Journal of College of Physical Education
<div class="lRu31" dir="ltr"><span class="HwtZe" lang="en"><span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">The Journal of Physical Education Sciences was established, issued by the Deanship of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d ChMk0b"><span class="ryNqvb">Iraq in 2002 by issuing the first issue of the magazine, and 15 years after its founding, the magazine still continues to issue four issues annually, in addition to its contribution to issuing special issues for the scientific conferences hosted by the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Babylon, namely the Fourteenth Scientific Conference 2011 for colleges and departments of physical education.</span></span> <span class="jCAhz JxVs2d"><span class="ryNqvb">In Iraq and the International Scientific Conference for Sports Sciences 2014.</span></span></span> <div class="OvtS8d"> </div> <div id="ow1457"> </div> </div> <div class="UdTY9 WdefRb" aria-hidden="true" data-location="2"> </div>Babylon University / College of Physical Educationen-USJournal of College of Physical Education1992-0695Cognitive agility and its relationship to some psychological and educational variables
<p>Cognitive agility is a mental skill that can be developed and improved through the use of various models, strategies and methods through experimental research. It can also be linked to other variables through descriptive studies and by reviewing studies and their results. The importance of cognitive agility has been demonstrated in many scientific aspects, as it has improved when used in different educational environments and on different categories of students at different levels, and even when studied on teachers and both genders. Cognitive agility is considered one of the basic qualities that help the individual adapt and interact efficiently with challenges and changes in life. It is the ability to use mental and cognitive skills in a flexible and effective way to solve problems, achieve goals, and promote mental and emotional health. Cognitive agility depends on a set of factors such as the ability to think flexibly, manage stress effectively, and respond positively to challenges and difficult situations. By developing cognitive agility, an individual can enhance the quality of his life and achieve success in various areas of life.</p>Asst. Lec. Duea Hussein AliProf. Dr. Nihad Mohammed AlwanProf. Dr. Nihad Mohammed Alwan
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2024-12-282024-12-281761227124610.33170/jocope.v17i6.1227-1246The effectiveness of resistance exercises to improving cardiac performance and the performance level of the 200-meter freestyle swimming distance
<p>The aim of the research is to know the effectiveness of resistance exercises inside the water using rubber ropes, swimming gloves and weighting the feet as a tool to increase the resistance applied to the swimmer and its effect on improving cardiac performance and the level of performance of the 200 m freestyle distance. To achieve the aim of the research, (10) freestyle swimming specialists aged (16-18) years were randomly selected and divided into an experimental group (5), and the second (5) control group. Both groups implemented the trainer's training curriculum, but the experimental group included resistance exercises such as rubber ropes, foot fins, and swimming gloves for the hands (strength) within the capacity and overload training in its daily training components, while the control group followed the trainer's traditional training curriculum. The researcher conducted the test before and after the research period, which lasted for 90 days, with (3) training units per week. The results for the two groups were analyzed, and the researcher found that there was an improvement in cardiac performance in addition to the time of the 200-meter freestyle swimming distance.</p>Dr. Ihsan Muhammad Ali
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2024-12-282024-12-281761288129710.33170/jocope.v17i6.1288-1297Evaluation of the degree of seriousness in work among workers of youth and sports forums in Nineveh Governorate
<p>The aim of the research was to evaluate the degree of seriousness in work among workers in youth and sports forums in Nineveh Governorate. The researchers used the descriptive approach with the survey method because it is suitable for the nature and problem of the research. The research community consisted of workers in youth and sports forums in Nineveh Governorate, numbering (93) employees. The research sample included (73) employees who were randomly selected from the research community, representing (77%) of the research community. The research tool included the scales of (seriousness at work) prepared by (Tabil and others, 2012). The researchers used the following statistical methods: arithmetic mean, mode, standard deviation, (Karl Pearson) skewness coefficient equation, simple correlation coefficient, (t) test for one sample, (Spearman-Brown) equation, and hypothetical mean.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hisham Ahmed Al HilaliProf. Dr. Ali Hussein Tabil
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2024-12-282024-12-28176718The effect of perception exercises (sensory-motor) accompanied by sequential exercise to learning the technical performance of some skills of the vault horse for artistic gymnastics students
<p>The research aims to identify the effect of the educational program in the method followed in learning the technical performance of some of the skills of the vault horse for artistic gymnastics for students and to identify the effect of the perception exercises (sensory-motor) in the sequential method in learning the technical performance of some of the skills of the vault horse for artistic gymnastics for students and to identify the superiority of the differences in the post-test for the two groups. The research sample consisted of (20) students who were randomly selected, representing a percentage of (76.923%) of the original research community. (1) student was excluded due to injury, and (5) students were used in the pilot experiment. The researcher concluded that using the followed method led to improving and developing the learning of horse jumping skills among the members of the control group between the pre- and post-tests. The use of perception exercises (sensory-motor) and accompanying sequential exercise led to improving and developing the learning of horse jumping skills. The control group members outperformed the control group members in all variables under study using the perceptual exercises (sensory-motor) in the sequential method in learning the technical performance of some of the skills of the vaulting horse for artistic gymnastics in the post-test.</p>Hoshyar Omar Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-281761940The effect of simultaneous and sequential training on a number of skill variables among youth handball players
<p>To reveal the significance of statistical differences in a number of skill variables between the pre- and post-tests of the two research groups using simultaneous and sequential training for youth handball players. Also to identify the statistical differences in a number of skill variables between the two research groups using simultaneous and sequential training in the post-test. The researchers used the experimental method as it is the appropriate method for the nature of the research. The data were processed using the (SPSS) system for statistical analysis and the law of effect size (Cohen's d) and (Eta square). The researchers concluded that the first experimental group that used the concurrent training method achieved positive development in all skill variables under study. The second experimental group that used the successive training method achieved positive development in all skill variables under study. Despite the significant progress that occurred for the two research groups after implementing the simultaneous and successive training in all skill variables, the statistical results did not show any significant superiority of one group over the other in all the mentioned variables, but there was a large effect size for the forward fall shooting, and a medium effect size for the short and long handling. The effect size was small for the tapping skill, and there was no significant effect size for both the shooting skill from jumping (forward and high). All the effects were in favor of the second experimental group that used the successive training method, except for the tapping skill in favor of the first experimental group that used the simultaneous training method.</p>Delofan Asead NabiAsst. Prof. Dr. Ziad Mahfouz Abdel QaderAsst. Prof. Dr. Sadi Omar Youssef
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2024-12-282024-12-281764160Self-vitality and its relationship to the level of ambition among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
<p>The research aims to identify the self-vitality and level of ambition among students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Karmian, as well as to identify the relationship between self-vitality and level of ambition among the research sample. The researcher used the descriptive method (using the method of mutual relations). The research sample consisted of (102) male and female students who were randomly selected from students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences/Khanaqin for the academic year (2022-2021). The self-vitality scale and the level of ambition scale were used after verifying their validity and reliability. After using appropriate statistical methods, the results showed that the arithmetic mean of self-vitality among students reached (116.53) degrees with a standard deviation of (8.866) degrees, while the hypothetical mean reached (90) degrees. As for the level of ambition, the arithmetic mean reached (78.43) degrees with a standard deviation of (4.882) degrees, while the hypothetical mean reached (60) degrees. The researcher concluded that students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Garmian University enjoy intrinsic vitality. In light of these results, the researcher reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which are: the necessity of paying attention to self-vitality and the level of ambition by developing plans, programs and strategies by those concerned in a way that ensures improving the level of self-vitality and the level of ambition among students. Working to provide a suitable psychological environment for students that contributes to gaining vitality and developing their level of ambition, as well as conducting periodic tests to evaluate students from a psychological perspective and to know their psychological vitality and level of ambition.</p>Lec. Dr. Omar Ali Hassan
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2024-12-282024-12-281766175Body mass index of female students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Zakho
<p>The research aims to identify the body mass index (BMI) of female students of the four academic stages in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Zakho, using height and weight measurements to determine the obesity rate among female students. The body mass index is a mathematical equation calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters, and it is an indicator used to evaluate the health status of adults. In this study, criteria specific to adults over the age of 18 were used to assess the status of female students based on the body mass index, which reflects the degree of obesity. The study aims to provide those in charge of the educational and health process with accurate information about the health status of female students, which helps in designing treatment and awareness programs aimed at improving the health status and reducing the risks of obesity among female students. The research used appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data, including calculating arithmetic means and standard deviations for data distribution, in addition to the skewness coefficient to measure the degree of homogeneity between values. These methods help provide a comprehensive and accurate picture of the health status of female students and determine the prevalence of obesity among them, which contributes to developing effective strategies for intervention and prevention.</p>Asst. Lec. Qahraman Nuri ZinilAsst. Lec. Ahmed Ismail AbdullahAsst. Lec. Ali Muhammad Ahmed
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2024-12-282024-12-281767690A comparative study of aesthetic sports ethics between students of Mutawwaqi schools and students of regular Schools in the city of Mosul
<p>The researcher adopted the descriptive approach with the comparative method. The research community consisted of middle schools in the city of Mosul. The research sample consisted of students of gifted schools and students of regular schools in the city of Mosul. The researcher adopted the aesthetic ethics scale as a research tool prepared by ( ). The research aimed to identify the level of aesthetic sports ethics for students of gifted schools and students of regular schools. The researcher assumed the existence of significant differences in favor of gifted school students. The SPS statistical package was used in analyzing the data and statistical methods were adopted (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T.test for one sample and two samples). The researcher recommended paying attention to the psychological aspect of school students in the city of Mosul and adopting standards of aesthetic sports ethics through periodic and continuous measurement of students.</p>Lec. Ali Abdul Aziz Najm Al-Zubair
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2024-12-282024-12-2817691106Exercises with special equipment and tools and their effect on improving the performance of the open front aerial flip skill, followed by a full 360-minute cycle of standing on the floor exercise mat for juniors
<p>Skills in all sports require physical and motor abilities to perform them to accomplish the requirements of the motor paths that the skill needs to accomplish the motor duty. The research aims to prepare special exercises to improve the performance of the open front aerial flip skill followed by a full 360-minute cycle on the floor movement mat for juniors. To know the effect of exercises in improving the performance of the open front aerial flip skill followed by a full 360-minute cycle on the floor exercise mat for juniors, the research assumed the existence of significant differences in the pre-test and post-test in improving the open front aerial flip skill followed by a full cycle in favor of the post-test. The researcher used the experimental method (for one group with pre-test and post-test) to suit the nature of the problem under study. The research community represented (9) players affiliated with the Kirkuk Governorate Gymnastics Training Center and affiliated with the Iraqi Gymnastics Federation from the junior category. The research sample included (7) players, and their percentage became .877%, while the exploratory experiment consisted of (2) players from the community, whom the researcher excluded, and their percentage was .222%. The researcher concluded that exercises with special devices and tools had an impact on improving the performance of the open front aerial flip skill, followed by a full 360-minute cycle. On the floor exercises for juniors, and the use of tools and the mini-trampoline and trampoline devices increased the players’ exposure to the requirements of good skill performance. The researcher recommended the use of exercises with training devices and tools on the rest of the other devices in artistic gymnastics for men and women on the vault and floor devices.</p>Khaled Hamad Nasser
