Endurance and its relationship to the accuracy of the skill performance of the crushing hitting facing from the top of the junior volleyball players


  • Asst. prof. Dr. Ahmed Hassan Saber Al Kaabi Iraq. The Open Educational College


endurance, performance accuracy, crushing hitting, volleyball


The importance of the research lies in the study of an important and effective element of the physical characteristics of volleyball players, which is the endurance characteristic and its relationship to the skill of crushing the counter from above with the volleyball. The aim of the research is to identify the relationship of stamina with the accuracy of performing the crushing skill of juniors. The hypothesis of the research is that there is a statistically significant correlation between endurance and the accuracy of the performance of the crushing hit in volleyball for juniors. The researcher used the descriptive approach using the correlational method. The research community consisted of the players of Naft Maysan Club in volleyball for juniors for the season (2021). The research sample was chosen by the intentional method (10) players. Determining the most important physical and skill tests for measuring endurance and crushing hitting from above with the volleyball under study. Presenting and analyzing the results of the arithmetic mean, standard deviations, and the simple correlation coefficient between the endurance variable and the accuracy of the crushing hitting performance against the volleyball and discussing it. Discuss the results of the arithmetic mean, standard deviations, and the simple correlation coefficient between the endurance variable and the accuracy of the volleyball crushing performance. Conclusions: There is a positive relationship between endurance and the performance of the crushing hit from above with volleyball. There is a positive relationship between the explosive power of the arms, shoulders, legs, fist, and the crushing blow against the volleyball. Recommendations The need for trainers to use exercises to develop the physical characteristics of the explosive strength of the arms, shoulders, legs, and fist of the hands of the volleyball juniors, and the need for the trainers to pay attention to the development of endurance.

