The effect of Baby's constructive strategy on agility and learning the skills of serving and receiving in volleyball


  • Teacher.Dr. Ammar Ghazi Ahmed Ministry of Education - Diyala Education Directorate
  • Teacher .Dr. Hajj Ismail Juma Ministry of Education - Diyala Education Directorate



Bybee strategy, agility, volleyball



The importance of the study lies in the constructive strategy by linking new concepts and information to the student’s previous concepts and information through discovery and scientific thinking. The researchers also touched on the importance of research in the game of volleyball in that it is one of the team games that has begun to attract the attention of its followers due to the privacy that it has. It is enjoyed in terms of motor and skill qualities, as the main research problem was the presence of weakness in agility and the skills of sending and receiving volleyball for middle school students. Therefore, the researchers decided to delve into this problem and identify the causes, as well as try to develop appropriate solutions in order to raise the level of learning these skills. As for the goals of Studying the preparation of educational units according to Bybee’s constructive strategy and learning about its effect on agility and learning the skills of serving and receiving in volleyball. Research methodology and sample: The researchers used the experimental method to suit the nature of the problem to be solved. The research sample consisted of second-year intermediate students (Al-Wadud Intermediate School for Boys), who numbered (40) students, and were divided into two experimental and control groups, each group consisting of (20 students). The implementation of the curriculum began on Monday, 11/28/2022, and was completed on Monday, 1/9/2023. Based on the results of the research, the researchers reached the following conclusions and recommendations: The emergence of a preference for the effect of using Bybee’s constructive strategy and the extent of its effectiveness on the approach followed in agility and the skills of serving and receiving in volleyball.