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2024-12-282024-12-28176107118Professional competencies and their relationship to time management among physical education teachers in Babylon Governorate
<p>It has become necessary for the teacher to possess professional competencies in order to be able to perform his task in the best possible way, taking into account the integration of these competencies with each other. Professional competencies are the teacher's ability to perform his work skillfully, quickly and perfectly, and they are a set of interconnected skills that must be integrated with each other. A successful teacher is one who possesses the basic competencies for education. Also, a good result in any field comes after great effort, and this effort cannot be controlled randomly. No matter how organized life is, and no matter how committed you are to the daily plan that you work on and for, awareness and realization of the importance of organizing time in all aspects of life has the highest priority. One of the most important objectives of the study is to build two scales for professional competencies and time management among physical education teachers in Babylon Governorate and to identify the relationship between professional competencies and time management among physical education teachers in Babylon Governorate. The researcher used the descriptive approach. The research community included (364) physical education teachers affiliated with the Babil Education Directorate, while the research sample included (100) teachers as a construction sample. In order to achieve this, the researcher constructed two scales (professional competencies and time management scale). After that, the scales were applied to the sample of (56) teachers. Two scales were built: professional competencies and time management for physical education teachers in Babil Governorate. The level of professional competencies and time management for physical education teachers in Babil Governorate was identified. The results showed a significant correlation between professional competencies and time management among physical education teachers in Babil Governorate.</p>Lec. Dr. Sarah Moein Sabry
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2024-12-282024-12-28176119140The effect of suggested exercises using the direct mental method to developing the accuracy of some basic skills of Futsal for students
<p>Futsal is one of the team games that is loved by most classes of society. The number of practitioners at the beginning of its emergence was limited to certain categories. Because it is a fast game in a small space, it requires a high sense of performing skills. There is a great connection between the type of skill and how it is practiced. For this reason, those conducting field work have focused on research and using new methods and techniques. The aim of the research was to prepare suggested exercises using the direct mental method to develop the accuracy of some basic skills in Futsal for students, and to know the effect of the suggested exercises using the direct mental method in developing the accuracy of some basic skills in Futsal for students. The researcher used the experimental method (with a two-group design) using the pre-test and post-test on the fifth scientific students in Al-Hashimiyah Intermediate School for Boys in Al-Hashimiyah District, Babil Governorate, for the academic year 2023-2024, numbering (30) students, who were selected using the simple random method.</p>Lec. Dr. Muhammad Ali Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-28176141156The body at the beginning of the take-off phase, the collision angle at the moment of touching the foot. A comparative study of a number of biomechanical variables for the final step at two different heights for Iraqi high jump champions
<p>The research aims to identify the values of some biomechanical variables of the last step at two different heights for Iraqi high jump champions. And to identify the comparison of the values of some biomechanical variables of the last step at two different heights for Iraqi high jump champions. The researcher used the descriptive approach with a comparison method for its suitability and the nature of the research. The research sample was chosen intentionally and their number was the best (5) five advanced jumpers for athletics for the year (2024). The researcher used statistical methods, the arithmetic mean, the coefficient of variation, and the (T-test) for related samples. The standard deviation. For the purpose of statistically processing the data, the researcher used the program (5.SPSS, v.21). Some of the biomechanical variables were identified by referring to the content analysis of the literature, previous studies, scientific research, and some professors specialized in the field of high jump. The researcher concluded that the biomechanical variables under study have a significant effect on the height of the high jump, and that the variables (the speed of the last step, the ankle angle of the take-off foot at the moment the take-off foot touches the ground, and the potential energy of the body at the highest height) are the most biomechanical variables contributing to the height of the jumpers in the effectiveness of the high jump. Because there was a positive effect with the speed of the jumpers' launch and then achieving a better height and the jumper's height is directly affected by the increase in angular velocity and linear momentum in the jump phase.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Amin
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2024-12-282024-12-28176157179The effect of using cross-training to developing some physiological abilities of young football players
<p>Football has become one of the most popular team sports in the world, due to the love of fans, young and old, and everyone encourages it and gathers to watch it from all nationalities, religions, races and ages. Some of them are interested in playing and practicing it, and others are interested in following the teams they support and cheering for them, and some of them take one of their family members to the stadium to watch it and enjoy the atmosphere inside the stadium. The researcher found that cross-training represents one of the modern means and methods used in the sports field, as it works to improve the efficiency of the body’s systems by developing physiological capabilities, caring for them, and continuing and maintaining this development during competitions to reach the highest ideal level for the player. The aim of the research was to prepare a training program using the reciprocal training method to develop some physiological abilities of youth football players. Also, to know the effect of the reciprocal training method in developing some physiological abilities of youth football players. The researcher used the experimental method (experimental design for two groups, control and experimental) using pre- and post-measurement. The research community identified young players under 19 years old in Al-Hashemiya Sports Club for football for the season (2021-2022). The research sample was selected using a simple random method, with a total of (32) players, and they were divided into two groups: the first was a control group with 16 players, and the second was an experimental group with 16 players as well.</p>Lec. Ali Hashem Hamza
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2024-12-282024-12-28176180194The effect of aquatic rehabilitation exercises to athletes with low back pain
<p>This study aimed to identify the effect of a rehabilitation exercise program inside the aquatic environment on athletes suffering from lower back pain in the lumbar vertebrae (L5 - S1). The study was conducted on (10) patients whose ages ranged from (25-35) years, and who had not undergone any rehabilitation program or previous surgical intervention in the back. The rehabilitation program was applied for a period of (12) weeks, where the research sample was chosen intentionally, and the results of the study showed the effectiveness of using (rehabilitation exercises within the aquatic environment) and were sufficient to improve the study variables and the presence of statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-measurements of the rehabilitation group in favor of the post-test. The researcher used the experimental method with a (single group) design with a pre-test and post-test, and rehabilitation exercises were applied to injured athletes. There was an improvement in the injured and the duration of the program was sufficient to improve the study variables. The researcher also reached several conclusions, including that rehabilitation exercises in the aquatic environment have a positive effect on the degree of pain, which reduces the pressure on the vertebrae, cartilage and nerves and develops the range of motion and muscle strength of the back muscles. The researcher recommends increasing attention to rehabilitating the back muscles in the aquatic environment.</p>Lec. Dr. Subhan Younis Sultan Al-Hayali
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2024-12-282024-12-28176195210Psychological prosperity among female students of the College of Education for Women, University of Mosul
<p>The research aims at the psychological prosperity of female students in the departments of the College of Education for Women at the University of Mosul. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research sample was selected using the deliberate comprehensive enumeration method. The research included female students in the fourth stage of the departments of the College of Education for Women at the University of Mosul (sports, life chemistry, Islamic, Arabic), numbering (871) female students. The researcher used the psychological prosperity scale prepared by (Al-Sharif, 2022) and it included (40) paragraphs distributed over five dimensions (positive feelings, academic integration, positive relationships, meaning of life, achievements) and each item is followed by five responses (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) and the data were processed statistically (using the SPSS statistical program in data analysis).</p>Asst. Lec. Shahid Rafeh Abdul Razzaq
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2024-12-282024-12-28176211223Psychological endurance and its relationship to the performance of some offensive skills of young Taekwondo players
<p>Sports psychology is considered a deepening of scientific knowledge that sheds light on the dimensions of behavior resulting from sports performance. The nature of competitions and the events that accompany them generate a state for the player that differs from one person to another. Psychological endurance and competition anxiety are necessary psychological traits that must be taken care of because they represent the mind that controls the rest of the physical abilities. Their increase or decrease affects the results of the team as a whole, considering that attention to the psychological aspect is a basic pillar for the player. Hence, the importance of research in studying psychological endurance and its relationship to offensive performance skills among players. Psychological endurance will have a positive impact in confronting negative situations that may occur in competitions. Therefore, the research problem focuses on the question: Is psychological endurance the reason for the difference in performance or other reasons? The study aimed to identify the level of psychological endurance and performance of some offensive skills of young Taekwondo players. The research sample was chosen intentionally, and they are the players of the Baghdad Governorate clubs in the youth category, and their number was (30) players, which constituted (50%) of the original community, which amounted to (60) players. The researcher concluded through analyzing the results that the psychological endurance scale is appropriate for measuring these variables, and this was proven through the results reached by the research. The researcher recommended conducting similar research to find the relationship between psychological endurance and other psychological aspects, skills, and sports.</p>Lec. Dr. Wathiq Ayed Kadhem
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2024-12-282024-12-28176224241The effect of an educational approach using accelerated learning to learning the skill of spiking of volleyball
<p>The aim of the research was to prepare an educational program using the accelerated learning method to teach the spiking skill in volleyball to third-year students. It also aimed to identify the effect of an educational approach using accelerated learning in teaching the spiking skill in volleyball to third-year students. The researchers used the experimental method to suit the current study. The researchers deliberately selected the research sample from third-year students in the Department of Physical Education/Faculty of Education - Shaqlawa for the academic year 2022/2023. The research sample consisted of 20 students who were divided into two equal groups, and the experimental and control groups were selected by lottery after the two groups were equal and homogeneous. The accelerated learning method was applied to the experimental group and the same method was applied to the control group. After applying the post-tests of the spiking skill, the data was collected and processed statistically. The researchers concluded that the experimental group that used the accelerated learning method outperformed the control group using the same learning method in the smash skill in volleyball. In light of this, the researchers recommended using the accelerated learning method in the universities of the Kurdistan Region because it is suitable for them to use the semester system and not the annual system as is used in the rest of the Iraqi universities.</p>Asst. Prof. Howder Dilshad Abdul QadirLec. Hey Jalal Saleh
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2024-12-282024-12-28176242251Psychological engineering and its relationship to some five-a-side football skills among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
