A comparative analysis study between breathing for one arm cycle and three cycles in some biokinematic variables for 50-meter freestyle swimming for Iraqi youth national team swimmers


  • Prof. Dr. Arif Mohsen Al-Hasawi Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / Al-Nour University, Iraq
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Amin Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Salahaddin, Iraq


Analysis, Biokinetics, Cycle


The research aimed to identify the values ​​of some biokinematic variables and the achievement using one breath, one cycle, three arm cycles, and one breath in the 50m freestyle swimming for men. A comparison between the values ​​of some biokinetic variables and performance using the types of breathing used in the 50m freestyle swimming for young Iraqi national team swimmers. The researchers assumed that there were significant differences between some biokinetic variables and the two achievements of different types of breathing for one arm cycle, three cycles, and one breath in the 50-meter freestyle swimming for the Iraqi youth team. The comparative descriptive approach was used using the analytical survey method to suit it and the research problem. The research community included young Iraqi national team swimmers in freestyle swimming, from whom five (5) swimmers were taken.

