The percentage of contribution of motor response speed and some body measurements to the speed and accuracy of a direct straight attack with foil


  • Asst. Lect. Mustafa Fadel Khader University of Babylon, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iraq



Motor response, foil, fencing


Fencing is a sport in which weapons are employed in a variety of ways and strategies to attack and defend against competitors.  It is one of the games that demand precision and quickness in performance, and it is one of the most significant fundamental pillars on which a fencer is built.  A player who lacks the quickness of motor reaction and the needed body measures to accomplish a certain ability will be unable to learn the motor abilities of this activity.  To achieve a touch, fencing requires a fast and rapid attack on the competition and accuracy in directing the weapon to the competitor's target. As a result, the value of the research became apparent in determining the percentage contribution of motor response speed and various body measures to the speed and accuracy of the direct straight assault with the foil weapon. In light of the aforementioned, the study goals were developed as follows:

1-Identifying the relationship between each of the speed of motor response and some body measurements in the speed and accuracy of the direct straight attack with the foil weapon. 2- Identifying the percentage of contribution of each of the motor response speed and some body measurements to the speed and accuracy of the direct straight attack in foil. From this, hypotheses were developed to solve the problem and achieve the research objectives as follows: 1- There is a significant relationship and statistical significance between each of the motor response speed and some body measurements in the speed and accuracy of the direct straight attack in foil. 2- There is a percentage of contribution between each of the motor response speed and some body measurements in the speed and accuracy of the direct straight attack in foil. As for the most important recommendations, they were as follows: -Work on developing the motor response speed as well as the body measurements that showed a percentage of contribution and work on developing them in order to strengthen the relationship with the speed and accuracy of the direct straight attack in foil, applying the current test to large samples to reach a standardized test that expresses the measurement of the motor response speed of the fencer in a more general way.