<p>The study aimed to prepare a scale of psychological engineering, as well as to identify some of the skills of five-a-side football among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kufa. The descriptive approach was used using the method of interconnected relationships. This is due to its suitability to the nature, problem and objectives of the research. The research community was determined to be fourth-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Kufa, for the academic year 2023-2024, numbering (40) students. The research sample was selected using the comprehensive enumeration method. The exploratory experiment was conducted on Tuesday 20/1/2024 on a sample of (10) female students from the fourth stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Kufa. They were selected randomly with the participation of the assistant team. The results were that psychological engineering has a positive relationship with some five-a-side football skills among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.</p>Asst. Lec. Abeer Karem HanounLec. Dr. Luma Hamid Abdul Silawi
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2024-12-282024-12-28176252266Realism of follow-up tests for some physical abilities related to the skill performance of players at the National Center for Handball Talent Care
<p>The research aimed to identify the numerical values that reflect the reality of evaluating training curricula for some physical abilities related to the skill performance of players at the National Center for Handball Talent Care. The research problem revolved around the question of whether the training curricula are adequate for the purpose they are intended for? Or does it need to modify the axes of the curricula through an organized realistic evaluation?. Therefore, the researchers sought to choose some standardized tests related to physical and skill performance, and thus it is possible to conduct more than one test within a specific period of time to identify the players’ achievement according to these indicators. The research community was determined by the players of the National Center for the Care of Sports Talent in Handball in Baghdad. Their number reached (45) players and the research sample was chosen intentionally and their number was (15) players from the research community. The researchers concluded that there is a significant impact of the training curricula provided to the research sample through the apparent results of the tests conducted on the sample, and they recommended conducting similar studies on other samples.</p>Abdullah Munther NajmProf. Dr. Hardan Aziz Salman
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2024-12-282024-12-28176267292The effect of rehabilitation exercises using a balance disc in an aquatic medium in knee joint rehabilitation for osteoarthritis patients aged (40-50 years)
<p>The importance of the research was to identify the effect of rehabilitation exercises using a balance disc in water in improving the range of motion of patients with knee osteoarthritis. As a primary and independent medical profession, physiotherapy is a specialty of movement and function. Its unique contribution to human health and well-being is to provide an opportunity for optimal use of functional abilities in order to promote an independent and active life in all spheres of life and social strata. Therefore, the researchers decided to use appropriate rehabilitation exercises that shorten the time and effort to reach a state of recovery, which is one of the important things to achieve the best results in treatment. Hence, the researchers decided to use rehabilitation exercises using a balance disc inside the aquatic environment in rehabilitating the knee joint. Balance disc exercises provide an effective way to strengthen the body and increase endurance. In addition to water techniques, these exercises are designed to increase flexibility and relieve pain in the injured knee. Researchers have raised some questions about the effectiveness of underwater balance disc exercises in restoring knee joint efficiency and increasing range of motion and range of motion.</p>Narjes Haider Fadel Abdul HusseinProf. Dr. Souad Abdel Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-28176293300The effect of visual performance in the aquatic environment to developing the depth of power of the forehand and backhand strokes of tennis players
<p>The aim of the research was to identify the size of the effect of training using water resistance in developing the depth of the forehand and backhand strokes for tennis players. The research community was represented by players from the central and southern regions, the advanced category, numbering (12) players, who were divided into two groups (control and experimental), with (6) players for each group. The researcher concluded that training by visualizing performance in an aquatic environment had a significant impact on the members of the experimental group, and that this type of training had given the experimental group an increase in muscular capacity through what was reflected in that in terms of an increase in the depth of the forehand and backhand strokes during actual performance. The researcher recommends adopting this type of training within the training units for tennis players, comparing it with other types of training, or including other types of training within the aquatic environment.</p>Asst. Lec. Manar Jassim Mohammed
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2024-12-282024-12-28176301310Sports management and the role of the state to developing sports and making it a business
<p>This research deals with sports management and the role of the state in developing it as a business. The research reviews strategies for cooperation between the state and the private sector to promote sports activities, and highlights the importance of investing in sports as a means of achieving social and economic development. The research includes effective marketing methods that can be adopted to promote sports awareness and increase participation. In addition to studying the impact of these activities on society, it also points to the need for a legislative environment that supports the development of sports and enhances its role as an industry.</p>Asst. Lec. Hussein Attia Sawyer
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2024-12-282024-12-28176311320The effect of educational units according to the daily (morning) biological rhythm cycle to learning and retaining some basic volleyball skills among beginner female players of the Akkad Ainkawa Sports Club
<p>The research aims to identify the effect of educational units according to the daily morning biological rhythm in learning and retaining some basic volleyball skills among beginner players of Akkad Ainkawa Sports Club and to identify the differences in the post-test between the two groups (experimental and control) Research in learning and retaining some basic volleyball skills among beginner players of Akkad Ainkawa Sports Club. The researcher assumes that there are significant differences between the pre- and post-tests between the two groups (experimental and control) of the research in learning some basic volleyball skills among the beginner players of the Akkad Ainkawa Sports Club. The researcher used the experimental method with an experimental design using two groups with pre-tests and post-tests to suit the nature of the research. The research community was determined intentionally from the young players from the Akkad Ankawa Sports Club, numbering (60) players aged (14-16) years. A sample was selected according to the Ostberg scales to extract the patterns of daily biological rhythms (morning, evening, contrasting). The research sample consisted of the young players of the Akkad Ankawa Sports Club, numbering (22) players, representing (66.66%) of the research community. This sample was divided into two groups (experimental and control) by lottery, with (11) players for each group. After applying the research procedures, the researcher concluded that the exercises prepared by the researcher according to the daily (morning) biological rhythm have a great effect on learning and retention. Through the results, the researcher recommends generalizing the results of this research to coaches of all team and individual games to know the importance of the daily biological rhythm of the players.</p>Lec. Dr. Walid Arab Abdullah
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2024-12-282024-12-28176321344The effectiveness of the Barman model to teaching female students the forehand and backhand strokes in tennis
<p>The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of the Barman model in teaching the forehand and backhand strokes in tennis for female students. The researchers followed the experimental method by designing two equivalent groups with pre- and post-tests. The research sample included third-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad, numbering (28) female students. They were divided equally into two groups, control and experimental, and the equivalence process was carried out in the pre-tests of technical performance and accuracy of the forehand and backhand strokes in tennis. The Barman model was applied to the experimental group students, while the control group students followed the method used by the subject teacher. After extracting the results, which were processed using appropriate statistical methods, in light of this, the researchers concluded several conclusions, including: that using the Barman model during the educational units is highly effective in learning the forehand and backhand strokes in tennis, in addition to the fact that the experimental group showed a very clear superiority over the control group in learning the forehand and backhand strokes in tennis. Among the most important recommendations made by the researchers are: emphasizing the adoption of the Barman model in the process of learning and teaching tennis skills to female students, in addition to employing modern models, including the Barman model, in a way that can contribute to learning tennis skills in particular and other sports in general.</p>Lec. Dr. Tahseen Hosni TahseenLec. Dr. Salah Mahmoud Salman
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2024-12-282024-12-28176345359The effect of recreational activities to reducing fatigue index and improving motor perseverance in physical fitness class for female students
<p>The aim of the research was to prepare a scale of motor perseverance for female students, as well as to identify the effect of recreational activities in reducing the fatigue index and improving motor perseverance in the physical fitness lesson for female students. The researcher followed the experimental method by designing two equivalent groups with pre- and post-tests. The research sample consisted of third-year female students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Baghdad, with a number of (32) female students who were divided equally into two groups, a control and an experimental group, after conducting the homogeneity and equivalence processes based on the results of the pre-tests. Recreational activities were applied to the experimental group at a rate of (2) per week for a period of (5) weeks and for a time period of (35) minutes out of the total time of the educational unit of (90) minutes. The post-tests were conducted and then the results were extracted and processed using appropriate statistical methods. Through this, the researcher came out with several conclusions, including: that the use and introduction of recreational activities during the physical fitness lesson played a major role in reducing the fatigue index and improving motor perseverance among the students in the experimental group. In addition, the experimental group had a significant and clear superiority over the control group in reducing the fatigue index and improving motor perseverance. Based on this, the researcher made several recommendations, including emphasizing the use and inclusion of recreational activities in physical education and sports science lessons, especially physical fitness. In addition to the necessity of employing recreational activities in a way that contributes to raising the level of physical fitness, away from traditional and stereotypical physical exercises.</p>Lec. Dr. Zuhad Fawzy Naji
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2024-12-282024-12-28176360377The effect of weight training on the most important functional abilities and achievement level of 110m hurdles runners
<p>Despite the development and progress achieved in the field of sports training science in the world in the last two decades, most sports in the country still suffer from some obstacles that hinder their progress, especially the effectiveness of track and field, especially the 110-meter hurdles event for juniors. The researcher, being a former player in the event and a current coach, noted that there is a weakness in some functional abilities, as the majority of the junior players appear tired before reaching the end of the race, which leads to weak performance, failure to achieve good accomplishments, and a lack of training programs that are concerned with the junior category. Which prompted the researcher to prepare weight exercises to develop some functional abilities and the achievement level of 110m hurdles runners. The research aims to prepare weight exercises to develop the most important functional abilities and the achievement level of junior 110m hurdles runners. And to know the effect of weight exercises in developing the most important functional abilities and the achievement level of junior 110m hurdles runners.</p>Asst. Lec. Haider Talib Abd Madhloum
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2024-12-282024-12-28176378398Design and standardization of a progressively difficult educational test for football passing skills for first-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
<p>Standards play a vital role in documenting the values of new test results in the form of tables. They are one of the basic requirements that the standardization process aims for as a complement to standardizing test procedures, and contribute to knowing the current reality of the student. The degree of readiness and level as a result of practicing different exercises for sports activities, in addition to the possibility of adopting it for comparison with his group or similar groups, classification, prediction and selection. Developing the skill of handling the football in the educational field is an important matter for achieving distinguished performance among students. This skill requires a level of accuracy, speed and control, and the changes that occur in the educational preparation process require tests that are in harmony with these changes on the one hand, and the formation of new standards on the other hand. Accordingly, in the research problem, the researchers found a lack of models of educational tests for measuring the skill of handling in terms of the gradation of difficulty in performance for first-stage students. The aim of the research is to design and standardize an educational test of progressive difficulty for the skill of handling a football for first-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The research community was selected from first-year students for the academic year (2022-2023 AD) at the University of Baghdad. The number of students reached (260) students representing (9) academic departments, and the research sample consisted of (180) students. After obtaining the results and processing them statistically, the researchers reached two most important conclusions that an educational test of gradually increasing difficulty for the skill of handling a football in different directions and distances for first-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.</p>Prof. Dr. Faris Sami Yusuf Shabaa, Prof. Dr. Faris Sami Yusuf MalikAsst. Prof. Dr. Laith Mohammed Abdul Razzaq
