Journal of College of Physical Education <div class="lRu31" dir="ltr"><span class="HwtZe" lang="en"><span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">The Journal of Physical Education Sciences was established, issued by the Deanship of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">Iraq in 2002 by issuing the first issue of the magazine, and 15 years after its founding, the magazine still continues to issue four issues annually, in addition to its contribution to issuing special issues for the scientific conferences hosted by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, namely the Fourteenth Scientific Conference 2011 for colleges and departments of physical education.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d"><span class="ryNqvb">In Iraq and the International Scientific Conference for Sports Sciences 2014.</span></span></span> <div class="OvtS8d"> </div> <div id="ow1457"> </div> </div> <div class="UdTY9 WdefRb" aria-hidden="true" data-location="2"> </div> Babylon University / College of Physical Education en-US Journal of College of Physical Education 1992-0695 The effects of post-traumatic psychological and its relationship to balance and accuracy shooting of football among students of physical education and sports sciences - Diyala Universit <p>The research aimed to identify the effects of post-traumatic psychological and its relationship to balance and accuracy shooting of&nbsp; football among students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala. The research community reached (280) students from the first stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala for the academic year (2023-2024). The research sample was divided into an exploratory study and its number was (16) students. The sample of the main study consisted of (32) students who were exposed to psychological shock from exposure to or witnessing a sports injury. On this basis, the scale of post-traumatic psychological and its relationship to balance and shooting accuracy was used. Students who they were 28 first-year students who were exposed to trauma. The research procedures required the use of a psychological trauma scale and a balance test, as well as accuracy shooting of&nbsp; football test for first-stage students. With regard to the test results, there is a negative correlation between psychological, balance, and accuracy shooting of&nbsp; football. The researchers concluded the effects of post-traumatic psychological on balance and accuracy shooting of&nbsp; football among students. Students of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala. The researchers recommend emphasizing the importance of using psychological skills training for its success in dealing with people who have been exposed to psychological.</p> Asst. Lec. Hisham Raad Fakhry Lec. Ahmed Oraibi Al-Kurtani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 7 23 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.7-23 The effect of rehabilitation exercises in aquatic environment on some physiological and physical variables for athletes with chronic knee joint pain <p>The research aims to find out the effect of rehabilitation exercises in the aquatic environment on some physiological and physical variables for athletes with chronic knee joint pain. The research sample was randomly selected for athletes with chronic knee joint pain whose ages ranged between 18-28 years and their number was (10) athletes from males suffering from this pain, The researchers used the experimental method as it is the most appropriate method to solve the research problem. The sample was divided into two groups of equal number, each with (5) infected persons. The first group was rehabilitated under the supervision of the researchers, and the second group was rehabilitated independently, and pre-tests were carried out after the goal of the study was explained. The research for the participants and obtaining their official approval took place on 12/1/2023, and the post-tests were on 3/1/2024 in the Spanish swimming pool located in Babil Governorate, Hilla District, in the Al-Iskan area. The tests included some physical variables, such as a 6-minute walk and a heart stress test. The researchers concluded that training in the aquatic environment on a regular basis in swimming pools and under the supervision of researchers affects the variables mentioned above, and that self-training leads to obtaining inefficient results due to the sample’s lack of commitment to training on an ongoing basis.</p> Muhammad Amer Abbas Prof. Dr. Ammar Hamza Hadi Prof. Dr. Asaad Hussein Abdel Razzaq Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 24 34 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.24-34 The extent of the application of sustainable development by deans of colleges of physical education and sports sciences from the point of view of faculty members in Babylon, Kufa, and Al-Qadisiyah. <p>The research aimed to know the extent of applying sustainable development to the colleges of physical education and sports sciences in (Babylon, Kufa, and Al-Qadisiyah) from the point of view of faculty members. The human field consisted of faculty members in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences in Babylon, Kufa, and Al-Qadisiyah. The research was applied for the period from 10/22/2023 until 12/22/2023. In the colleges of physical education (Babylon, Kufa, Al-Qadisiyah). The researchers concluded that properly delegating some of the powers granted by academic leaders to department heads in the college helps facilitate the proper functioning of procedures, and there is initiative and functional creativity in sustainable development that plays a decisive role on the part of decision-makers in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences, which helps in taking over Leading the college in the right direction and strategic transformation among faculty members. The researchers recommended the need to strengthen the leadership role of decision-makers in colleges of physical education and sports sciences through coexistence with international colleges that have a distinguished global classification at the level of higher education, and the need to involve faculty members in decision-making, especially when crises occur, and to conduct courses and workshops on the importance of motivational leadership methods. In arousing faculty members.</p> Asst. Lec. Alaa Arian Hassan Asst. Prof. Dr. Mudar Abdel Baqi Salem Asst. Prof. Dr. Sanaa Jabbar Cata Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 35 48 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.35-48 The effect of training with a weight vest in terms of mechanical energy to developing some biomechanical indicators among specialized school athletes in the 100m event <p>Trainers and researchers in the sports field usually search for everything new and modern to improve sports performance and training. The weight vest represents a modern trend in training, as exercise programs must be combined to suit the requirements of the sport practiced and take into account two important principles, the principle of muscle function and the principle of specificity, while improving neuromuscular compatibility. Maintaining the balance and stability of the body, and training with a weighted vest helps in accustoming the working muscles to performing at a speed higher than the ability of the players’ biomechanical variables, which prompted the researcher to study this problem and find successful solutions to it. The study aimed to prepare weight bra exercises and determine their effect on the biomechanical variables and kinetic energy of the players. The experiment was applied to a sample of (8) players from the Specialized School of Athletics in the 100 m event. The researcher assumed that there were significant differences in the research variables between the pre- and post-tests, and the researcher concluded that the weight bra had an effective effect. In improving biomechanical indicators and improving mechanical energy, the researcher recommended the necessity of adopting weight-bearing chest exercises in other track and field events.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahlam Sadiq Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 48 85 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.48-85 The effect of ischemia training on some hormones and physiological variables before and after the effort among wrestling players <p>This study addressed several axes, including the introduction to the research and its importance, which lies in the use of special exercises using the method associated with ischemia. The importance of research lies in preparing special exercises by working in this manner of stress exercises associated with ischemia, and the rest period is positive. If the researcher believes that it affects the force endurance of wrestling players, in addition to the fact that it develops other qualities that require less time than force endurance. Therefore, these exercises improve the athlete’s ability to complete the fight in the best possible condition, in terms of his outstanding strength endurance performance, which is reflected in the efficiency of the functional systems. This requires the athlete to perform better in both functional and skill aspects throughout the fight. Through the researcher's experience, it was noted that there is a weakness in the functional aspect, and this weakness in the functional aspect leads to the inability of the player to continue performing until the end of the fight. Therefore, the researcher decided to prepare special exercises using the ischemia method (hyperperfusion and hyperperfusion) that would have a positive effect on the strength endurance and performance of wrestling players. As well as improving the functional aspect, the research aims to prepare exercises using the method associated with ischemia for wrestling players and to identify the effect of these exercises on the strength endurance and performance of wrestling players.</p> Asst. Lec. Jalal Kamel Abboud Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 59 73 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.59-73 Designing a visual accuracy test for the Loop Shot skill among advanced table tennis players <p>The research aimed to design a visual accuracy test for the (Loop Shot) skill among advanced table tennis players. The researcher used the descriptive approach in order to suit the nature of the research. The research sample was chosen intentionally from players of the Premier Class (advanced category) table tennis clubs, who numbered (33). Players representing the Northern Region club teams. The researcher used scientific sources and references, content analysis, questionnaire, testing and measurement, and conducting statistical treatments. The researcher concluded that designing a test for the visual accuracy of the Loop Shot skill among advanced table tennis players, which has validity, consistency and objectivity coefficients and is suitable for use at higher levels and for the category of advanced tennis players. Through the conclusions, the researcher recommends using this test to measure and evaluate the level of visual accuracy of the Loop Shot skill among advanced table tennis players at the upper levels and for the advanced category. The researcher recommends the necessity of benefiting from this test in other fields when developing training programs to serve this event.</p> Asst. Lect. Jamal Talal Ghazal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 74 91 The effect of using the McCarthy model (4 MAT) to learning some basic Volleyball skills for fifth-grade secondary school students <p>The researcher conducted his research entitled (The effect of using the McCarthy model (4 MAT) in learning some basic skills in volleyball for students in the fifth year of secondary school), which aimed to use a modern teaching strategy based on the McCarthy model (4 MAT) in learning and developing some basic skills in the game. Volleyball for fifth grade students. As well as identifying the effect of this strategy on learning, the researcher used the experimental approach by designing the experimental and control groups and with pre- and post-tests. He chose the research population in an intentional way, namely the students of the fifth year of secondary school at Zaid Al-Nar Secondary School for Boys in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate, and the total number of students was (67). The sample number was (60) students, from whom the sample was chosen randomly. They were divided into two groups, control and experimental, for each group (30) students. After the researcher completed his educational program, he conducted the post-tests.</p> Lec. Dr. Hussein Jassim Jawaid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 92 107 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.92-107 Emotional arousal and its relationship to emotional balance among the University of Babylon football team <p>There is no doubt that the feeling of security, reassurance, and self-confidence for any player in general, and the football player in particular, without threats, lack of tension, and lack of anxiety before and during competition, helps in efficient performance and increased giving, and the opposite is true, given the psychological pressures exerted on players by sports competition, which leads to Their tension, excitement, and threat to their security from one moment to another, depending on the circumstances of the match and its importance. This usually leads to the players’ excitement and emotion, which may negatively or positively affect their performance, as emotional situations during sports competitions at high levels always have their emotional effects reflected according to their degree on the player’s situation. Through this research, does emotional arousal have a relationship with the emotional balance of University of Babylon football team. The research aimed to prepare a measure of emotional arousal among the students of the University of Babylon football team, as well as prepare a measure of emotional balance among the students of the University of Babylon football team. And to find out the relationship between emotional arousal and emotional balance among the students of the University of Babylon football team.