An analytical study of the training obstacles facing the game of wrestling from the point of view of coaches


  • . Aqeel Abdul Jabbar Abdul Rasoul Iraq. University of Babylon. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Teacher .Dr. Muthanna Iyad Qaddouri Diyala University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Dr. Shaima Sami Shehab Diyala University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



analytical study, training obstacles, wrestling



The game of wrestling, like all individual sports, faces many obstacles that greatly affect the game, and thus affect the sporting level. These obstacles are the main obstacle to the development of players, so these obstacles must be overcome and controlled so that training takes its primary role and actually becomes an educational process subject to the principles. And scientific principles, which basically aim to fully prepare the individual to achieve the highest possible sporting level, which is a type of sporting activity.

The research aims to identify the training obstacles to the game of wrestling in the clubs of the Middle Euphrates.

The researchers used the descriptive survey method to suit the nature of this research. The research community consisted of wrestling coaches in the Middle Euphrates, who numbered (52) coaches distributed among the clubs of the Middle Euphrates governorates. The sample was chosen intentionally from the wrestling coaches by (32) coaches, with a percentage of (61.53%) from the research community. The researchers prepared the questionnaire’s axes after reviewing previous research and studies, which numbered (4) axes and consisted of 38 items. They were presented to a group of (11) experts and specialists with experience. Accordingly, the experts agreed on all the proposed axes, which are: (Financial capabilities, administrative axis, planning and organization axis, media axis). The experts also agreed that the estimated scale for these axes should be three-dimensional, and one of the most important conclusions reached by the researchers is that there are many administrators working in the field of wrestling management who are not specialized in it. The Federation is not interested in studying the obstacles of coaches.