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2024-12-282024-12-28176399316 Intelligence - Bodily-Kinesthetic and its Relationship to Football shooting Accuracy for Students
<p>The research aims to identify the level of bodily-motor intelligence of players and to identify the relationship between bodily-motor intelligence and scoring accuracy for students of the College of Physical Education - Basic - University of Diyala. The researcher used the descriptive approach with correlational relationships because it is suitable for the nature of the research and its sample. Accordingly, the research community was determined intentionally, and they are the students of the Department of Physical Education - Diyala Basic School, numbering (100) students. The researcher used the bodily-kinetic intelligence scale, which contains a form with phrases that the students answer. After the students finish answering, these forms are withdrawn and the players score on goal. The performance of each player is evaluated through the research sample and appropriate grades are given to them. The ready statistical package (SPSS) was used by means of the statistical analysis program, and the researcher concluded that there is a statistically significant correlation between bodily-motor intelligence and scoring accuracy in performance, and the researcher reached a positive correlation between the bodily-motor intelligence scale and scoring accuracy. The researcher recommends that the focus be on the psychological aspect due to its impact on all types of sports activities, and to work on developing their bodily-motor intelligence by involving them in various sports activities, educational and training courses, and competitive competitions.</p>Asst. Lec. Aouf Rahman Ibrahim
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2024-12-282024-12-28176417428The effect of endurance effort on some respiratory system variables of boxers
<p>Boxing is a game that is characterized by physical qualities, including the element of endurance to reach the highest levels. Boxing has several advantages, whether in the case of attack or defense, in addition to its reliance on the basic movements of a person, such as normal standing, support, and the ready position, and being one of the fastest individual games due to the contact of two people with each other in a square-shaped ring. The boxer's performance is characterised by the strength and speed of the punches, which requires trainers to measure the physical qualities or elements during training seasons in order to ensure their continuous development. This can only be achieved through tests that measure these qualities for the boxer in all his categories during training or in the application of the exception. Hence, the importance of research lies in identifying the responses and adaptations that occur in some respiratory system variables in players through endurance tests that coaches resort to in particular periodically as (training-test) units through which the training condition is evaluated and developed. In addition to identifying the effects and physiological responses achieved by these tests in the respiratory system for the purpose of evaluating the functional efficiency of boxers, as this knowledge is the main goal of sports physiology as the science that aims to explore the direct and long-term effects caused by physical exercises on the functions of the various bodily systems.</p>Lec. Dr. Amjad Mohammed Wahab Saleh
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2024-12-282024-12-28176429441نسبة مساهمة تحمل القوة في مهارتي الفلوترشوت والv.cut بكرة السلة للاعبين بأعمار (16-18) سنة
<p>The research included the introduction, its importance, and the problem that was embodied in the fact that basketball skills (flutter shot and v.cut) contribute highly to performance in matches and in attack as well. Since the basketball team consists of five players, one player holds the ball and four players perform these skills in order to be able to move away and get rid of the defender and receive the ball in the best way and score an injury, the study aimed to know the reality of the special endurance (strength endurance) of basketball players at ages (16-18) years. And knowing the reality of the complex offensive skills of basketball players aged (16-18) years old, as well as knowing the percentage of contribution of strength endurance in some complex offensive skills. To achieve these goals, the researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method and studying correlational relationships, while the research sample was represented by players from Al-Hilla Sports Club and Al-Karkh Sports Club. For the sports season (2023-2024), in addition to the means of collecting data and after a series of field procedures represented in determining the strength endurance that has a direct relationship with the performance of complex offensive skills in basketball, ensuring the validity of the tests, and proceeding with conducting the main experiment. Using appropriate statistical methods to process the results in a way that serves the research and achieves the objectives, the researcher concluded that: strength endurance is linked in a significant relationship with the skills of the flitter shot and v.cut in basketball, and that the increase in strength endurance is accompanied by an increase in the accuracy of performing complex offensive skills for players aged (16-18) years in basketball.</p>Asst. Lec. Laith Ezzat Issa
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2024-12-282024-12-28176442452The effectiveness of an educational approach using the reciprocal method to teaching some basic volleyball skills
<p>The research aims to prepare an educational curriculum that contains a set of exercises using the reciprocal method to improve the performance of some basic skills in volleyball. The researcher used the experimental method and designed two equivalent groups with pre- and post-tests. The research sample consisted of students from Al-Zaytoun Intermediate School for Boys - Second Intermediate Grade, numbering (40) students. The researcher divided them into two groups, a control and an experimental group. After that, the pre-test was conducted, and then the educational curriculum was implemented using the reciprocal method, followed by the post-test. The researcher concluded the effectiveness of the reciprocal method in teaching some basic skills in volleyball, and the researcher recommended emphasizing the use of the reciprocal method in teaching some basic skills in volleyball along with teaching the more difficult skills in the same game.</p>Lec. Dr. Haider Ahmed Shihab
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2024-12-282024-12-28176452466The impact of information processing strategy to developing mental abilities and the most important scouting skills for students
<p>The results of some research and studies have indicated that most learners have a superficial and external understanding of how their minds work and how to use information processing strategies and learning methods, which has led many to say that they do not invest their minds properly. This problem is almost general among students of the College of Physical Education in developing scouting skills. Even many other colleges are the result of facing different learning and study patterns that they were not used to previously in dealing with information. They bear great responsibility for their learning and adopt new strategies in dealing with information. Acquisition, storage, retrieval, and another problem is the weak ability to learn, train and achieve, not because of low intelligence, effort or lack of inclination, but because of the low level of their skills in organizing and processing information. Also, failure to remember, comprehend, perform and achieve success leads to loss of self-confidence, a feeling of weakness and doubt in the ability to perform well, as well as an exaggerated feeling of anxiety and fear. The weak ability of the learner to transfer what he has learned to practical life caught the attention of the researcher. Educational and psychological scientists agree that the role of learning must be to provide the learner with usable and applicable knowledge that requires processing information according to the needs generated when facing different situations in deduction, creating ideas, planning, facing difficult situations, which differ according to the thinking style of each individual, as well as the learner’s use of strategies that provide him with appropriate methods and help him in the situations he goes through, and then he learns well according to the method that suits his thinking and mental abilities.</p>م.م. محمد فتاح غني
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2024-12-282024-12-28176467484The extent of application of organizational justice in the administration of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences from the point of view of members
<p>The research aims to identify the extent of the application of organizational justice in the administration of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences from the point of view of the affiliates by identifying the dimensions of organizational justice (procedural justice, distributive justice, interactive justice, transactional justice, evaluative justice). The researcher used the descriptive approach with the survey method, due to its suitability to the nature of the research. The researcher selected a deliberate sample of members of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Diyala, amounting to (80) individuals. The researcher relied on the questionnaire form as a basic tool in collecting data. The most important results were: (The college administration adheres to ethical standards when making decisions, administrative work is distributed among members according to need accurately, material and moral incentives are not distributed fairly, and members’ salaries and wages are not commensurate with their qualifications. The college administration encourages participation in training and scientific courses. The college administration deals with its members according to the regulations and laws. One of the most important recommendations was to work on establishing an effective system of material and moral incentives, and for the incentives given to be proportionate to the effort exerted, linked to performance rates and creativity in work, and provided at the appropriate time.</p>Lec. Dr. Ahmed Jarallah Abdullah
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2024-12-282024-12-28176485514The impact of modern technology to development of some basic skills of tennis
<p>Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world, combining physical skill with mental tactics. Modern technology has played a pivotal role in these transformations, allowing players and coaches to benefit from advanced techniques to improve performance and develop basic skills. Studying the impact of modern technology on the development of basic skills in tennis is of great importance. The researcher used the experimental method because it is suitable for the nature of the research problem, which is concerned with clarifying the role of technology. The research sample consisted of female tennis players, and their number was (6) players, and they were chosen intentionally, because the research objectives require the use of athletes who are proficient in the technical performance of the game.</p>Inas Hamza Saeed
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2024-12-282024-12-28176534548The effect of plyometric training accompanied by ballistic exercises to developing muscular strength, some motor abilities and shooting skills for youth Football players
<p>The importance of the research came from the application of plyometric exercises, as they help improve muscle strength, explosive power, reaction speed, balance and coordination, while ballistic exercises help improve maximum muscle strength and muscle endurance. Bone density, and the combination of these two types of exercises gives better results in improving athletic performance in general, and through these exercises in football, they can be used to develop the most important physical element that affects the level of performance of football players, which is the element of muscular ability. The study aimed to prepare plyometric exercises accompanying ballistic exercises for the research sample members. To identify the effect of plyometric training accompanied by ballistic exercises in developing muscular strength, some motor abilities, and scoring skills for youth soccer players, the researchers used the experimental method in the style of a single experimental group with a pre- and post-test to suit the nature of the research and its objectives. The researchers deliberately selected the research community from the youth football players of Khanaqin Sports Club. The research community amounted to (24) players, and (8) players were selected by lottery to represent the research sample. The field research procedures included conducting experiments and tests that included (the long jump test from a standstill, the hop test for the maximum distance in (10) seconds. Zigzag running between (4) markers (multi-directional running), leg movement speed test, motor flexibility measurement, foot aiming test on overlapping rectangles, motor balance test, and scoring accuracy test). These exercises were applied within the main section and took 45-50 minutes at a rate of (2) units per week for (8) weeks, as the number of training units reached (18) units.</p>Asst. Lec. Ahmed Qais HassanAsst. Lec. Ahmed Abbas Ali Khan
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2024-12-282024-12-28176549567The effect of playing style exercises and multimedia to learning some offensive basketball skills among students
<p>The importance of the research was evident in preparing exercises using the play style and multimedia and knowing their effect on some offensive skills in basketball for students. As for the research problem, the researchers summarized it in two questions: (Do exercises using the play style have an effect on the development of students? And do multimedia have an effect on the development of the technical level of students?). The research aims to prepare exercises using the play and multimedia method for fourth-year students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and to identify the effect of exercises on learning some basic offensive basketball skills for fourth-year students. The researchers used the experimental method with two equivalent experimental and control groups to suit the nature and problem of the research. The research community was represented by the fourth-stage morning studies students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Diyala for the academic year (2023-2024), numbering (323) students divided into seven sections (A, B, C, D, E, F, Z) who represented the research community. The research sample consisted of students (D, H) who were selected randomly, numbering (60) and divided into two groups, each group containing 25, with the exclusion of 10 students for various reasons.</p>Brihan Abdul Aziz ThamerDr. Yasar Sabah Jassim