</p> Asst. Lec. Sarmad Fadhel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 108 116 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.108-116 The effect of Rondo chains with weighting on some bio-motor abilities of advanced Football players <p>Through the researchers' follow-up of the Kerbala clubs, they noticed a weakness and deficiency in the level of bio-kinetic abilities and in most of their elements, in addition to handling the ball and sometimes the inability to make the right decision. This indicates a clear weakness in terms of sufficient attention to bio-kinetic abilities. The study aimed: to prepare rondo chains with weighting. For advanced Football players, Identifying the effect of rondo chains on some bio-motor abilities of advanced Football players. The researchers used the experimental method by designing two equal groups with pre- and post-tests. The researchers defined the research population as the players of the Karbala second-class clubs applying for the season (2023-2024), who numbered (9) clubs. The researchers chose the research sample intentionally, represented by the 27-player fan club. The researchers divided the sample by a simple random method (lottery) into two groups, experimental and control, and each group contained (10) players after excluding (7) players. As a exploratory experiment, rondo chain exercises were used. With intensity (85-100%), the training continued for a period of 8 weeks, at a rate of 3 training units per week.</p> Sadiq Abdul Amir Kareem Prof. Dr. Hussein Hassoun Abbas Prof. Dr. Khalil Hamid Muhammad Ali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 117 135 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.117-135 The effect of special exercises for antagonistic muscle action according to joint angles on some biomechanical variables and electrical activity of the muscle for the skill of spiking volleyball <p>The importance of the research is to know the effect of special exercises for antagonistic muscle action, as well as the use of an (EMG) device to identify indicators of the electrical activity of antagonistic muscles in the motor performance of the spiking and blocking wall skill. One of the objectives of the research is to identify the effect of special exercises for antagonistic muscle action according to the angles of the joints. In some biomechanical variables for the skill of spiking volleyball. As for the research problem, the research problem was summarized in the researchers noticing the weak performance of the two studied skills. The researchers attribute the reason for this to the consistency that must be provided in muscular work as a mechanical effect of the working muscles, the most important of which are the primary and antagonist motors, according to the style of the joint angles when performing. In addition to identifying the values ​​of the biomechanical variables studied. The researchers used the experimental method to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research population was the specialized school for volleyball in Diwaniyah Governorate. The research sample numbered 20 players, divided into 10 players for the experimental group and 10 players for the control group. Among the conclusions, the special exercises demonstrated the development and improvement of the level of mechanical properties through... Results .</p> Asst. Lec. Alia Hamid Abdel Abbas Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Amir Shubar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 136 152 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.136-152 Iraqi Volleyball in Baghdad at the level of sports clubs (men) and its pioneers for the period from (1991 to 2011) <p>The research focused on studying the history of the game of volleyball in Baghdad Governorate, its most important sports clubs and their results for the period from (1991 to (2011)) and who are the pioneers of the game, as the researchers recorded and documented the local championships for sports teams organized by the Central Iraqi Volleyball Federation and the most important results obtained by those teams. These teams had a long, long history of producing a group of champion athletes who became famous in the game of volleyball. As far as the Baghdad clubs are concerned, the researchers intended to shed light on the history of this game in the Baghdad clubs, especially because these clubs have a long history in the game and graduated players who had a major role in raising the country’s name in internal competitions and external participation. There are several questions: Is there accurate documentation of these participations and the most important results obtained by these sports teams. Is there documentation and recording of the names of the pioneers who represented the national teams during that period? The research aims to know what results the sports clubs in the league achieved throughout that period. The most important results reached by the researchers are that there are many advanced positions obtained by sports clubs in the Iraqi Volleyball League that were not recorded, and there were also many pioneers who represented those clubs whose names were not recorded in the Central Iraqi Federation for the game.</p> Lec. Dr. Omar Saeed Sabbar Asst. Lec. Muhammad Jabbar Muhammad Asst. Prof. Dr. Samah Nour El-Din Issa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 153 168 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.153-168 The effect of educational units using the Dienes model to learning the dribbling and passing skills of handball for students <p>The importance of the current research comes from the fact that it is an applied scientific attempt to use an educational model from the constructivist theory models, which may help students overcome situations and accelerate their learning to reach the desired results to be developed. Through our study, it will become clear to us the importance of this method in learning the skills of dribbling and passing of handball for students and the extent of its contribution to Enriching the teacher with the scientific method through which he can make the educational process successful and keep pace with development in teaching basic skills to students. The research aims to prepare educational units according to the Dienes model in learning the skills of dribbling and passing of handball for first-year intermediate students. The researcher hypothesizes that there are statistically significant differences in the results of the pre- and post-test for the control and experimental groups in learning the skills of dribbling and passing of handball for first-year intermediate students. The researcher used Experimental approach: The research sample consisted of first-year intermediate students. The researcher concluded that the educational units according to the Dienes model had a positive effect on learning the skills of dribbling and passing the handball for students, and that the educational units prepared according to the Dienes model were preferable in teaching the skills of dribbling and passing of handball to the students. In light of the conclusions, the researcher recommends adopting educational units prepared according to the model in learning some basic handball skills for students, and the necessity of using the Dienes model as an important and successful educational model in various educational processes, and the necessity of change and diversification in modern educational models, including the Dienes model, because of its great importance in enriching Learning process</p> Asst. Lec. Firas Hussein Fayyad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 17 2 169 183 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.169-183 The effect of motor learning mechanism to learning some freestyle wrestling holds for beginners <p>The importance of the research was demonstrated in raising the level of technical performance of wrestling players, especially the performance of various grabs, through correct motor learning and in accordance with theories and learning mechanisms, such as the mechanism (mechanism), which teaches us to raise the level of education, and thus we contribute to the education of novice wrestlers. In addition to providing knowledgeable information to teachers and trainers about the importance of turning to educational mechanisms and educational theories on which these ideas are based on how to develop exercises, how to teach them, and how to address errors using feedback and the correct approach in application. The most important objectives of the research were: identifying the effect of the motor learning mechanism on learning some freestyle wrestling holds for beginners. Accordingly, the conclusions were made: - The mechanism of motor learning achieved the scientific goals in motor learning by learning some freestyle wrestling holds for beginners. It was recommended: - Adopting the mechanism of motor learning because it is important in achieving the scientific goals of motor learning through learning some freestyle wrestling holds for beginners</p> Lec. Dr. Farhad Hassan Raheem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 184 194 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.184-194 The effect of competition-style exercises to learning the service skill of Volleyball for female students aged 14-15 years <p>The research aimed to prepare competition-style exercises in learning the volleyball serve skill, as well as prepare competition-style educational units in learning the volleyball serve skill, and to identify the effect of competition-style exercises in learning the volleyball serve skill for female students aged 14-15 years. The experimental approach was used in an equal-group style. To suit it with the research problem. The researcher determined his research population from the female students of the Diyala Educational Volleyball Team, aged 14-15 years, who numbered (20) students. As for the sample, it was chosen intentionally from the female students of the Diyala Educational Volleyball Team, aged 14-15 years, who numbered (14) students, with a percentage of (70%) of the research community. The sample was divided into two groups, where (7) female students were chosen as an experimental group, and (7) female students were chosen as a control group. The researcher, in cooperation with the supervisor, prepared exercises, and it was concluded that using competition-style exercises in learning the skill of serving in volleyball for female students aged 14-15 One year has a great impact on learning the skill of serving from above in volleyball, and the researcher recommends the necessity of adopting the competition method in learning the skill of serving from below in volleyball for the female students of the Diyala Educational Volleyball Team.</p> Asst. Lec. Laith Amer Abdul Jabbar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 194 207 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.194-207 A training curriculum for psychological endurance and the development of some special skills of football for juniors <p>The importance of the study lies in developing a training curriculum for psychological endurance, developing some special skills in football for young people, emphasizing the psychological aspect, taking into account some basic aspects of the personality of young people, enhancing their psychological endurance, and directing them towards achieving their future aspirations and wishes during training and competitions, and representing clubs and national teams by developing some Skill and technical aspects of performance depending on the aspect of sports psychology and activating its role. While the research problem lies, and through the researcher's follow-up on the field, being a former player and current coach of the Pearl Football Academy, and his attendance and knowledge of the training of some private football academies, he noticed that there is great complacency and a clear lack of interest on the part of some coaches, and a lack of focus on the psychological aspects of the juniors. The research aimed to identify the impact of the training curriculum prepared by the researcher in developing psychological endurance among young people and enhancing balance in the performance of some basic skills in football. Based on the results obtained, the researcher concluded that the use of selected exercises within the training program has a positive effect on developing psychological endurance and performing some basic skills in football (for the experimental group). Thus, the researcher recommends the need to use the training curriculum prepared by the researcher in developing psychological endurance on age groups. other.