers used the experimental method in the manner of two equal groups (control - experimental) with two pre- and post-tests. The research sample was represented by lottery and the specialist center of Najaf Governorate was chosen. They numbered (26) players and after excluding the goalkeepers (2), the number of the sample became ( 24 players. The sample was randomly divided into two equal groups, the first a control group and the second an experimental group, with (12) players for each group.</p> Haider Rushd Madloul Prof. Dr. Hassim Abdul Jabbar Saleh Prof. Dr. Abeer Ali Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1161 1177 Designing exercises in the (S-A-O) style in some bio-kinetic abilities and endurance skill performance for young football players <p>The development of the level of global sports in recent decades did not come randomly, but rather was and is an inevitable result of using scientific research methods and proper planning by employing the foundations and principles of modern science. Accordingly, sports scientific research has tended towards studying the various applications of science, including training science and physiology in order to Benefiting from it in the sports training process. Since physiologists have explained and shown us the composition of the human body and the vital systems it contains, and each of the body’s systems performs a specific function or several functions, what is important for us is to know how this system performs its function. In addition to analyzing the function of doing this and trying to explore its mechanism and the factors that affect the work activities of these devices. Given the multiplicity and diversity of training curricula followed by coaches at the club and national team levels and the overlap of these curricula with each other, the impact of each of them has become a serious case for addressing specific requirements in order to develop the level of players.</p> Jasib Sultan Ali Prof. Dr. Rafid Abdul Amir Naji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1177 1190 Measuring the quality of scouting work in the General Directorates of Baghdad Education from the point of view of wooden badge holders <p>The study aimed to: construct a measure of the level of quality of scouting work in the General Directorates of Baghdad Education from the point of view of the wooden badge holders. The two researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey method. The current research population is determined by the scout leaders who hold the wooden badge in the Baghdad Education Directorate, who number (140) male and female leaders. The survey sample was (10), the construction sample was (90), and the application sample was (40). The researchers concluded that there was a positive and significant correlation between the statements of the scale of the quality of scouting work for holders of the wooden badge in the directorates of Baghdad Education, and that the scout leaders of the holders of the wooden badge in the directorates of Baghdad Education enjoyed a good level of Quality of scouting work. In light of the conclusions reached by the researchers, they recommend the following: The researchers recommend adopting a measure of the quality of scouting work and distributing it to all countries due to its clear potential in measuring the quality of scouting work. Paying attention to measuring the quality of scouting work periodically in the directorates because it needs more evaluation during the coming period for medium and good levels to emerge. That is, there is potential to develop it significantly. Department heads in the directorates must organize educational workshops to increase awareness of the quality of scouting work to achieve a higher quality of work than what appeared in the research results.</p> Alaa Karim Yas Asst. Prof. Dr. Nibal Karim Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1190 1221 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1190-1221 Analysis of the distribution of force pressure on the feet and some kinematic variables for the approach phase of the last three steps before the two phases (planting the stick and rising) and their relationship to the completion of the pole vault event <p>Our study aimed to focus on analyzing the most important mechanical indicators for the distribution of force pressure in the feet (kinetics) and analyzing some kinematic variables for the approach run phase for the last three steps before the stage of planting the stick and rising. In light of this, the biomechanical indicators affecting them and the percentage of their contribution to achieving the effectiveness of the pole vault are determined through the use of Dynafoot3 system and video recording with a camera using motion analysis programs as a means to solve the problem. The objectives of the research are to identify the relationship between the distribution of force pressure in the feet and the kinematic variables in achieving the approach stage for the last three steps before the stages of planting the pole and rising in the effectiveness of the pole vault, and to identify the percentage of contribution of the distribution of force pressure to the feet and the kinematic variables in achieving the approach stage of the last three steps before the stages of planting the pole and rising. In the pole vault event.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Sabah Mahdi Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1222 1258 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1222-1258 The effect of using hypermedia on developing some sensory-motor cognitive abilities and learning theart of performing a number of basic offensive skills of basketball <p>The aim of the research is to reveal the differences in pre- and post-tests in developing kinesthetic perception and learning the art of performing some basic basketball skills for the experimental and control groups.&nbsp; Also revealing the differences in post-tests between the experimental and control groups in developing kinesthetic perception and learning the art of performing some basic basketball skills. The researchers used experimental research to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research sample consisted of (16) learners from the Sennacherib Sports Club Academy. The researchers used the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and T-value for the independent and linked group to extract the results. The researchers concluded that there were significant differences between the pre- and post-tests of the two research groups in developing kinesthetic perception and learning the art of performing some basic offensive skills in basketball, and that no differences appeared in the post-test of kinesthetic perception between the experimental and control groups, while the experimental group outperformed the control group in Posttest skills test.