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2024-12-282024-12-28176568581The effect of specialized training according to the high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method to developing anaerobic capacity and shooting in youth basketball
<p>Specialized basketball training is essential to developing well-rounded, high-performance players. By focusing on skill-specific training, position-specific training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Hence, the importance of research in finding a training method according to the high intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method emerges by alternating between short periods of intense activity and periods of rest or less intense exercises to implement HIIT specialized in basketball training. The research problem is highlighted, and through the researcher’s work and continuous observation of young players, she noticed that there is a weakness in some physical and skill abilities, especially anaerobic ability and shooting skill when compared to international teams, as shooting is a basic skill in basketball. The experimental method was used on two groups and the pre-tests were determined by anaerobic capacity and some basketball shooting skills. The experimental method was applied to the experimental group using specialized training, the intermittent intensity method. She concluded that using specialized training according to the high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) method works to develop anaerobic and shooting skills in young basketball players and recommended using this type of training.</p>Lec. Dr. Duea Habib Talab
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2024-12-282024-12-28176582595The effect of an educational approach based on cognitive stimulants on mental skills and learning the skills of set and spiking for high school female students of volleyball
<p>The purpose of the research is to identify the effect of an educational approach. According to cognitive stimulants on mental skills and learning. The skills of numbers and multiplication. The crushing. For female students of Al-Tabiea Private Secondary School. The researcher adopted the experimental method and its hypotheses. The design of the two equivalent experimental groups. And the control group with the pre-test. And the post-test. The boundaries of the research community are represented by the first-year female students in the natural secondary school. My family for girls. affiliated with the Kirkuk Governorate Education Directorate for the academic year (2023/2024) with (31) female students distributed into two classes. The sample was selected randomly by drawing lots. Section (A) was chosen to represent the experimental group and Section (B) the control group. The number of Section (A) became (12) students for the experimental group and the control group (12) students by presenting the results for the experimental and control groups, analyzing them and discussing them.</p>Asst. Lec. Sayeh Sami Abdullah
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2024-12-282024-12-28176596611The effect of special exercises to developing the rapid blitz attack of handball players
<p>The researcher touched on the introduction to the research, its importance, and the impact of special exercises and their effectiveness in developing the quick, collective and individual lightning attack due to its importance in surprising the opposing team and scoring goals, as it is known that winning the game of handball depends on scoring the largest number of goals in the opposing team’s goal. It also included the research problem, objectives, hypotheses and areas. The researcher discussed the research methodology and its field procedures, as the researcher used the experimental method because it is suitable for the nature and problem of the research. The sample homogeneity and exploratory experiment were conducted. To extract the results, the researcher used the statistical package (SPSS). The results were presented, analyzed and discussed.</p>Lec. Dr. Ammar Taher Mandil
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2024-12-282024-12-28176612625The effect of special exercises using assistive devices to improve the performance level of some basic volleyball skills for ages (12-15) years
<p>Here lies the importance of the study, working using special exercises to improve the level of performance of some basic skills in volleyball at the ages of (12-15) years to help players acquire a healthy basic skill base and improve their level results in a positive way in developing the game of volleyball. The study aimed at the effect of special exercises using assistive devices to improve the performance level of some basic volleyball skills at the ages of (12-15) years. The hypothesis included significant differences to improve the performance of some basic skills of the research sample in the study. The research sample consisted of players from the specialized school for the season (2023-2024) aged (12-15) years, totaling (18) players.</p>Lec. Dr. Ithar Hamdi Abdel Rahman Imran
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2024-12-282024-12-28176626636The most important cognitive and motor abilities and their relationship with skill performance and motor satisfaction of freestyle swimming among college students
<p>The research aims to identify the level of cognitive and motor abilities, skill performance, and motor satisfaction levels among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Sulaimani. And also to identify the type of relationship between the most important cognitive abilities and the level of skill performance and motor satisfaction in freestyle swimming and in the research sample. And to identify the type of relationship between the most important motor abilities and the level of skill performance and motor satisfaction in freestyle swimming and in the research sample. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the correlational method. The research community was determined to be 32 female students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Sulaimani. After excluding those who practiced, were absent, and participated in the exploratory experiment, which numbered 5 female students. The research sample number became 27 students, and the researcher used a number of devices, tools, and means of collecting information. Then, the research variables and appropriate tests were determined to measure them, and exploratory experiments and the main experiment were conducted. The data were processed using appropriate specialized methods (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient).</p>Asst. Lec. Tarifa Hassan Muhammad
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2024-12-282024-12-28176637660Sports activities and their relationship to psychological trends among intermediate school students of Babylon Governorate
<p>Sports activities are considered to be significant activities that are studied, placed and followed with modern methods to discover the type of relationship for middle school students through their enthusiasm for sports activities or vice versa, and because sports activities vary and their relationship with psychological trends greatly among students. And because of the multiplicity of stimuli for them through emotional charges. It affects motivation and directs behavior, leading to it being considered an element that will help create a strong desire among students to engage in most activities in schools, especially sports. The emergence of new teaching methods has prompted many researchers to study and research its details and methods, including the two researchers. Perhaps the most important of these methods is the subject of sports activities and how to hold them in a manner that matches the desire and behavior of students and the methods of using them by teachers and the successes achieved that naturally lead them to use them in the teaching process. The researchers used the descriptive survey method because it is suitable for the nature of the research. The research aims to identify the relationship between sports activities and psychological trends among intermediate school students in Babil Governorate. The research aims to prepare two scales (for sports activities and psychological trends) among intermediate school students. The research came out with a set of conclusions: First, middle school students enjoyed a high degree of sports activity. Second, middle school students enjoyed a great deal of psychological orientation. Third, there was a positive correlation between sports activities and psychological orientation among middle school students.</p>Lec. Dr. Qayid Muhammad Hussein TalibLec. Dr. Saad Hamza Habib Aboud
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2024-12-282024-12-28176660674The relative influence of the dominant and non-dominant hand on the performance accuracy during a motor task
<p>The study aims to know the relative difference between the dominant and non-dominant hand and to reduce the difference and consider it an indicator of improvement in education and training alike. Hence the importance of the study. 20 students from the fourth grade were selected based on their ability to shoot free throws in basketball, out of 200 students. The most important results obtained from the study are that the dominant hand exceeds the difference by 58%, but when the left hand is dominant, the difference between them is 22% in favor of the left dominant hand, and this is an indicator of why the left-handed person in most sports is better than the right-handed dominant person. From here we conclude that the smaller the relative difference, the better the athlete’s performance, whether in education, training or achievement.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Bassem Kadhem Khalaf Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-28176675683Biomechanical analysis using MATLAB programming language to identify the best performance and the extent of agreement with experts
<p>The development in gymnastics is the result of the progress achieved at the technical and research levels that helped athletes perform difficult and complex skills. Since the various gymnastic devices require most of their skills to be complex in structure, such as rotation, swings, jumps and flips, this is done by highlighting the ideal performance through modern technology in seeing the ideal performance with the least possible effort. Or setting the training reserve according to the movement that any player will learn, as the research aimed to identify some of the biomechanical variables of the forward hand jump movement with a double landing and to identify the best movement performed by the research sample. According to the effort exerted and the compatibility between the opinion of experts in the field of gymnastics effectiveness and the opinion of the analyst in terms of the biomechanical aspect using the Automatlab program. The question that comes to the minds of researchers is that the researchers were unable to seek the help of experts or specialists at the time specified by the researcher in order to photograph his sample during performance or measure the best motor performance in order to achieve the objectives of his research, for example, to compare or study the accuracy of performance in any other individual activity, is the time of the main experiment postponed? The research sample consisted of one player who was deliberately chosen and who represents one of the distinguished students in the movement performance in the gymnastics activity. The researchers followed the descriptive approach due to its suitability and the nature of the research, as scientific and technical measurement and observation were used as a means of collecting information.</p>Lec. Dr. Farid Fouad RashidProf. Dr. Uby Ramiz Al-BakriAsst. Lec. Heba Mounir Yahya
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2024-12-282024-12-28176684694The effect of a training curriculum on muscle strength, achievement and enhancing self-confidence among disabled weightlifters
<p>The study aimed to prepare a training curriculum proposed by the researcher, and to identify its effect on developing muscle strength (relative strength, strength characterized by speed, and strength endurance), achievement, and enhancing self-confidence among disabled weightlifters. The researcher used the experimental method in the style of the control and experimental groups with pre- and post-tests. The research community included disabled weightlifters in (10) committees and clubs in Iraq for the year (2023), as the research sample amounted to (23) weightlifters for each group representing (79%) of the original community, and he applied the training curriculum to the experimental group for a period of (6) weeks, each week (3) training units, as the total number of training curriculum units amounted to (18) training units, and the researcher used a self-confidence scale questionnaire consisting of (13) statements. It was distributed to the research sample before and after implementing the training curriculum, and the researcher came out with several results. In light of these results, he concluded the effectiveness of the proposed training curriculum in developing muscle strength in a quick and effective manner, and it has an advantage over the traditional curriculum of the trainer, and that the more the weightlifters develop their level of achievement and muscle strength, this leads to enhancing their self-confidence. In light of these conclusions, he recommended several recommendations, including: applying the proposed training curriculum to different age groups, as it has a positive impact on developing muscle strength and enhancing self-confidence, especially at the beginning of the special preparation period, as well as paying attention to the psychological aspect of the lifters and trying to overcome their problems and trying to find solutions for them.</p>Lec. Dr. Ali Kadhim Hussein Al-Jawrani
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2024-12-282024-12-28176695713Qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the rotational weight push of one of the country's champions