</p> Lec. Dr. Mustafa jawad Mraidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 207 219 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.207-219 The effect of variable resistance exercises to developing some physical abilities and the accuracy and speed of the fencing lunge movement <p>The importance of the research lies in the fact that varying resistance exercises help the player perform movements under changing and different conditions, so that the player is able to confront the various conditions and situations that he is exposed to during the match in a good way. In addition to developing the accuracy and speed of stabbing, as for the research problem, through the researcher’s observation that he is a fencing coach in the Paralympic Committee in Dhi Qar Governorate, he noticed the lack of interest in modern methods of training, especially mixed resistance exercises, so the researcher decided to study this problem by developing mixed resistance exercises to develop physical abilities. And the accuracy and speed of stabbing, which would raise the level of the game to the better. The objectives of the research were to prepare various resistance exercises to develop some physical abilities and the accuracy and speed of stabbing in fencing. And to identify the statistical differences between the pre- and post-tests of the research group for some physical abilities and the accuracy and speed of stabbing in fencing. The researcher adopted the experimental method with a single-group design, and the research population was determined in an intentional way, as the research population included young players in the Specialized Fencing Center in Nasiriyah District, whose ages ranged from 16. - 18 years old and (7) players, all players were selected and represent the research sample (100%) from the original community. One of the most important conclusions is that varying resistance exercises have an effect in developing some of the physical abilities of fencing.</p> Ahmed Abd Jabbar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 220 236 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.220-236 A comparative study of some basic skills for the different lines of play in Outdoor football for the Iraqi women’s national team <p>The study aimed to identify the differences in some basic skills between the Iraqi women’s outdoor team players in the different playing lines (defense - midfield - attack). The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the research problem. The research sample consisted of 26 players and they were tested for some basic skills (dribbling - shooting). The researcher used the necessary equipment and tools for the research and tests, as well as statistical methods for the results, and the conclusions were the female players appeared at a similar level for the different lines of play in the defense line, the midfield line, and the attacking line in the basic skills of, dribbling, and shooting also the attacking and midfield players excelled in the skills of dribbling and shooting, and the defensive players were weak.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Naji Kadhem Ali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 237 245 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.237-245 Psychological tension among female students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Education for Womenin of Swimming <p>The aim of the research is to identify the psychological stress among female students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Education for Womenin for the subject of swimming. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey style for its suitability and the nature of the current research. The research sample was chosen using a comprehensive, intentional enumeration method, as the sample included female students of the first stage in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Sports, College of Education for Womenin. The two researchers obtained (30) questionnaires capable of statistical analysis. The aim of the research is to identify the psychological tension among female students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the College of Education for Womenin for the subject of swimming. The two researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey style for its suitability and the nature of the current research. The research sample was chosen using a comprehensive, intentional enumeration method, as the sample included female students of the first stage in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Sports, College of Education for Womenin. The two researchers obtained (30) questionnaires capable of statistical analysis.</p> Amna Fawaz Ajam Prof. Dr. Nagham Mahmoud Al-Obaidi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 246 254 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.246-254 Building and codifying a positive behavior scale and applying it to players of Premier League football clubs <p>The importance of the research comes in identifying the positive behavior of the players of the Iraqi Premier League football clubs, as it is considered that when a football player has positive behavior, which is represented by some qualities such as psychological reassurance, optimism, patience, and the player’s satisfaction with his athletic performance inside the green rectangle, then he will, without the slightest doubt, achieve all or part of his goals. Its most important goals were to build and codify a positive behavior scale for players of Iraqi Premier League football clubs. The two researchers concluded that the positive behavior scale prepared by the researcher is a good tool for detecting the level of positive behavior possessed by players in the Iraqi Premier Football League. Thus, the researchers recommended the necessity of adopting the positive behavior scale that was built by the researchers and conducting other studies at age stages and benefiting from it for future studies.</p> Ahmed Fareed Abbas Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kadhem Fahd Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 269 281 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.269-281 Study of psychological energy efficiency among excellent handball players <p>The research included an introduction to the research and its importance. It includes the concept of psychological energy, which is important and fundamental, and has a significant impact on the results of behavior and the performance of players. It is one of the important psychological concepts for every person, as every person exerts a lot in order to achieve optimal psychological energy, which is what drives the individual to grow and improve and express himself verbally. Therefore, study and research in this field is a very necessary process to understand the importance of psychological energy, especially among handball players. Research problem: The competitive situation in handball involves describing the psychological methods that aim to control and change the player’s behavior through the experiences and organized training provided to the athlete and attempts to make them feel psychologically stable and find the connection that helps the player to find the integrated development of the player, which is linked to the psychological energy factor and its A role on tactical and skill performance. Psychological energy has an effective impact on what players do in matches, including emotions, fanaticism, and psychological distress. This will therefore affect the players’ behavior by creating a state of tension and lack of psychological calm, and this is reflected in the performance in the match. The study aimed to identify the levels of A measure of the psychological energy of match handball players. The second chapter included theoretical studies similar to the concept of psychological energy. The third chapter included the research methodology and field procedures. The researchers chose the descriptive approach. The research sample included Iraqi Premier League handball players. The fourth chapter included the presentation and discussion of the results, and the fifth chapter included conclusions and recommendations.</p> Saad Khudhair Najd Prof. Dr. Haider Odeh Zaghir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 282 295 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.282-295 The effect of flexibility exercises to rehabilitation the boys with kyphosis <p>Developed countries in the world care deeply about all their people of all ages and work to provide them with health care, providing all services to their citizens, fully aware that all of this will come back to them many times over. The health and physical level of the people is one of the most important measures of progress and progress for every people. The people whose faces have smiles on their faces and whose bodies are characterized by strength and health are the people who await a bright and prosperous future. Stretching exercises or flexibility and flexibility exercises aim to increase muscle elasticity and joint flexibility, especially in cases of muscle shortening or adhesion that impedes the movement of the affected part, as well as cases of joint stiffness when they heal incorrectly after joint injuries, as the accompanying dorsal kyphosis is one of the common deformities that affect the spine. Vertebral column at an early stage of life. Therefore, dorsal kyphosis can be defined as “the exaggerated description of the sagittal curvature present in the thoracic region of the spine, and this is a problem that affects people at an early age between (16-18) years, so the researchers decided to delve into this problem and design exercises that qualify this injury.” As much as possible, therefore, the researchers adopted the experimental approach to the sample within a single group design. The exploratory experiment was conducted in Al-Khalis General Hospital/Physical Therapy Department on (1) of the injured outside the research sample to ensure the ability to perform exercises in therapeutic sports and to identify the ability of the assistant work team. To obtain the results, the researchers processed them by using the SPSS statistical package, and after analyzing the results, the researchers reached conclusions, the most important of which is the effectiveness of flexibility exercises in rehabilitating dorsi kyphosis injury.</p> Prof. Dr. Basil Abdel Sattar Ahmed Kadhem Yasser Kadhem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 296 310 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.296-310 A comparative study into the motivations for women joining to the fitness centers between Saudi and Iraqi women <p>The research aimed to prepare a measure of the motivations for women to join fitness centers in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, as well as to identify the nature of these motivations among Saudi and Iraqi women. The survey method was used in a comparative manner, and the research community was represented by Saudi and Iraqi women who enrolled in fitness centers, and the research sample was represented by Among Saudi and Iraqi women, numbering (120) women in the cities of Riyadh and Babil, who were selected randomly. The researchers used tools to collect data or measure: (sources, references, questionnaire, personal interview, test, and measurement). A scale of the motivations for women joining fitness centers was prepared and distributed using an electronic questionnaire. The scale’s items reached (28) items distributed over four areas. The most important conclusions of the research indicated that women enrolled in fitness centers have good motivations for joining fitness centers, especially health and physical motivations, in addition to the absence of significant differences between Saudi and Iraqi women in some of the motivations for joining fitness centers, and one of the most important recommendations is the necessity of paying attention to practicing activity. Women's physical fitness, as well as the need to encourage women to join fitness centers.</p> Prof. Dr. Nahidah Abd Zaid Aldulimey Asst. Lect. Abdel Fattah bin Musa Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 311 331 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.311-331 Building and codifying a measure of organizational skills for officials of student activities divisions in southern universities <p>The research aimed to build and codify a measure of the organizational skills of the officials of the student activities divisions. The areas of research included the human field, which is represented by the officials of the student activities divisions in the southern universities (University of Basra, Dhi Qar University, Maysan University, Al-Muthanna University, Wasit University). The temporal scope was determined for the period from (5/2/2023) to (9/20/2023), while the spatial scope was in the student activities departments in the investigated universities. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research sample consisted of (160) teachers working in the student activities departments. The SPSS system was also used to obtain the research results. The researcher concluded that the organizational skills scale is capable of determining the levels of organizational skills of those responsible for student activities divisions. Thus, the researcher recommends the necessity of adopting a measure of the organizational skills of the officials of the student activities divisions, as well as conducting educational workshops and seminars to develop the organizational skills of the officials of the student activities divisions.</p> Asst. Lec. Bassam Jassim Jaber Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 332 345 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.332-345 The effect of the learning contract strategy to learning the forehand and backhand shots of tennis for students <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the learning contracts strategy on learning the forehand and backhand shots in tennis for students. The researchers assumed that there is a positive effect of the learning contracts strategy on learning the forehand and backhand shots in tennis for students. As for the research methodology, the researchers used the experimental method in the style of two equal groups, control and experimental. The research population was determined by the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon for the academic year (2023-2024), who numbered (85) students. The research sample included (20) students who were chosen randomly and were divided into two groups, control and experimental, with (10) students. For each group, the experimental group used the learning contracts strategy, or the control group, and the curriculum followed by the professor was applied to it for (2) educational units for two weeks. The main section took (70 minutes), while the duration of the educational unit was (90) minutes. After completing the curriculum, post-tests were conducted and statistical treatments were used, after which the results were presented, analyzed and discussed. The researchers came out with a set of conclusions, including the emergence of development rates for the experimental group to which the learning contracts strategy was applied to learning the forehand and backhand shots in tennis for students. . Among the recommendations that the researchers seek to implement is the necessity of using the learning contracts strategy in teaching because it makes the student able to learn skills with less time and effort, develops his thinking and mental abilities, makes him more effective, and takes responsibility for his learning.