</p> Syzar Suleiman Isahac Asst. Prof. Dr. Khaled Muhammad Shaaban Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1259 1287 Effect of special exercises according to mental maps to develop tactical behavior and some fast attack skills of handball for players <p>The importance of the research focused on preparing special exercises according to mental maps to develop tactical behavior and some fast attack skills of handball for players. As for the research problem, and through the field researcher's follow-up to many educational units for many clubs, he noticed a difficulty in the tactical behavior of the players, as well as some of the players' fast attack skills of handball. While the objectives of the research were to prepare special exercises according to mental maps, as well as knowing the effect of these exercises in developing the tactical behavior and some fast attack skills of handball for the players. The researcher hypothesized that there is an effect of special exercises according to mental maps in developing tactical behavior and some fast attack skills of handball for players. As for the research methodology, the researcher used the experimental method with two experimental and control groups with two tests, pre and post. The research community was identified with young handball players in the Kufa Sports Club aged (16-18) years for the sports season 2020-2021, who are 16 players. The sample was divided into two groups (experimental and control) with seven players for each group.</p> Lec. Dr. Ali Radhi Abdul Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1288 1303 The effect of the practical demonstration strategy to motor coordination and the development of the throw-in and football passing skills for students <p>The importance of the research lies in finding the relationship between motor coordination and free kick performance from a standstill in football. As for the research problem, the usual methods of teaching football constitute a routine method that is often boring for many students. Given that the researcher is a student at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Kufa, and through his experience in learning the effectiveness of football. It was noted that there is a weakness in the level of students’ awareness of this subject, and the use of the practical presentation strategy is appropriate for the topics of learning football skills, especially in the applied aspects, or which may help students in retrieving and memorizing information better. As for the research objectives: identifying the effect of educational supports on motor coordination. In developing the throw-in and football handling skills for students, As for the research methodology, the researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of the research problem and by designing equal experimental and control groups, with the same pre-test. The research population was limited to third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Kufa, for the academic year 2023/2024, who numbered (42). Student, the research sample was selected by a simple random method, and its number reached (22) students who were divided by lottery into two groups (11) students for each group. The most important recommendations are activating the use of educational pillars in teaching educational curricula in the academic stages to develop students’ skills.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Aqeel Kadhem Hadi Al-Fahham Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1304 1327 The effect of complex exercises with assistive devices to the most important motor abilities and learning the skill of shooting of futsal for female students <p>The research aimed to prepare complex exercises with aids in the most important motor abilities and learning the skill of scoring in futsal for female students, and to identify the effect of combined exercises with aids in the most important motor abilities and learning the scoring skill in futsal for female students. The researchers used the experimental approach with equal groups to suit the nature of the research problem. and achieve its goals. The researchers reached the following conclusions that combined exercises using aids have proven effective in developing agility and accuracy of the indoor soccer scoring skill for female players. Combined exercises using aids increased the enthusiasm, excitement and suspense of the learners, which was reflected positively in improving the agility and scoring skill with indoor soccer for female players. significantly and effectively, The development of motor and skill abilities has been positively reflected in improving the skills and scoring in futsal soccer for female players. Researchers recommend the necessity of adopting complex exercises using aids to develop the motor and skill abilities of female futsal soccer students. Emphasizing the introduction of assistive devices during the educational and training process to develop the motor and skill abilities of female soccer students. Football for futsal, emphasizing the conduct of continuous periodic tests of the motor and skill abilities of female futsal football students.</p> Zeina Alaa Taher Prof. Dr. Nagham Saleh Niema Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Saleh Najm Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1328 1337 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1328-1337 The effect of educational exercises using auxiliary means on some of the student's epee fencing motor abilities <p>Fencing is one of the games that has its own sporting, social, psychological and educational requirements and goals, as it is practiced according to certain laws, movement paths and special regulatory rules that require its practitioners to have some special and distinctive physical and movement variables in order for the player to maintain his physical and motor level and be able to progress technically towards optimal skill performance to reach To achieve the best results, the research problem was formulated. Through the researchers on the sample, as one of the coaches of the age groups who supervises the youth group, she noticed that these players had reached a stage of lack of development, so the researchers decided to use different means of assistance in order to change the pattern that was used for them to learn until their motor abilities and skill performance developed, as the research aims To the effect of educational exercises using auxiliary means on some of the students’ epee fencing motor abilities, the researchers used the experimental method by designing two equal groups to suit the nature of the problem. The research population was determined by the students of the third stage of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for the academic year (2023-2024), who numbered (24 students). The researchers deliberately divided them into two groups by a simple random method.</p> Taiba Faisal Jaber Prof. Dr. Anis Hussein Ali Asst. Prof. Dr. Issam Talib Abbas Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1338 1351 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1338-1351 The level of performance of complex skills in football as a function of students’ situational embarrassment <p>The current study aimed to prepare a measure of situational embarrassment among first-stage students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, standardize complex skills in soccer, and a measure of situational embarrassment among first-stage students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, and identify the level of performance of complex skills in soccer. situational embarrassment among students. Knowing the relationship between situational embarrassment on the one hand and the level of performance of complex skills in football on the other hand for students, predicting the level of performance of complex skills in terms of situational embarrassment for students. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the style of survey and correlational relations to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research community included first-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon for the academic season (2023-2024), numbering (274) students, and since the process of selecting the sample is closely related to the nature and community of the research, so the researchers chose the research sample by a simple random method. The number of sample members was (110) students, from the research community, divided into (10) students, a sample for the exploratory experiment, and (100) students, a sample for numbers, codification, and application. To extract the results, the data was transcribed and processed statistically using the statistical package (SPSS).</p> Aqeel Abbas Kadhem Prof. Dr. Haider Abdel Redha Trad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1352 1378 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1352-1378 The effect of the educational guidance package to learning freestyle swimming for students <p>The educational portfolio is one of the means of self-education, and it is an educational system with content that helps learners achieve educational goals on their own and according to their abilities and needs. It helps in self-learning according to gradual steps from easy to difficult, so that it guides the learner and facilitates the self-learning process for him. Psychological counseling is an organized and planned process that aims to help the learner understand himself, know his abilities, develop his skills, solve his problems, and achieve his goals within the framework of societal values ​​and the general goals of education in society, and then achieve psychological, educational, professional, and social compatibility for the counselee. From the above, the importance of research is evident in the use of an educational method that includes educational and psychological aspects to create an environment that suits learners and reduces the effort and time in learning freestyle swimming for students.</p> Ali Aidan Mahdi Kadhem Prof. Dr. Haitham Hussein Abdel Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1379 1388 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1379-1388 The effect of exercises with auxiliary tools to learn the Floater Shot of basketball for players under the age of 14 years <p>The game of basketball is one of the competitive sports activities characterized by variable motor performance. The nature of performance in the game of basketball requires high coordination of all physical motor and skill requirements in changing playing conditions, as it is one of the games with changing situations. These situations require the player to have the ability to perform many quick movements and complex skills, whether performing with or without the ball, and according to the law of the game, basketball requires physical and motor abilities. Basketball is one of the games that is characterized by its abundance of basic skills that determine the team’s performance and success. Through the method of its performance and the extent of the interrelation between the components of physical fitness and the skill and tactical aspects, This depends on the extent of mastery of the motor performance of the basic offensive and defensive skills alike, knowing that the skills of this game require quick reactions in performance according to the different requirements and conditions of play. Sports games and events are never devoid of harmony and harmony in the performance of their skills and movements by the creative athletes. If we examine the method of implementing motor abilities, we will find that each motor ability uses a group or group of physical abilities, but with different rhythms. It is also an indication of the extent of the efficiency of performance of basic motor skills and skills related to a specific activity that are acquired or present, such as flexibility, agility, balance, and speed of response, and training and practice are the basis. It develops according to the individual's physical, sensory and cognitive capabilities</p> Fatima Khaled Obaid Prof. Dr. Mazen Hadi Kazar Prof. Dr. Sajjad Hussein Nasser Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1389 1401 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1389-1401 A comparative study between different timing devices for completing the 100-meter freestyle race for runners under 20 years old <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The training process has recently developed, as training has become dependent on modern devices that affect the type of performance, in addition to relying on modern methods that were previously unfamiliar. Therefore, training and preparing athletes is an important and necessary matter in order for them to rise to high levels of physical and skill preparation, which qualifies them to compete with high efficiency. On this basis, achievements have developed with the development of training science and its interaction with other sciences in the service of achieving the training process. One of the events that has witnessed great development in the field of athletics is the 100m event, as this event is characterized by complex performance. Sprinting events are among the most exciting and thrilling athletics events due to the strong competition in them. Accuracy in timing sports events is an essential element in determining winners and evaluating athletic performance. Since the emergence of sports races, many methods have been invented to ensure timing accuracy, starting with manual timing that depends on human reaction, and reaching advanced technological devices such as the photofinish device. Running races require extreme accuracy in measuring time to ensure fairness and accuracy in results, as timing plays a crucial role in determining winners and achieving records. Running competitions require high accuracy in timing to ensure fairness in results. In this study, the accuracy of three types of devices used in timing the 100-meter race for youth was compared: a new innovative device, the traditional photofinishing device, and manual timing.</p> <p>The importance of the research lies in the manufacture of a timing device similar to the work of the photofinishing device by the researchers and conducting a comparison in timings between the different devices used in the races (photofinish device, manual timing) in addition to the device invented by the researchers.</p> Al-Mustafa Subaih Hussein Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Hassan Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 17 4 1402 1413 10.33170/jocope.v17i4.1402-1413