<p>Most coaches rely on simple self-observation or non-technical scientific observation in evaluating weight throwers. Their decision is based on their self-evaluation, which is somewhat flawed due to the speed of movement, its multiple stages and variables, and based on the progress achieved in the means of technical scientific observation and reliance on objective judgment (evaluation). The researcher found it necessary to use it in judging the level of technical performance. The research aims to identify the evaluation of technical performance by experts for the effectiveness of pushing the weight. And to identify some mechanical errors in performance. The researcher used the descriptive approach for its suitability and the nature of the research. The research sample consisted of one of the country’s champions in the weight-pushing activity. The researcher used devices and tools (one (1) Sony video camera, a computer, a standard tape, and a holder to fix the camera). A legal weight of (7.260 kg) was used, and content analysis of scientific sources, measurement, testing, technical scientific observation, and qualitative analysis were used as means of collecting data. The research experiment was filmed on Saturday, 3/6/2021, at exactly ten o’clock in the morning, at the throwing field in the College of Basic Education. If the camera is fixed on the basis of the transverse axis of the shooter’s body and the distance between the camera lens focus and the shooter’s shooting position is (10 m) and the height of the lens focus above the ground is (1.25) m. The performance evaluation form for the weight-pushing activity using the rotation method was designed and presented to a group of experts and specialists. The researcher concluded that rotation has the greatest impact on the achievement. The throwing phase has a significant impact on the achievement and is second only to rotation in terms of the experts’ analysis. Coverage and the readiness stance have the same evaluation in terms of importance in the experts’ evaluation.</p>Asst. Lec. Sameem Ahmed Younis Abdullah
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2024-12-282024-12-28176714726Relationship between lordosis and kyphosis of advanced bodybuilders
<p>The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the postural system and the field that studies body posture known as postural science. Posture is known to be a set of interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the afferent and efferent pathways of the central nervous system, and its main role is to keep your body in a state of musculoskeletal balance and protect the supporting structures against damage or progressive deformity in humans. The body balances three physiological curvatures of the spine: cervical lordosis, anterior convex lumbar kyphosis, and anterior concave dorsal kyphosis. These curves are established and stabilized after about 5-6 years of foot proprioception maturation. The three curves maintain balance and support and resist longitudinal stresses (1-4). The most important of these is the lumbar lordosis, which is concave in the back and consists of 5 vertebrae starting from the sacrum. The thoracic curve consists of 12 vertebrae and forms an anterior depression called the kyphosis. 7 vertebrae of the cervical spine form the cervical lordosis in the posterior concavity (5, 6). Full development of postural function occurs at about 11 years of age and then remains stable until about 65 years of age. Spinal deviations are associated with various spinal diseases such as spondylolisthesis, herniated discs, specific lesions with acute and chronic characteristics, increased intradiscal pressure, viscoelastic deformity, and low back pain. A sagittal curvature outside the normal range results in decreased functional capacity and perceived quality of life. In addition, spinal curvature is associated with slow walking, poor balance, and a higher risk of falling. On the other hand, regular and consistent exercise can affect sagittal spinal curvature.</p>Ahmed Abbas Hussein Al-Kroui
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2024-12-282024-12-28176727743 The effect of circular feedback strategy to acquisition and retention of cognitive achievement in physical exercises
<p>The research aims to reveal the effect of both the circular feedback strategy and the method used in acquiring and retaining the cognitive achievement of physical exercises, as well as revealing the differences between the experimental and control groups in acquiring and retaining the cognitive achievement of physical exercises. The researcher used the experimental method, and the research community was represented by third-year students in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the College of Basic Education at the University of Mosul for the academic year 2023-2024, numbering (62) male and female students. As for the research sample, it was randomly selected, numbering (40) students, with (20) students in each classroom. The two independent variables were distributed randomly to the two halls. Hall (1) represented the control group, which studied using the method followed by the teacher, while Hall (2) represented the experimental group, which studied using the circular feedback strategy. Homogeneity was achieved between the two groups in the age variable, in addition to achieving equivalence between them in the intelligence variable. The educational units were applied to the two groups, with (8) units for each group and (90) minutes for each educational unit. After completing the implementation of the units on the two research groups, the cognitive achievement test prepared by (Al-Jabouri, 2013) was applied, which the researcher adopted in the current research. Two weeks after the test, the test was repeated on the two research groups to measure the retention rate among the members of the two research groups, and the statistical package (SPSS) was used to reach the research results.</p>Lec. Dr. Faiq Younis Ali
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2024-12-282024-12-28176744764Determining standard Degree for some tests of tactical execution speed among youth football players in Sulaymaniyah Governorate
<p>The research aims to determine standard degree for some tests of the speed of tactical implementation for youth football players in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in order to evaluate their performance by determining standard degree and improving their performance in terms of speed and accuracy of performance. The theoretical chapter includes the understanding of standards, testing, measurement, evaluation, the concept of speed, accuracy, tactical performance, and football. The researchers used the descriptive approach with the survey method because it is appropriate for the current research problem. It was conducted on a representative sample of youth football players in Sulaymaniyah Governorate for the 2023-2024 football season, numbering (118) players. The researchers used some tests for the speed of implementing the plans, such as the plan-based wall handling test (double bus) and scoring, the plan-based linking and scoring test, the plan-based performance test by changing direction and then scoring, and a test for the compound and scoring plans. After conducting some statistical operations to find the standard degree using (standard deviation and arithmetic mean).</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahid Hussein QadirDunya Najat Rashid
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2024-12-282024-12-28176765782The effect of Frayer model of concepts to learning forward and backward scissor movements on the reined horse apparatus of gymnastics for students
<p>The importance of the research lies in establishing the correct scientific picture for teaching and learning some movements on gymnastic apparatus for students, especially on the pommel horse apparatus in the front and back scissor movements, and explaining the role of the Frayer model in understanding and applying these movements. The success of the front and back scissors movements on the pommel horse in gymnastics requires first a clear understanding of the movement, including sight, application and model, and then understanding it in the application and repetition of the correct movements. This requires the use of a correct model such as the educational Frayer model. The research aims to identify the impact of the Frayer model of concepts on learning the front and back scissors movements on the pommel horse in gymnastics for students.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Shamil Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-28176783794The effect of educational units according to the Lorsbach model of the learning cycle using multimedia to improving the motor balance and Shooting from the stability of the football for students
<p>The aim of the research is to prepare educational units according to the Lorsbach model for the learning cycle in the physical education lesson and the football subject. To identify the effect of educational units according to the Lorsbach model for the learning cycle in improving motor balance and goal-scoring from a standing position in football for students. The research community consisted of fifth-grade students at Al-Shaheed Talib Al-Suhail Intermediate School for Distinguished Boys, in Baghdad Education - Al-Karkh 3, Baghdad Governorate, for the academic year 2023-2024. They were deliberately selected and their number amounted to (330) students distributed over (6) academic departments. The research sample consisted of (44) students in Section A who were randomly selected. The students who did not meet the equivalence element were excluded, and their number was (2). After that, the sample was divided into two groups, an experimental and a control group. (11) students represented the experimental group and (11) students represented the control group. The researcher sought to find equivalence between the two research groups in the variable of motor balance and goal-scoring from a standing position in football. The researcher then prepared educational units according to the Lorsbach model for the learning cycle using multimedia. After applying the research experiment, the researcher conducted the post-test and relied on many statistical laws.</p>Hussein Abdel Sattar Lafta
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2024-12-282024-12-28176795814Studying some kinematic variables of the two stages (flying and crossing the bar) in high jump for Iraqi clubs and institutions and comparing them with the global model
<p>The importance of the research is evident in its reliance on an accurate scientific method in converting the motor performance of the two stages (flying and crossing the bar) into numerical values that are easy to deal with as (mechanical) indicators and guides that address the educational and training processes and even the sport of record numbers. On the other hand, scrutiny and research into those numbers and values will direct the training process towards revealing the current level of the players and beyond that to the possibility of predicting the future and what can be reached through that data. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the survey method for its suitability and the nature of the problem. The research sample consisted of (6) local jumpers representing Iraqi clubs and institutions. The researcher divided the kinematic variables into two sections, which are the variables of the jumping and crossing the bar stages. The practical experiment was conducted on (9/19/2019) on the research sample, taking advantage of the championship held at the University of Sulaymaniyah stadium. The researcher reached several conclusions indicating that most of the values of the kinematic variables confirm the existence of a significant weakness in the flight and crossing stages of the bar to the local level due to the clear significant differences between the values of those variables. The researcher also recommended taking into account the results of the current study in building training curricula according to the values of kinematic variables and the importance of conducting similar studies and comparing the values of mechanical variables for local jumpers with those at higher levels and using modern techniques in photography, analysis and error detection.</p>Lec. Dr. Mahmoud Abbas Abdel Hassan
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2024-12-282024-12-28176815831Psychological stability and its relationship to competitive behavior and achievement of short-distance runners (100m-200m)
<p>Psychological stability contributes to enhancing the ability to adapt to stress, which helps individuals transform stress into a motivation for success. This is positively reflected in their competitive behavior as they interact more positively with competitors and the pressures surrounding them. Psychological stability is a crucial factor in shaping competitive behavior and achieving accomplishments. When an individual has psychological stability, he or she has the ability to better handle the pressures of competition, allowing him or her to maintain focus and achieve outstanding performance. As for the problem that revolves around the researcher’s field visits to the specialized center for athletics. The researcher noticed a defect in the psychological aspects that affects the poor achievement of short-distance runners. This creates confusion and fear of competition, which affects their responses to the start and end of the race. This leads to an increase in the length of the races, which weakens the achievement. The research aims to identify the following: Identify the psychological stability, competitive behavior and achievement of short-distance runners (100m-200m), identify the relationship between psychological stability and competitive behavior of short-distance runners (100m-200m, identify the relationship between psychological stability and achievement of short-distance runners (100m-200m). Identifying the relationship between psychological stability, competitive behavior, and achievement in short-distance runners (100m-200m).</p>Asst. Lec. Saja Rahim Rashid
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2024-12-282024-12-28176832845Rehabilitation method for partial rupture of some ligaments of the wrist joint and its effect on the ranges of motion of team games players
<p>This study aims to prepare a rehabilitation method to treat partial rupture of some wrist ligaments through the use of physical therapy devices and rehabilitation exercises. The researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of the problem. The sample was deliberately selected from some clubs in Basra Governorate (Ghaz Aljanub, Naft Albasra), which consisted of (5) players with partial tears. The researcher applied the rehabilitation method to the research sample for (6) weeks, at a rate of (3) rehabilitation units per week. One of the most important results was the presence of statistically significant differences between the pre-tests in motor range and the post-tests in favor of the post-tests.</p>Anoud Dhaher Sabti DhaherProf. Dr. Qusay Saleh Mal Allah
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2024-12-282024-12-28176846862The effect of special exercises using the Verti Max device on some physical abilities and physiological indicators of football players