</p> Raed Hadi Hassan Al-Janahi Prof. Dr. Firas Suhail Ibrahim Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassanein Salah Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 346 360 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.346-360 The effect of educational units according to Deans’ model to interactive thinking and learning the effectiveness of pole vaulting for students <p>The research aims to identify the impact of educational units based on the Deans model on interactive thinking and learning the effectiveness of pole vaulting, and also to identify the variables of interactive thinking and artistic performance of the pole vaulting event among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala for the academic year 2022-2023. The researcher assumed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test for the experimental and control groups and in favor of the post-test in learning the effectiveness of pole vaulting for students. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the problem, and the research population was identified as students from the second stage of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala. They represent the total research population and sample (116) students. The exploratory research sample (16), the experimental research sample (30), where they were selected randomly, and the researcher used the interactive thinking scale in the research, and educational units were prepared according to the Deans model. The researcher also used a special form to evaluate the technical performance of the pole vault event. The researcher used statistical processing and the statistical methods used are (percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS and other statistical methods). The researcher concluded that the Deans model had a positive impact on the excellence and raising the level of the students of the experimental group in interactive thinking and learning the effectiveness of pole vaulting.</p> Lec. Haider Abbas Abdel Amir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 361 379 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.361-379 Obstacles to practicing school scouting activities from the point of view of scout leaders in the Babylon Governorate Center <p>Despite the educational importance of school scouting, it faces many difficulties and obstacles that weaken its luster. The leader of the scout troop is considered a phenomenon in groups and is also an important phenomenon of the organization. The presence of the leader requires the existence of the organized group, which results in the presence of a person different from the rest of the group’s members. Through the researcher’s experience of more than (18) years in the field of education, he noticed that the research problem is embodied in the presence of obstacles that constitute the basic obstacles to implementing the Scout movement in schools and achieving its desired goals, in addition to the scarcity of studies through which the obstacles to practicing school Scout activities can be studied. Limit the researcher's knowledge. This study aimed to conduct a questionnaire survey on the obstacles to carrying out scouting activities in schools among scout leaders in the Babylon Governorate center, to identify the levels and obstacles to carrying out scouting activities from the point of view of the scout leaders in the Babylon Governorate center and to identify areas of weakness from the point of view of the scout leaders in the Babylon Governorate center. The researcher chose the research sample randomly, and the research community was represented by the leaders of the scouting teams in Babylon Governorate, who numbered (100) leaders from the research community. Then, the results of the questionnaire were presented, discussed, and analyzed. The most important conclusions and recommendations were the construction of a questionnaire about the obstacles to practicing school scout activities from the point of view of scout leaders. In light of the conclusions, the researcher recommends adopting the questionnaire for the purpose of identifying the obstacles to school scout activities that face scout team leaders in establishing scout activities within a program Scout curriculum.</p> Maath Saleh Jawad Aliwi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 380 402 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.380-402 Building a battery of physical abilities tests for football academies aged (12-13) years in Garmian <p>The aim of the research is to: build a test battery to measure the physical abilities of football academies players aged (12-13) years in Garmian by identifying the skills and physical abilities of players in football academies aged (12-13) years in Garmian, arriving at a simple factorial structure for some abilities. Physical fitness of players in football academies aged (12-13) years in Garmian. Extracting a test battery for some physical abilities of players in football academies aged (12-13) years in Garmian. Finding standard scores for the battery extracted for some physical abilities of players in football academies aged (12-13) years in Garmian. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the style of correlational studies and rates. standard due to its suitability to the nature of the research. The research sample consisted of (172) players representing (7) clubs, schools, and the football academy in the Garmian administration. The random method was adopted as the basis for their selection. Then, the basic physical abilities in youth football were identified, and (22) physical tests were adopted. To achieve the research objectives, appropriate statistical methods were used, and after conducting a factor analysis of the physical abilities variables, the analysis concluded with (22) factors, (5) of which were accepted in light of the conditions set for accepting the factor.</p> Prof. Dr. Majeed Khada Yakhsh Asad Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Bawah Khan Ahmad Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Shafiq Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 403 430 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.403-4300 The effect of advanced specialized training on some individual skills and individual tactical movements of junior football players <p>The current research aims to know the effect of advanced specialized training on some individual skills and individual tactical movements of junior footballers. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research, and the experiment was implemented on a sample of players emerging from the year (2022-2023), and they were chosen intentionally. They numbered (29) players, ages (14-16) years, and were divided randomly into two groups, with (10) players for each group, after (10) players were excluded from them. (6) players for scouting and (3) players for being goalkeepers. The two groups were equal in the variables (under research). The experimental design was adopted, which is called the design of equal groups with an experimental design with two pre- and post-tests. The researcher used the following statistical methods: (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test for associated samples, test (t) for independent samples). The researcher concluded that the advanced specialized training led to development in some individual skills and individual tactical movements for young football players, and that the use of advanced specialized training greatly helped in developing all variables related to the research.</p> Lect. Dr. Ali Zayer Nafia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 310 447 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.310-447 The effect of the innovative matrix strategy to developing some badminton skills for players <p>The importance of this study came from identifying the effect of the innovative matrix strategy on learning basic skills in badminton. The researchers assumed that there is a positive effect of the innovative matrix strategy in learning skills in badminton. After diagnosing the problem for research by the researchers through their work and informing him, the experimental method was used in the style of two equal groups, control and experimental. The research community was determined by the players of the specialized school in Al-Mahaweel Club for the sports season 2022-2023 (who numbered (16) players), after which they were divided into a control group and experimented with (8) players for each group, and the educational curriculum was applied to them for a period of (18) weeks, with three training units per week for a period of 45 minutes per unit per day. After completing the curriculum, post-tests were conducted and statistical methods were used to extract the results after transcribing the previously obtained data. After that, the results were presented, analyzed and discussed. The researchers came out with a set of conclusions. Including the emergence of rates of development for the experimental group in which the innovative matrix strategy was applied in learning badminton skills. Among the recommendations that the researchers intend to implement is the necessity of using the innovative matrix strategy because it develops creative thinking, teamwork spirit among players, and responsibility.</p> Dargham Aliwi Hassan Prof. Dr. Mazen Abdel Hadi Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 447 458 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.447-458 Transactive leadership and its relationship to the creative performance of technical supervisors in the general directorates of education in Baghdad Governorate <p>The research aimed to identify the reciprocal leadership of the directors of the sports and school activity departments, as well as to identify the creative performance of the technical supervisors and the relationship between them. The descriptive approach was used using the survey method and correlational relationships. The research community consisted of the technical supervisors in the sports and school activity departments in the General Directorates of Baghdad Education, who numbered (134). (As a technical supervisor, the sample was divided into exploratory, construction, and application samples. The scientific foundations for constructing the standards were used, as well as extracting the scientific foundations (validity and reliability). The researcher concluded that the directors of the sports and school activity departments enjoyed the reciprocal leadership style, which helped the creative performance of technical supervisors. He recommended paying attention to the reciprocal leadership style and encouraging its use to achieve the organizational goals of sports institutions.</p> Lec. Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Saleh * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 459 482 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.459-482 Study of the response of lactic acid to the competition effort of 400m freestyle runners and its effect on the mechanisms of fatigue <p>In this research (a study of the response of lactic acid to the competition effort of 400m freestyle runners and its effect on the mechanisms of fatigue) was carried out. The research sample consisted of 400m runners, who represent the Iraqi youth team, who numbered (6) runners, and they were chosen intentionally, and the descriptive method and the survey method were used. The aim of the research was Identifying the effect of competition effort on the lactic acid response of individuals in the research sample. And to identify the effect of competition effort on the level of concentration of the investigated variables. While the research hypothesis was that there were statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements of the variables investigated for the individuals in the research sample, the researcher concluded that lactic acid and its salts (lactate) are not the main causes of muscle fatigue. Low concentrations of blood electrolytes (Na+, K+) in the post-tests may give An indication of its contribution to the causes of muscle fatigue. Especially its relationship to the mechanism of muscle contraction. The researcher recommended the necessity of using modern techniques (field laboratory devices), which are measured in the field and directly, to estimate the intensity of the physical load on the athlete, and the necessity of conducting other studies for 400m runners, to search for other causes of muscle fatigue, such as studying the role of calcium ions ( Ca++) or the role of acetylcholine and the enzyme cholinesterase, and we cannot fail to mention the psychological aspect and its role in muscle fatigue.