The effect of using Chinese acupuncture rehabilitating partial tear of the lateral ligament of the ankle joint among players of Sulaymaniyah Governorate Center clubs

أثر استخدام العلاج بالإبر الصينية لتأهيل اصابة التمزق الجزئي للرباط الوحشي لمفصل الكاحل لدى لاعبي أندية مركز محافظة السليمانية


  • Lect. Dr..Deema Faraj Karim Iraq. Sulaymaniyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Lect. Hilala Burhan Mahmoud Iraq. Sulaymaniyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



acupuncture, injury rehabilitation, partial tear, lateral ligament, ankle joint


Identifying the effect of using Chinese acupuncture  to rehabilitate the partial tear of the lateral ligament of a joint. As for the research problem, the two researchers believe that our rehabilitation centers lack acupuncture treatment and specialized staff  for Chinese acupuncture because this treatment is one of the modern treatments that are included in some rehabilitation centers . To give   great importance of  these treatments , the two researchers decided to go into the experience of rehabilitating the lateral ligament injury of the ankle joint using Chinese acupuncture and in order to be a basic building block in the development of educational and training courses on how to use Chinese acupuncture  to make them common. The research sample for injured players in team games (volleyball, basketball and football ) for the Sulaymaniyah Governorate Center clubs is for a category, as well as the use of appropriate statistical methods for the purpose of data processing. After presenting, analyzing and discussing the findings of the research, several conclusions were reached, the most important of which are: the emergence of a positive development in the research sample  ( A) in measuring the degree of pain for partial rupture of the lateral ligament in the ankle joint and that the index of using acupuncture directly contributed to getting rid of feeling the pain of the injured and ensuring their speedy return to the stadiums. Based on the conclusions reached by the researchers, the two researchers prefer to use acupuncture in the rehabilitation of the injured as a rehabilitative method in the recovery of all kinds of sports injuries. The researchers recommend that  coaches  to  pay attention to players' injuries, even if the injury is minor, and to conduct periodic checks for the safety of the players.