<p>The aim of the research was to prepare special exercises using the (Verti max) device in some physical abilities and physiological indicators of football players and to identify the effect of exercises using the (Verti max) device in some physical and physiological abilities. The researcher used the experimental method with two equal groups, the control and the experimental, and with pre- and post-tests. The research sample was chosen intentionally, and they are the players of the North Oil Club for the advanced category, numbering (20) players divided into two groups. The training program was applied to the experimental group and included (24) training units and lasted for (8) weeks. After the training program ended and the data was obtained, it was statistically processed using the statistical package (Spss). The researcher reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is that the development of some physical abilities under the influence of the Verti Max device affected the development of some physiological indicators such as heart rate and lactic acid concentration in the blood. The researcher recommended the necessity of using modern devices that measure physiological indicators during training units.</p>Lec. Dr. Mohammed Hadi Jassim
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2024-12-282024-12-28176863881 Measuring the level of time management among secondary school students belonging to sports clubs in the center of Dhi Qar Governorate
<p>The researcher decided to study this topic because of its importance in determining the future of our athletes who continue their secondary education. After the researcher noticed that many of them stumbled in achieving what was expected of them in terms of achievement compared to their previous achievement in primary and intermediate education, the study tools were prepared according to the methodology of sound scientific research using the necessary statistical tools. The initial tests were conducted by applying the questionnaire to the experimental sample of (10) and a percentage of (7%) of the total research community using the test and retest method to extract the stability of its paragraphs using the (Pearson) correlation law, and the overall stability degree was (0.82). This was done for the period from (2/8/2024 to 16/8/2024), followed by the application of the second test on the building sample of (80) and a percentage of (53%) of the total research community using the statistical package (spss) to extract the discriminating power of the questionnaire paragraphs. The questionnaire paragraphs were all consistent with its total score in a significant way at a significance level of (0.05), and the degrees of correlation between the paragraphs and the total score of the questionnaire ranged between (0.451-0.765). After the final version of the questionnaire was completed, the test was applied to the main sample of the study, numbering (60) at a percentage of (40%). It was done for the period (9/20/2024 to 11/6/2024). After receiving the data, the answers were transcribed and dealt with according to the rules and laws of the statistical laboratory to achieve the goals set by the researcher for his study. This was done for the period from (20/9/2024 to 6/11/2024).</p>Lec. Ali Hussein Hiloul
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2024-12-282024-12-28176882902The effect of a training program using the (1000 Touch) method to develop the performance during the rounds of young boxers (U22) in boxing
<p>The aim of the research is to prepare a special program using the (1000-Touch) method in the boxing training unit, to identify the effect of the program using the (1000-Touch) method in the training unit during the rounds, and the research used the experimental method with two experimental and control groups as it is the most appropriate method to address the research problem. The research community was deliberately selected from young boxers (U22) in Diyala Governorate, distributed among (three clubs), namely (Diyala Club (Baquba Center), Shahraban Club, Baladruz Club), with (6) boxers for each club. The research sample was chosen randomly by drawing lots. They were (6) boxers from Diyala Club - Baqubah Center, who represented the experimental group on which the training program was applied using (1000-Touch). The control group was represented by the (Shahban) Club, which numbered (6) boxers, and which used the method followed by the coach. Thus, the final group of the research sample was (12) boxers, representing a percentage of (66.67%) of the original community, which numbered (18) boxers.</p>Lec. Ammar Musa JafarAsst. Lec. Arkan Taha IsmailProf. Dr. Firas Abdel Moneim Abdel Razzaq
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2024-12-282024-12-28176903914The effect of using an educational program using the modeling method to teaching and developing the technical stages of raising the nitrate for first-stage students
<p>The aim of the research was to prepare an educational program using the modeling method to learn the technical stages of the performance of the jitter lift for first-year students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and to identify the effect of the educational program using the modeling method to learn the technical stages of the performance of the jitter lift for first-year students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The researchers chose the experimental method, which is the best and most appropriate method to achieve the research objectives. The research community consisted of first-year students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Diyala, for the academic year 2023/2024, numbering (512) students, divided into 6 sections for males. The research sample was selected by lottery, and they are students from sections (C, D) after excluding students who failed, postponed, and those practicing weightlifting. Thus, the final number of students in the research sample is (90) students, with (45) students for each section. The experimental group represented Section (C) and the control group represented Section (D) and represented a percentage of (17.57%). Through the results that appeared, the researchers concluded that the educational program had a positive impact on developing and learning the skill of raising the bar for students. Learning according to the modeling method had an effective impact on the process of achieving learning and improving students’ performance. The educational program prepared for learning the skill of the net has an impact on the process of learning the skill, and the modeling method in the learning process has proven its effectiveness in the process of increasing retention and consolidating learning.</p>Asst. Lec. Hassanein Saleh GhadbanAsst. Lec. Ahmed Akram Mahmoud
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2024-12-282024-12-28176915929The effect of 90-100% intensity training to development of leg speed endurance and anaerobic capacity of advanced handball players
<p>The research included the importance of preparing exercises using a playing style with an intensity of 90-100% in developing the speed endurance of the legs and the anaerobic capacity of advanced handball players. The research problem focused on the decline in the physical and functional level of the players, which leads to weakness and difficulty in performing defensive and offensive duties during the handball match, which is negatively reflected in the result of the match. The researcher believes that the reason for this is the lack of use of trainers for exercises with a 90-100% intensity playing style and the lack of introducing players to an atmosphere very similar to competition, which does not make the player feel the difficulty of the match. The research aims to prepare exercises with a 90%-100% intensity playing style in handball. To identify the effect of exercises using a playing style with intensity (90%-100%) in developing the speed endurance of the legs for advanced handball players, and to identify the effect of exercises using a playing style with intensity (90%-100%) on the anaerobic capacity of advanced handball players. The researcher used the experimental method because it is suitable for the nature and problem of the research. As for the research community, the research sample was determined by the advanced sports players of Naft Al-Wasat, numbering (14) players. The (goalkeepers), numbering (2), were excluded due to the difference in the nature of their training, so the total number of sample members became (12) players. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group, with (6) players for each group, using the simple random method (lottery method).</p>Asst. Lec. Hamza Ali Abbas
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2024-12-282024-12-28176930948The effect of visual educational media on some psychological characteristics of freestyle swimming
<p>The research aims to prepare a curriculum using visual educational means to develop the psychological aspect in free swimming for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salahaddin - Erbil. And to identify some features of the psychological aspect in free swimming for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salahaddin - Erbil. To identify the effect of the visual educational media curriculum on some psychological characteristics of freestyle swimming for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salah al-Din - Erbil and to identify the differences in the post-tests between the experimental and control research groups in some psychological characteristics of students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salah al-Din – Erbil. There are significant differences between the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in some psychological characteristics of freestyle swimming for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salah al-Din - Erbil. There are statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-tests of the control group in some psychological characteristics of freestyle swimming for students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salah al-Din - Erbil. There are statistically significant differences in the post-tests of the experimental and control groups in some psychological characteristics of students of the College of Physical Education - University of Salah al-Din - Erbil.</p>Lec. Dr. Fatima Hussein Al-MaamouriProf. Dr. Hatem Saber KhoshnawAsst. Lec. Awara Marshal Rasul
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2024-12-282024-12-28176949972Historical analysis of men's boxing results by weight class at the Olympic Games 2004 - 2024))
<p>The research aims to determine the boxing weight categories adopted in the Olympic Games (2004-2024) and to know the ranking of countries that achieved advanced results in boxing according to each weight in the Olympic Games (2004-2024). Determining the ranking of advanced countries in the light, medium and heavy weight categories in the Olympic Games (2004-2024), and identifying players who won more than one medal in the Olympic Games for the period under study. The historical analytical method was adopted in collecting and analyzing data in an objective manner. The number of points was also calculated based on the number of medals won by each country in the Olympic Games for the period under study. (Three points were given for the gold medal, two points for the silver medal, one point for the bronze medal), and the conclusions stated that the limits for the different weights were determined in each of the Olympic cycles (2004-2024). There is a change in the number and limits of weight categories to suit the abilities and competitive levels of boxers. The recommendations included the need to conduct studies on the training methods of boxers who have won more than one medal in the Olympic Games, which enabled them to continue their excellence and achieve advanced results for long periods, in addition to identifying their distinctive characteristics that contribute to selecting new boxers.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Zainab Ali Abdul Amir
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2024-12-282024-12-28176973993The effect of special exercises to developing skill and tactical performance against left-handed boxers
<p>The left-handed boxer is distinguished by his stance (counter-right stance) and his unusual play for the right-handed player (due to lack of training and competition with a left-handed player) and his use of strong straight left-handed counter punches primarily and at the beginning of every single attack or series of punches. This is due to the presence of a large gap in the readiness stance between the boxers, which confuses the right-handed player and distracts his attention. The research problem included the low level of skill and tactical performance of the right-handed boxer, which negatively affects his ability to make appropriate and correct movement decisions when his opponent is a left-handed player. The aim of the research is to use special exercises and to know the effectiveness of these exercises in developing the skill and tactical performance to confront the left-handed boxer and to avoid making skill and tactical errors in competing with him. The researcher used the single-group experimental method. The research sample included boxers from the Al-Khatout Youth Sports Club, aged (17-18), numbering (6), who were chosen intentionally. After conducting statistical processing, the research results showed that the use of exercises has a positive effect in developing the skill and tactical performance of the right-handed player when competing with a left-handed boxer.</p>Asst. Lec. Ali Majeed Abdul Hussein
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2024-12-282024-12-281769941010 Proposed promotional plan for the Federation's fencing championships
<p>The research aims to develop a proposed promotional plan for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation by identifying the objectives of the promotional plan for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation, and identifying the promotional methods and means for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation. The human, financial and information resources necessary to implement the promotional plan for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation, the timetable for the proposed promotional plan for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation, and indicators of the success of the promotional plan for the fencing championships of the Iraqi Federation. The researcher used the descriptive approach with the survey method to implement the research procedures. The research sample was random, consisting of (12) members of the Executive Office of the Iraqi Fencing Federation, (25) heads and members of the branches, (25) players, (36) coaches, referees and administrators, and (12) businessmen in the sports field, totaling (110) individuals. The study sample was divided into a survey study consisting of (20) individuals for the purpose of standardizing the questionnaire form, and a basic study sample consisting of (90) individuals from the total research sample.</p>Asst. Lec. Zaid Makki Jassim
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2024-12-282024-12-2817610111045The role of the scouting movement to enhancing the leadership skills of physical education and sports science students