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Walid Ahmed Awad * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 482 495 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.482-495 The effect of special training according to the results of physical fitness tests on some biomotor abilities of first-class football referees. <p>The importance of the research was to diagnose the deficiencies in the physical preparation of referees in order for the referees to be fully prepared for the physical fitness tests because they are the nucleus of the future and the referees have the highest level in terms of preparing proposed physical exercises in an effort to clarify solutions to this problem and in order to provide the arena with qualified referees in the future, to be We are ready to manage matches for different age groups, as well as move towards physical readiness for the upcoming tests and be fully prepared for any test. The researchers noted through their field experience that one of them is a former referee and has played the game for several years and the second is a former football player for some age group clubs in Babylon. There is a clear difficulty for the referees in passing the physical tests that qualify them to be accredited as effective federal referees by the Central Iraqi Football Federation. The researchers used the experimental method with two equal groups with a pre-test and a post-test because it is compatible with the nature of the research and because it is considered a sufficient means of reaching reliable knowledge. The research community was identified as the first-class referees from Babylon Governorate for football for the season (2023-2024), numbering (17). ) Referee, and the researchers proceeded to exclude (3) referees, including two referees due to their non-commitment to the arbitration task, and the third was of great age, as their ages ranged between 33 to 35 years, and the percentage of the sample became (82.35%).</p> Lec. Saddam Fakhri Berto Asst. Prof. Dr. Hossam Kadhem Jawad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 496 518 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.496-518 Occupational pressures of teachers and their relationship to the implementation of physical education lessons in intermediate and Secondary schools in Baqubah District <p>In order to identify the level of Occupational pressures for the physical education teacher and the relationship of Occupational pressure to the implementation of the physical education lesson, in addition to identifying the correlation between the Occupational pressures of teachers and the implementation of the lesson, the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method and correlational relationships on the research sample, which numbered (93) teachers and schools in the district. With the penalty of the center. After distributing the questionnaires, collecting them, and processing them statistically, the researcher used the statistical package (SPSS), and the most important conclusions were reached, which is that there is a correlation (significant) between the Occupational pressures of teachers and the implementation of the lesson. The researcher may recommend conducting studies and research that increase the solutions facing the teacher during the implementation of the lesson.</p> Asst. Lec. Ghazwan Sadiq Bunyan * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 518 529 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.518-529 The effectiveness of the (S.W.O.M) strategy in students’ acquisition of knowledge and some basic skills of badminton <p>The research aimed to reveal the effectiveness of the (S.W.O.M) strategy in acquiring knowledge and some basic skills in badminton. The research sample consisted of fourth-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Saladin University - Erbil, who numbered (30) students and were distributed into two groups. Experimental and controlled, with (15) students for each group, and equivalence was conducted in some variables affecting learning the skills (low serve - high serve - forehand shot). An educational program was built according to the (S.W.O.M) strategy, with (8) educational units, which were applied to the experimental group, while the control group was taught according to the traditional strategy. After completing the experiment, post-tests were conducted in cognitive achievement and (low-transmission) tests. High transmission - front dimensions stroke) and after collecting and transcribing the data, it was processed statistically using the statistical package (spss). The most important conclusions were reached: The use of the (S.W.O.M) strategy in teaching contributed to the acquisition of knowledge and skill better than the traditional strategy. The study also demonstrated its support for the results of studies that used teaching strategies that enhance the role of the student by being the focus of the educational process. The researcher recommended emphasizing the use of the (S.W.O.M) strategy in acquiring basic knowledge and skills for the effectiveness of badminton, and benefiting from the steps of the (S.W.O.M) strategy in enhancing the student’s role in the educational process and developing their skills in thinking, solving problems, and making decisions.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Ali Kamel * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 519 548 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.519-548 The effect of training according to the target intensity index in developing strength among weightlifters <p>Weightlifting is considered one of the activities in which strength is shown at its best, and researchers and coaches are still working hard to find the best ways to achieve optimal performance and achieve excellence. This research aims to develop specific exercises that focus in their content on unique diversity, in harmony with the type of activity and movement components, in addition to focusing on the appropriate timings for implementing these exercises. The bench press exercise was chosen for body strength players, and a sample of players (8 players) underwent pre- and post-tests. The experimental group underwent a special set of exercises for a month and a half, at a rate of three training sessions per week, for a total of 18 training units. The researcher conducted a field test to measure the actual performance strength of each player, while calculating the percentage achieved in relation to the mass of each player. A special examination was also carried out using muscle activity recording technology, based on the maximum achievement, and adopting the target training zone (TTZ) indicator, with the calculation of muscle work percentages (under, above, inside) in this zone. The results showed that the experimental group was superior in improving performance, despite the progress observed in both groups. The results also showed a clear change in the percentage of work within the target level, in favor of the experimental group.</p> Lec. Dr. Ali Kadhem Hussein Wadi Al-Jurani Prof. Dr. Safaa Abdel Wahab Ismail2 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 548 558 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.548-558 The effect of playing style exercises on developing the Shooting skill and depth position in the attacking play of football players aged (12-13) years <p>The research aims to know the effect of playing-style exercises in developing the scoring skill and the depth position in offensive play. The research population was selected from the players of the Al-Ameed Specialized School in the Holy Governorate of Karbala for the Cubs for the season (2023-2024). The research sample was chosen intentionally for the Cubs football players who are aged between... Between (12-13) years old and (20) players. The researchers used the experimental method as it is the most appropriate method to solve the research problem. The research sample was divided into two equal groups with pre- and post-tests, each with (10) players, a control and an experimental group. The experimental group was chosen by lottery. The experimental group was under the supervision of the researchers who implemented the educational units on them, while the control group was under the supervision of the coach who implemented the training units that he had previously prepared. As for the research hypotheses, there was an effect of playing-style exercises in developing the scoring skill and the depth position in the players’ offensive play. For ages (12-13) years, the exercises continued for a period of (8) weeks with two educational units per week, so that the total educational units during the eight weeks reached (16) educational units.</p> Adel Heliw Hilal Prof. Dr. Diaa Jabber Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 559 582 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.559-582 The effect of special compound exercises on developing the handball jumping shooting skill among players of the Diyala Educational Team <p>The study aimed to identify the effect of special compound exercises in developing the jump shooting skill of the players of the Diyala handball national team, and it was assumed that there is a positive effect of the compound exercises in developing the strength characterized by speed and accuracy of jumping shooting among the players of the Diyala handball team. The study concluded that the use of compound exercises led to the development of strength characterized by speed and accuracy of shooting from jumping for handball players, and was positively influential in developing this ability. The study recommended the need to focus on compound exercises because of its impact on developing special physical abilities and shooting skills in the game of handball.</p> Asst. Lec. Omar Nabeel Jaleel * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 581 894 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.581-894 The effect of (ABC) training on some physical variables and the achievement of the 100 m sprint for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences <p>The research aimed to reveal the ABC training in a number of physical and functional variables and the achievement in the 100-meter sprint for the experimental group of female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. And to identify the differences before and after the experimental group, as well as the control group, in a number of physical variables and achievement in the 100-meter sprint for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. And identifying the dimensional differences between the experimental and control groups in a number of physical variables and achievement in the 100-meter sprint for female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The research was applied to the fourth-year female students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/University of Mosul, who numbered (52) students for the academic year (2023-2024), distributed into two divisions (A, B). Also, (26) female students were deliberately selected and statistical methods were used ( Mean, standard deviation, t-test for correlated samples, t-test for uncorrelated samples).</p> Marilyn Hassan Abdullah Asst. Prof. Dr. Shatha Hazem Korkis Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Hassan Ali 3 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 593 614 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.593-614 The effect of the cooperative learning method on the performance of the Jerk and its retention among students of the College of Physical Education- University of Babylon <p>The introduction to the research touched on the multiplicity of modern teaching methods, including cooperative learning, which is characterized by giving freedom of action and the opportunity for leadership, creativity and innovation through the actual participation of the student. The multiplicity of modern teaching methods helps achieve the educational and educational goals that contribute to developing the student’s personality and highlighting his positive role. This learning comes through Using scientific and accurate methods used by teachers and thus increasing learner motivation. . The sport of weightlifting has a distinguished position among individual events, especially since it is one of the basic lessons included in the curricula in colleges and departments of physical education. It includes the snatch and jerk. The problem of the research lies in that the researchers, in coordination with the supervisor and the teachers of the subject (weightlifting), noticed a weak level of performance. In the Jerk, the researchers decided to use one of the teaching methods (cooperative learning) in developing the performance of the Jerk. And knowing the extent of benefit or development of performance for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Babylon - first stage.</p> Ali Fahim Abdul Hussein Rashid Prof. Dr. Samer Ahmed Hassan2 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 614 623 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.614-623 The effect of the Barman model accompanied by visual presentation to learning some basic football skills for students <p>The interest in teaching methods emerges from the interest in developing students mentally, physically, spiritually, socially and morally, preparing and qualifying them for the role expected of them in the future, and developing teachers professionally and preparing them for the responsibility entrusted to them in preparing the generation. The importance of modern teaching models lies in several directions, the most important of which is making the learner the source of decision and the focus of the educational process, increasing his effectiveness and involving him in all stages of learning by discovering problems and proposing some negotiable solutions, as well as the evaluation process. This expands the student’s understanding, increases the thinking process, and also reaches Information, retention and use when needed. Therefore, the researchers decided to use the Barman model in the field of teaching football through visual means in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, which may help students learn and reach and develop desired educational results through acquiring information about the football subject, which requires the adoption of modern educational methods and methods. The research aims to identify the effect of the Barman model, accompanied by visual presentation, in learning some basic football skills for students</p> Muhammad Hassan Hadi Prof. Dr. Rami Abdel Amir Hassoun Prof. Dr. Mazen Jalil Abdul Rasoul 3 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 624 638 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.624-638 The relationship of scouting culture to environmental preservation from the point of view of scout team leaders in Babylon Governorate <p>The research aims to spread environmental awareness locally and globally about the importance of preserving the environment. However, environmental problems are constantly increasing, either as a result of negligence or lack of awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution. Therefore, humans must have awareness of local and global environmental problems. This can only be done through the collaboration of all educational and non-educational institutions, and there is no doubt that the Scouting movement has a prominent role in protecting the environment and participating in reducing or alleviating the environmental problems that society suffers from. The problem of this study is to reveal the level of awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution among high school scouts. Due to the important role of Scouts in participating and contributing to awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution in the school community in particular and society. The study aims to know the relationship between scouting culture and its importance in preserving the environment from the point of view of scouting team leaders in Babylon Governorate.</p> Mortada Ali Kareem Ali Prof. Dr. Amanah Fadel Mahmoud 2 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 638 645 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.638-645 The effect of Pilates exercises by synchronizing the deep breathing pattern on some functional lung variables for players at the Specialized Handball School in Najaf Governorate <p>This study aimed to identify the effect of Pilates exercises using the deep breathing pattern on some functional lung variables for the players of the handball specialized school in Najaf Governorate. The researcher identified the research community, namely the handball specialized schools in the Middle Euphrates region. The research sample was chosen by a simple random method in the form of a lottery. They were the players of the Specialized School of Handball in Najaf Governorate, who numbered (12) players. (2) players were excluded from the sample due to their lack of commitment to the exercises. Thus, the research sample who underwent the main experiment consisted of (10) players. The researcher used the experimental method in a one-group manner to suit the nature of the research, then worked with field research procedures that included conducting measurements of functional lung variables, namely (fitness of the circulatory respiratory system - maximum oxygen consumption VO2max - vital capacity - respiratory rate - respiratory cyclic endurance) before and after completing the exercise application. used. The most important conclusions were that there is an effect of Pilates exercises using the deep breathing pattern on some functional lung variables (fitness of the respiratory circulatory system - maximum oxygen consumption VO2max - vital capacity - respiratory rate - respiratory cyclic endurance). It was found that there is a noticeable positive development at the level of functional lung variables. The result of using Pilates exercises using a deep breathing pattern.</p> Lce. Anwar Abdul Hadi Hammoud * Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 646 667 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.646-667 Studying the effect of the hemispheric dominance method to learning the two stages of stitches and improving the effectiveness of stick jumping for students <p>The importance of the research lies in identifying the mechanism of thinking and hemispheric dominance among students and its impact on learning by developing their ability to deal with theoretical information and employ it in the practical aspect, and in terms of their prevailing thinking style that distinguishes each individual from the other, to raise the level of student learning in the stick jumping event. Which requires a lot of knowledge. Therefore, the research problem came to conducting a study to identify the half of the brain used by the student learner, which controls higher degrees than the second half, or there may be a convergence or equality between the two halves, which in turn may give the teacher a better opportunity to teach and thus have an impact on the level of their understanding and learning. For the event, and in particular for the students' stick jumping event. The research aimed to study the effect of the hemispheric dominance method (right, left, integrated) in learning the stitches and getting students up to speed on stick jumping. The researchers used the descriptive approach with an experimental design using one group, and students from the fourth stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, numbering (134) students, were selected to represent the research sample. The researchers recommend using the hemispheric dominance method in the educational process, through which students can be distinguished regarding their abilities to learn motor skills.</p> Asst. Prof. Dr. Nagham Hatem Hamid Asst. Lect. Ahmed Haitham Fadel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 667 680 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.667-680 The effect of cooperative learning according to the principles of (personal responsibility) and (collective treatment) to teaching some scouting skills to secondary school students aged (12-13) years <p>The current study aims to raise the level of scouting skills through the use of motor learning, especially the cooperative learning method, due to its success in learning many skills and movements in sports and in theoretical sciences because it contains various principles and each principle gives better results than the other in learning the required skills. Thus, we will be able to build Students who are able to take responsibility in scouting skills. The problem of the research became clear that there are various scouting skills, and each skill has its own learning style. Therefore, the appropriate kinetic learning method must be used for the purpose of improving those skills for the better, while determining the quality of those educational methods for each skill to speed up learning in the correct manner. The research aims to know the effect of cooperative learning according to the principles of (personal responsibility) and (collective treatment) in learning some skills for secondary school students aged (12-13) years. The researcher concluded that cooperative learning according to the principles of (personal responsibility) and (collective treatment) helped in addressing the research problem by raising the level of learning some skills for secondary school students aged (12-13) years. The researcher recommends adopting cooperative learning according to the principles of (personal responsibility) and (collective treatment) because it helped in addressing the research problem by raising the level of teaching some scouting skills to secondary school students aged (12-13) years.</p> Asst. Lect. Mahmoud Wadi Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 680 688 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.680-688 The impact of psychological anxiety on the Middle Technical University futsal team players <p>The research aims to show the importance of studying the psychological anxiety of the players of the Middle Technical University team, as well as the necessity of comprehensive work to improve the system of controlling psychological anxiety, especially for football players. To achieve the most important results, the researcher advises conducting advanced training courses regularly, in addition to involving psychologists who can improve the climate within the team and identify characteristics. The individual psychology of each athlete. Working with psychologists is relevant at the present time because not all coaches have the necessary knowledge in this area, and even if they do, they often cannot independently conduct full-fledged psychological training of athletes. Knowledge of the characteristics of different players helps the coach to correctly compare the abilities of a particular athlete with the requirements for performing a particular task and to find the most effective forms and methods of communication between athletes and to properly organize the work of the team.</p> Asst. Lec. Ali Safaa Jasib Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 689 696 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.659-697 An analytical study of the reality of doping abuse and its relationship to the liver functions of bodybuilders <p>The importance of the research was to identify the reality of stimulant abuse in some civil halls in Babylon Governorate, and to identify the rates of stimulant abuse among the research sample. Taking steroids to artificially improve athletic performance is a type of sports fraud that distorts and contradicts the image of sports. Taking steroids is considered a prohibited act by international sports institutions, and anyone whose tests reveal their presence in his body is punished by expulsion and exclusion from sports competitions. These hormones are produced and manufactured for medical purposes, such as stimulating bone growth, for example in cases of patients with multiple (severe) fractures, and they do not include sports use at all. A person may love the feeling that taking steroids gives him that he is a hero or like a movie star. These steroids may also give him quick results and improve the appearance of the body and muscles, but they may lead to serious complications. In light of the previous presentation, the researchers decided to conduct an analytical study of the reality of stimulant abuse in some community halls in Babylon Governorate. In addition to strengthening bones and helping to maintain a healthy weight, some people resort to taking steroids to help them get results faster. Despite the development of drug detection systems, the intentional and unintentional use of prohibited steroids in sports is increasing in various sports, whether among young people. Professionals and amateurs alike, as a result of the tremendous development in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing and the desire of many athletes to reach high physical and athletic levels, endure training, and achieve athletic excellence in various competitions.</p> Salam Abdel Wahab Naji Mohsen Prof. Dr. Abbas Hussein Obaid Prof. Dr. Noman Hadi Al-Khazraji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 697 708 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.697-708 The effect of proposed Toro exercises to develop short passing and put-down skills for football players aged (15-17) years <p>The goal of the research is to identify the effect of the proposed Toro exercises in developing some short handling and suppression in football. The researcher used the experimental method by designing two equal groups for the research sample of (24) players from the two Babel Club teams for the season (2022-2023) with ages (15-17) years. From the original research population of (30) players, a sample was divided equally into two groups, one experimental and the other control. The researcher used appropriate auxiliary tools and devices to conduct tests on the research variables, in addition to implementing the proposed exercises. A mini exploratory experiment was conducted on a sample of second-stage students, numbering (6) players, and after conducting pre-tests and implementing vocabulary exercises related to the rate of play for a period of (4) weeks and in reality (3) educational units, a total number of (12) units, after which post-tests were conducted for motor coordination and soccer scoring accuracy. After extracting the data, processing it statistically, and then presenting it, analyzing it, and discussing it based on the relevant scientific sources, the researcher reached several conclusions, the most important of which was the effectiveness of the proposed toro exercises in developing short handling and suppression for players. In light of these conclusions, the researcher recommended the necessity of emphasizing the use of educational exercises. Proposed football educational units for this category.</p> Lec. Dr. Aban Abdul Karim Mezher Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 709 720 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.709-720 The effect of the Wheatley model on students’ performance of some complex Football skills <p>The research aimed to identify the effect of the Wheatley model on the performance of some complex skills in football for first-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon. The research community was represented by students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon - the first stage of the academic year (2023 - 2024), which is adults. They numbered (60) students, and the main research sample, numbering (48) students, was selected from them by a simple random method (lottery). They were divided into two groups (experimental and control). The experimental group used educational units according to the Wheatley model, while the control group used the curriculum followed by the teacher. Through the results obtained, the researchers reached several conclusions: that the educational units and exercises installed in the main section and designed according to the Wheatley model had a positive impact on the learning of all students. Compound skills in football are better than the method approved in college. Through the conclusions reached by the researchers, they recommend using the Wheatley model in learning complex skills and the technical stages of other sporting events because this model is a modern teaching method. Conducting other similar studies using the Wheatley model on different samples. Emphasizing the use of modern models, methods, strategies and methods in physical education lessons. Staying away from the traditional methods and methods used.