<p>This study aims to explore the impact of scouting activities as part of the academic program in enhancing leadership skills among physical education and sports science students. The study relied on the descriptive analytical approach. A sample of students participating and not participating in scouting activities was included to assess differences in leadership skills such as decision-making, teamwork, and taking responsibility. The results showed that participation in scouting activities positively affects the development of leadership skills among students. This enhances their readiness to face academic and professional challenges. The study recommended integrating scouting activities into the curriculum and providing sustainable institutional support to ensure a positive impact on the development of leadership skills.</p>Suha Darwish Abdel Ghafour
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2024-12-282024-12-2817610461067Activating water sports to invest in water bodies and their impact on activating tourism
<p>The tourism and sports sectors depend on the masses in the planning and development process. Tourism is based on exploiting old buildings or water bodies to hold activities of a competitive or touristic nature. Water sports in Iraq are still limited to some activities such as swimming, jumping into the water, and rowing, which has recently been introduced, in addition to water boat racing activities. Despite the availability of financial capabilities, we have not seen a noticeable development in the optimal exploitation of water bodies, rivers, and beaches in tourism entrepreneurship or the holding of sporting events. The importance of the research lies in the optimal exploitation of water bodies in Iraq to provide the opportunity for the masses to practice sports and thus develop them into tourist and urban resorts. The researcher believes that the presence of water bodies in Iraq has not been optimally exploited in water sports activities or in tourism, despite their suitability for most sports activities and games. The research aims to engage those interested and investors in tourism. Planning to exploit water bodies by activating water sports and providing the largest possible number of individuals with the opportunity to practice and enjoy them by filling their free time and achieving the highest level of psychological, intellectual and physical comfort.</p>Lec. Dr. Haider Zgheir Alwan
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2024-12-282024-12-2817610681081The percentage of contribution of sensorimotor perception to the performance of some artistic gymnastic skills for students
<p>The scientific progress and knowledge explosion witnessed by the era in all areas of life, including the sports field, are based on the foundations and principles of scientific research and the use of educational and training methods and techniques. The sport of gymnastics and the characteristics of the movement chains performed on its various devices are distinguished and what it requires in terms of mental preparation and personal characteristics that the gymnast must possess. One of the main objectives of this study is (to identify the percentage of contribution of sensory-motor perception to the performance of some artistic gymnastics skills for students). The researcher made several assumptions that he sought to test through field research procedures, while the research community included second-stage students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences - University of Babylon for the academic year 2023-2024, numbering 115 students, and a random sample of (30) students was selected. After using some statistical methods to achieve the research objectives, test its hypotheses, present, analyze and discuss the results of the study, several conclusions were reached through them, the most important of which is (there is a positive moral relationship between the abilities to sense distance, sense time) and the skills under study. The researcher also concluded with several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to prepare curricula that help develop the mental abilities of students in the sport of gymnastics.</p>Asst. Lec. Abbas Hatem Alwan
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2024-12-282024-12-2817610821095The effect of Tolman cognitive educational strategy to learning some basic defensive skills of volleyball for juniors
<p>The importance of the research was evident in raising the level of learning skill performance in volleyball as a result of using learning requirements, which is the perception resulting from the use of the healthy educational strategy, which is Tolman's cognitive strategy. The research problem was: Every teacher has his own theory and ideas in education according to the new ideas, nature and level of the learner, as well as the type of performance that will raise the level of his education Therefore, skill performance requires a special strategy that suits and simulates the learner's level due to the difficulty of these skills in teaching and implementation. The most important objectives of the research: Identifying the effect of Tolman's cognitive educational strategy in learning defensive skill performance in volleyball for juniors. The experimental method was used. The sample was junior players, and after applying Tolman's strategy, the researcher reached the most important conclusions: Tolman's cognitive educational strategy is important and essential in learning some basic defensive skills in volleyball for juniors. It was recommended to: adopt Tolman's cognitive educational strategy as it is important and essential in learning some basic defensive skills in volleyball for juniors.</p>Lec. Dr. Ammar Ghazi Ahmed
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2024-12-282024-12-2817611081122The effect of using the reciprocal and triple reciprocal methods to learning the skills of serving from below and set from above forward of volleyball
<p>The aim of the research was to reveal the effect of using the reciprocal and triple reciprocal methods in learning the skills of sending from below and preparing from above forward in volleyball. The experimental method was used for its suitability and the nature of the research. This research was conducted on a sample of eighth grade students at Sharaf Elementary School for Boys for the year (2023-2024). The number of students (50) was divided into two experimental groups. The first experimental group studied using the (reciprocal method), while the second group studied using the (triple reciprocal method). It included the curriculum items prescribed for this academic stage, which are the skills of (serving from below and preparing from above to the front) in volleyball. The program took (6) weeks and the two research groups were equal in (age, height, weight) and skills (sending from below and preparing from above to the front) in volleyball. After that, the educational program was implemented and then the post-test was conducted and the data was collected and processed statistically. The researcher concluded that the two teaching methods (reciprocal and triple reciprocal) achieved learning in the skills of (serving from below and preparing from above to the front) in volleyball. The second experimental group that used the triple reciprocal method achieved a better level in learning the skills of (serving from below and preparing from above to the front) in volleyball. Comparing the first experimental group that used the reciprocal method. The researcher recommended using the triple reciprocal method because of its positive effect on learning the skills of (serving from below and preparing from above to the front) in volleyball.</p>Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Ali Kamel
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2024-12-282024-12-2817611231142" Study of the reality of positive thinking among physical education teachers in the center of Kerbala Governorate
<p>The research problem was revealed about the importance of studying the reality of positive thinking among physical education teachers, both male and female, as it is considered one of the most important fields of the basics of the teacher’s educational and pedagogical behavior, and because the teaching profession is the main source that supplies other professions and supports all areas of life with trained and qualified human cadres and relies in its practice on mental, physical, psychological and social activity, in addition to desire and readiness. And familiarity with the type of specialized knowledge. The research aims to identify the reality of positive thinking among physical education teachers in the Education Directorate of Karbala Governorate.) The researcher used the descriptive approach because it is appropriate to the nature and problem of the research. The research community included teachers of government and private schools in the Education Directorate of Karbala Governorate. After collecting, analyzing and discussing the data, the researcher reached several conclusions, the most important of which are:) Teachers in Karbala Governorate Center enjoyed a high level of positive thinking. The researcher also reached several recommendations, the most important of which is: Benefiting from the results of the current study, especially the measurement tool, in measuring positive thinking among physical education teachers.</p>Asst. Lec. Maher Hashem Judeh
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2024-12-282024-12-2817611431158The effect of using the serial and compound training methods to learning some basic skills of Futsal
<p>Exercise scheduling is a major topic in motor learning as it provides a number of educational methods used in learning and developing different skills. Through the field experience of researchers in Futsal. It was noted that it is necessary to use educational methods and approaches in this field, especially after the emergence of the exercise scheduling process with the presence of the sequential and complex scheduling methods, which are concerned with the time of the exercise in its various types. Therefore, it is worth using them in learning some basic skills for the subject of Futsal, as it is one of the basic vocabulary for the third stage. Therefore, the question of which of the two methods, sequential or complex, is better in learning some basic skills of indoor soccer, is what constitutes the main research problem.</p>Asst. Lec. Zainab Amin MajhoolAsst. Lec. Samah Salim RadhiAsst. Prof. Dr. Hussam Abdul Kadhim Rahima
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2024-12-282024-12-2817611591178Constructing and standardizing the academic perseverance scale for students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Tikrit University
<p>The research aims to identify the level of academic perseverance among students of physical education and sports sciences at Tikrit University. The descriptive approach was used in the survey method to suit the nature of the research. The research community was determined from the students of the second academic stage at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Tikrit University for the academic year 2024/2025, numbering (312) male and female students. The research sample was selected through a total census of the community members after excluding the female students, whose number was (41) female students. The number of sample members was (260) students who were divided into a survey sample, a construction sample, and an application sample, at a rate of (92%) of the general community. The researchers proceeded to build a scale of academic perseverance among physical education and sports science students, consisting of (50) paragraphs distributed over (5) dimensions, which are: Internal incentives, diligence, perseverance, dealing positively with failure, interest in self-learning, and academic flexibility. The scale items were analyzed by extracting the discriminatory power and consistency coefficient, as well as verifying the psychometric properties of validity and reliability. Then the scale was applied in its final form to a sample of (90) students from the second stage of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Tikrit University. The researchers used the statistical package (SPSS) for the purpose of statistical processing.</p>Lec. Dr. Marwan Khair Yassin, Asst. Lec. Ali Ayoub Younis
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2024-12-282024-12-2817611801208Psychological stability and its relationship to competitive behavior and achievement of short-distance runners (100m-200m)
<p>One of the most important psychological studies was on several variables, the most important of which is raising the level of the psychological aspect of rhythmic gymnastics trainers in order to reach a high level of giving and raise their level of professional competence. One of the most important and accurate of these variables is what is known as the level of ambition. The research aimed to prepare scales for the level of ambition and professional competence of rhythmic gymnastics trainers, to identify the level of ambition and professional competence, and to identify the relationship between the level of ambition and professional competence. The researchers used the descriptive approach using the method of correlational relationships and the level of ambition and professional competence of rhythmic gymnastics trainers. To suit the nature of the research, it was conducted on a sample of 220 trainers. As for the conclusions, there is a high correlation between the level of ambition and professional competence of gymnastics trainers.</p>Lec. Marwa Abdel Rahman MohammedProf. Dr. Shaima Abdel Matar
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2024-12-282024-12-2817612091226Cognitive agility and its relationship to some psychological and educational variables
<p>Cognitive agility is a mental skill that can be developed and improved through the use of various models, strategies and methods through experimental research. It can also be linked to other variables through descriptive studies and by reviewing studies and their results. The importance of cognitive agility has been demonstrated in many scientific aspects, as it has improved when used in different educational environments and on different categories of students at different levels, and even when studied on teachers and both genders. Cognitive agility is considered one of the basic qualities that help the individual adapt and interact efficiently with challenges and changes in life. It is the ability to use mental and cognitive skills in a flexible and effective way to solve problems, achieve goals, and promote mental and emotional health. Cognitive agility depends on a set of factors such as the ability to think flexibly, manage stress effectively, and respond positively to challenges and difficult situations. By developing cognitive agility, an individual can enhance the quality of his life and achieve success in various areas of life.</p>Asst. Lec. Duea Hussein AliProf. Dr. Nihad Mohammed Alwan
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