</p> Dhaheer Mohsen Abboud Prof. Dr. Haitham Muhammad Kadhem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 721 733 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.721-733 Recreational activities and their relationship to volunteer culture for students of the Technical Management Institute <p>The research aims to identify recreational activities and their relationship to the volunteer culture of students at the Institute of Technical Administration by identifying (recreational activities for students of the Institute of Technical Administration, volunteer culture for students of the Institute of Technical Administration). The researcher used the descriptive approach. The researcher selected a sample of (50) students from the Institute of Technical Administration, where a questionnaire form was relied upon as a basic tool for the research. One of the most important conclusions was that there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of recreational activities and the dimensions of volunteer culture for the students of the Institute of Technical Administration. One of the most important recommendations was the necessity of establishing many recreational activities that enhance students’ attitudes towards practicing recreational activities, providing the necessary capabilities and equipment to practice recreational activities, and working to encourage students to participate in volunteer activities.</p> Asst. Lec. Karar Ali Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 734 753 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.734-753 A programmed teaching method according to the differential method and its impact to learning the skills of passing and shooting in football for secondary school students aged 16-17 years <p>The importance of the research lies in knowing the programmed teaching method according to the differential method and its impact on learning the skills of passing and shooting in football for secondary school students aged 16-17 years. The research aims to identify a teaching method programmed according to the differential method and its impact on learning the skills of passing and shooting in football for students, and through scientific observation of the level of teaching the skill of passing and shooting in football. It requires more precise teaching and student interaction with his learning. As most teaching methods need new development and modernity in using the appropriate method. The researcher used the experimental method. The research community included (86) students in the central secondary school for boys, aged (16-17) years. While the research sample (simple random method) was selected by lottery, an experimental group (20) and a control group with a number of (20) students. The sample of the exploratory experiment was (10) students, and the researcher excluded (16) students from members of the research community. The educational program continued for eight weeks, with two educational units per week, on days (Sunday, Tuesday), and the duration of the unit was (45) minutes. The researcher reached the conclusions that the method programmed teaching according to the differential method and its effect is a good and effective method for teaching and developing the skills of passing and shooting in football. It is recommended for a researcher to benefit from my programmed teaching method according to the differential method and its effect in developing students’ ability to compare, deduce and bear responsibility.</p> Lec. Dr. Majid Hussein Messier Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 767 779 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.767-779 Evaluating the level of perceptions of success of advanced volleyball players in Iraq <p>The research aims to find the standard levels of perceptions of success for advanced volleyball players in Iraq and then identify the level of perceptions of success for the research sample. The researchers used the descriptive approach using the survey method because it suits the nature and problem of the research. The research sample consisted of volleyball players in the category of applicants for the Premier League clubs and participants in the Iraqi Premier League championship for the sports season (2022-2023), who numbered (85) players distributed among (15) Premier League clubs. The researchers reached the standard levels of perceptions of success for the volleyball players for the research sample, and then the research sample had an average level of perceptions of success. The researchers recommended that volleyball coaches use and confirm the standard levels of perceptions of success prepared by the researchers as a means of assessing their level for different situations during competitions and a criterion for determining the position of the players, and then emphasizing perceptions of success because they are an inevitable result if the volleyball player is able to realize and understand his abilities and potentials realistically. A complete knowledge of the competitor in order to control different situations during competitions.</p> Asst. Lec. Kosrat Hussein Qadir Asst. Prof. Dr. Shah Mal Salah al-Din Ahmed Mustafa2 Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 780 789 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.780-789 Determine reference standards for physical fitness tests to accept students into the College of Physical Education <p>The importance of the research was to identify the level of performance of first-year students in the College of Physical Education at the University of Basra for physical tests and to determine standard scores for physical tests to accept students into the College of Physical Education. The admission tests to the College of Physical Education, especially the physical tests, have remained as they have been for more than 20 years. When examining the standard scores for them, we find that they do not match the current capabilities of the students, as most applicants for admission do not pass these tests. As a result, the researchers found that there is a problem in the possibility of determining New standard grades that are compatible with the current capabilities of students on the one hand, and fill the gaps in grades for which there are no standards on the other hand. Through the work of the researchers in the field of physical education and the admission of students to the College of Physical Education, he noticed that the grades of students applying for admission began to decline, and that students who obtain grades less than the passing grades (50) are accepted into the college due to the small number of students who passed these tests in addition to The currently existing standards lack grades that are not included in the booklet, and therefore the diligence of those responsible for listing the standard grades remains in giving this grade.</p> Asst. Lec. Tabarak Saeed Yacoub Prof. Dr. Raed Muhammad Mashtat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 790 802 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.790-802 The effect of an educational curriculum using assistive tools to learning some scouting skills for first-stage students <p>The research problem lies in learning some scouting skills for first-year students. The study aimed to prepare a curriculum to teach some scouting skills to students, learn some scouting skills to students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and determine the preferential effect of the educational curriculum in learning some scouting skills Students, and the method followed by students is between the pre and post tests. The researchers used the experimental method by designing random equal groups with a pre- and post-test because it suits the nature and problem of the research and its requirements and as the appropriate means to confirm its hypotheses and reach results. The study was conducted on some of the students of the first stage of the academic year (2023-2024) from the two sections (C and E), who numbered ( 60) students. It was divided randomly by lottery into two groups, control and experimental, with (16) students in each group. The experimental group implemented the components of the educational curriculum prepared by the researchers, and the control group implemented the curriculum followed in the college. Post-tests were conducted after completing the implementation of all educational units, and the results were processed statistically. The validity of the hypotheses was verified through statistical tables of the raw data of the test results for the two groups. Control and experimental.</p> Asst. Lec. Ammar Jabbar Cata Asst. Lec. Muhammad Abbas Hussein Asst. Lec. Mustafa Muhammad Jassim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 803 815 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.803-815 The effect of HIIT training to developing speed endurance and performance for men's 800-meter runners <p>Athletics events are among the activities that affect all physical abilities, as each event has its own specifications and requirements. HIIT training is one of the training methods that has great importance in improving the efficiency of muscular and respiratory work. The research aims to prepare HIIT training to develop speed endurance and achievement for runners. 800 meters run for men. Hence the importance of the research is to prepare high-intensity HIIT physical exercises that occur in the runner as a result of continuing training and using the type of exercises that suit the requirements of the 800-meter running competition. The problem of the research is that there is a weakness in speed endurance, which affects achievement, so the researchers decided to apply the approved training methods. On actual experimentation, which aims to develop the components of achievement. The researchers used the experimental method with a pre- and post-test for the experimental and control groups. The research population was identified as players in the 800-meter competition for the elite men’s category of the Iraqi Athletics Federation for the 2024 sports season, who numbered (12 players). The sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group, with (6 players) for each. Group, the researchers concluded that HIIT training has a positive impact on developing speed endurance and achievement for men’s 800-meter runners. The researchers recommended emphasis and attention on HIIT training to develop speed endurance and achievement for men’s 800-meter runners.</p> Ihab Jabbar Hashem Prof. Dr. Haider Falih Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 816 825 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.816-825 The Effect Of Tactical Approaches Strategy to Learning Some Basic Volleyball Skills <p>The research aims to know the effect of the tactical approaches strategy in learning some basic volleyball skills, as well as knowing the differences in the effect of using the tactical approaches strategy and the method used by the subject teacher in learning these skills. The sample included (30) students from the fourth stage in the morning study at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon for the academic year 2022-2023. This sample was divided into two groups, one of which was experimental, consisting of (15) students. The curriculum prepared using the strategy of tactical approaches was followed with them. The other is a regular one, consisting of (15) drums, with which I follow the traditional (usual) method. The researcher proceeded to conduct two processes of homogeneity of the sample and equivalence of the two research groups, in addition to selecting the appropriate tests for this sample. The curriculum was implemented, which took a period of (4) weeks and two units per week. Upon completion of the curriculum, post-tests were conducted, the results of which were processed. The results of this research showed that the strategy of tactical approaches was more effective in learning some basic skills in volleyball than the traditional method followed, which indicates its effectiveness and impact. In light of the results, the researcher recommends the necessity of using the strategy of tactical approaches in learning and developing the performance of basic skills in volleyball. The plane in particular and the skills of the rest of the games in general, in addition to the necessity of applying the method of tactical approach exercises in physical education lessons.</p> Dr. Abeer Muhammad Nouri Ali Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 826 842 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.826-842 Emotional sensitivity and its relationship to sports orientation among secondary school students <p>The emotionally sensitive student is the student who is overly affected by the external factors surrounding him and outside of him. He may interpret a word more than it can handle, and interpret a look and movement in such a way that he exaggerates meaninglessly. For example, when a student goes through periods of neglect, rejection, and mistreatment, such as being insulted, this causes him obstacles and trauma. The problem of the study can be crystallized by the following main question, which is to identify the level of the relationship between emotional sensitivity and mathematical orientation among middle school students. The goal of the research is to identify the relationship between emotional sensitivity and mathematical orientation among middle school students. The descriptive approach was used in the style of survey studies to prepare the scales under study in measuring... These variables are where the research population consists of middle school students in Al-Musayyib district schools for the academic year (2020-2021).</p> Lec. Dr. Zaid Hassoun Nasser Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 843 853 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.843-853 A causal model of the relationship of psychological barriers and cognitive dependence to academic procrastination among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences <p>Students in general, and especially students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, who are given full responsibility for performing academic tasks after the previous academic stages, in which both parents and teachers participate, face constant pressure, due to their demands to submit research and reports and study for exams. These pressures lead to a decrease in the learner’s motivation for continuous study, a weak ability to communicate with professors, and a lack of internal motivation. This will lead to an increase in cognitive dependence by obtaining help from others, a lesser amount of perseverance, avoiding the task, feeling bored, and a lack of need for knowledge. This leads to weak personal experience and self-confidence. Negative thinking and severe negative emotions, which in turn create psychological barriers to achieving optimal performance and lead to some of them resorting to postponing the work of these tasks, which may lead to an increase in the pressures placed on them, which affects the educational aspects and leads to their academic reluctance. Therefore, the research aimed to identify the correlation between psychological barriers and cognitive dependence and academic procrastination among students, as well as to build a model that explains and explains the nature of the direct and indirect causal relationship between psychological barriers, cognitive dependence and academic procrastination among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.</p> Muhammad Falah Jihad Prof. Dr. Diaa Jaber Muhammad Prof. Dr. Haider Abdel Redha Trad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 854 872 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.854-872 The effect of special exercises on individual tactical behavior to develop the accuracy of peaceful shooting for basketball players under (16 years old) <p>The importance of the research lies in preparing special exercises through tactical behavior and experimenting with them to identify their effectiveness and the extent of their impact on developing the early attack in basketball. The researchers used the experimental method because it suits the nature and problem of the research. The research population was determined from the emerging players of Al-Hilla Club in the game of basketball, amounting to (16) players for the test subjects. The sample was selected by a simple random method and was divided into two samples: the first (exploratory sample) numbered (6) players, while the (main sample) was numbered ( 10) players, divided into two experimental groups with (5) players, and a control group with (5) players. The researchers conducted pre-tests for the research group of adults (10) players on June 15, 2023, tests for measuring early attack in basketball, in the indoor sports hall (the Talent Hall) in Babylon, and began applying the appropriate exercises and within the skill requirements to the experimental group on Saturday, corresponding to 6/24/2023 until 8/16/2023, with three training units per week, and the time for special and tactical training in each training unit is (40-45) minutes. Then, the researchers conducted the post-tests after completing the program, and with the help of the assistant staff, the post-tests for the research sample after completing the application of the special exercises, and on Sunday (8/20/2023).</p> Zainab Abdel Sada Ali Prof. Dr. Wissam Riad Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 873 889 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.873-889 The effect of plyometric exercises to developing some physical abilities and kinematic variables of running steps and running (200 m) for players with hearing disabilities. <p>The research aims to use plyometric exercises to produce important adaptations in the neuromuscular system and increase muscular efficiency during performance, and to demonstrate the effect of these exercises in developing the kinematic variables for both stride length and frequency and the completion of a 200-meter run, on a sample of elite athletics players for the category of people with hearing disabilities. For the period from 1/4/2023 until 5/7/2023, at the Ministry of Youth and Sports Athletics Stadium. The researchers used the experimental method because it suits the nature and problem of the research. The research also included presenting, analyzing and discussing the results of the tests under study. The researchers reached a set of conclusions, including that the plyometric exercises used within the training curriculum have contributed to the development of physical abilities, length and step frequency, and completion time for the members of the research sample. The results of the kinematic analysis contributed to knowing the kinematic variables of step length and frequency. As for the recommendations, adopting plyometric exercises effectively within the components of the training curriculum according to training loads and stresses that are commensurate with the capabilities of the individuals in the research sample, and using the results of motor analysis to find out indicators of step length and frequency to improve the motor performance of the (200m) event.</p> Lec. Dr. Faisal Ali Hassan Lec. Runaq Natiq Muhammad Ali Prof. Dr. Salman Ali Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 2021-04-28 2021-04-28 17 2 891 904 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.891-904 The efficiency of the predictive model for the quality of academic life in terms of academic self-efficacy among graduate students <p>The research aims to identify differences in the quality of academic life and academic self-efficacy among postgraduate students in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in the universities of the Middle Euphrates according to the variable of gender. As well as identifying the nature of the relationship between academic self-efficacy and the quality of academic life among postgraduate students in the faculties of physical education and sports sciences in the universities of the Middle Euphrates. In addition to building a predictive model for the quality of academic life by identifying the academic self-efficacy of postgraduate students and demonstrating the model’s efficiency. Therefore, the concept of academic self-efficacy is one of the most important concepts that have emerged in the field of preparing the learner and caring for his ability to acquire various forms of learning. Because the quality of academic life is a goal that everyone seeks and seeks within the educational system in the hope of achieving a stimulating educational environment and providing a supportive educational climate that helps prepare a student generation that keeps pace with scientific and technological innovations and is able to face the challenges and pressures created by the knowledge revolution and cultural pluralism, it has therefore become imperative for institutions to Educational attention to this important and vital aspect for students.</p> Asst. Lec. Ahmed Majeed Khalaf Prof. Dr. Haider Abdel Redha Trad Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 905 926 The effect of the design thinking strategy to the performance of some group quick attack formations by increasing the number of students of handball <p>Motor learning is one of the important and distinctive sciences and the basis on which the educational process in the field of physical education and sports is based, due to its importance in the learner acquiring everything related to the game of handball and developing and mastering it well. Learning to perform some group fast attack formations with increased numbers gives a great opportunity. The attacking team can score the goal as quickly and with the least effort. The problem of the research is evident in the presence of a weakness in the performance of some collective rapid attack formations by the students, as well as difficulty in learning them. Therefore, the researchers decided to delve into this problem by using the design thinking strategy and its impact on learning the performance of the collective rapid attack formations for the students as a modest attempt to solve this problem. The study aimed to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which were the following: preparing educational units using the design thinking strategy, and knowing the effect of the design thinking strategy in learning some group fast attack formations with increased numbers of handball among students. A set of hypotheses were imposed, the most important of which were the following: The design thinking strategy has a positive impact on developing the performance of students’ collective fast attack formations in handball. The experimental approach was used by designing two equal groups (experimental and control) with a pre- and post-test on a sample of third-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon for the academic year 2022-2023, who numbered (24 students) divided equally into two groups. The pre-measurement and the main experiment were conducted, followed by the post-measurement, and the data was collected and analyzed using a set of statistical methods, the most important of which were: (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test).</p> Lec. Hassanein Sabah Baqir أ. د. سامر يوسف متعب Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 926 942 Estimated levels to classifying primary school students according to mental abilities and biomotor abilities <p>The importance of the research was to know the reality of students aged (10-12) years in terms of mental abilities and bio-motor abilities, and to classify students into heterogeneous groups according to mental abilities and bio-motor abilities. The procedures included classifying the students according to their mental abilities using John Raven’s colored differential matrices of intelligence, and using bio-motor aptitude tests, for the purpose of classifying them into four groups, which are the first group (high abilities - high abilities), the second group (low abilities – high abilities). The third group (high abilities - low abilities), the fourth group (low abilities - low abilities), as for the research sample was chosen by random stratified method from the original research population in a method of distributing samples each according to age group and educational stage, and with a number of (267) laboratory subjects out of ( 351) students, and the others were excluded as a result of non-attendance, age, and other health problems. With a percentage of (70%) for the population studied, the number of males for stages (fourth - fifth - sixth) was 197 and the number of females for stages (fourth - fifth - sixth) was 154. The most prominent results of the study were: that the standard ranges, levels and differences were obtained through moderate distribution. There are individual differences between the levels of students and according to their stages and age groups. The grades and levels that were found by the researchers represent the real level, not the capabilities of the research sample. The sample members of both genders varied in their obtaining different levels and according to their standard grades.</p> Lec. Hassanein Abdul Razzaq Jawad Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jassim Al-Yasiri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 17 2 943 985 Evaluating the level of performance (physical and skill) of players at specialist handball centers <p>This research aims&nbsp;to determine the level of performance (physical and skill) of players in specialist handball centers.&nbsp;In addition, grades and standard levels of performance (physical and skill) for players at specialist handball centers will be determined. The purpose of the study is to assess the degree of physical skill performance using predefined assessments. <br>Then, assign them grades and standard levels that reflect a fair assessment of their physical and skill performance. The researchers identified a research problem and sought remedies to it through this study. The problem was the lack of an objective assessment of the physical and skill performance of players in specialist handball centers.</p> <p>The researchers used the descriptive survey method to achieve the research objectives. As for the research sample, players in the specialized handball centers for the 2023/2024 sports season, the SPSS Ver 21 statistical package was used. A set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which are:</p> <ul> <li>The tests designed by researchers accurately measure physical and skill performance in handball.</li> <li>2-The sample did not achieve any significant percentages at the poor and very good levels. The most important recommendations are:</li> <li>Adopting tests designed by researchers to measure physical and skill performance in handball.</li> <li>Evaluating the players according to the grades and standard levels reached by researchers in specialized tests.</li> </ul> Asst. Lect. Anwar Saad Abdul Ghani Prof. Dr. Raed Muhammad Mushatat Prof. Dr. Dargham Abdul Salem Nehme Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 17 2 960 978 10.33170/jocope.v17i2.960-978