Study of the electrical efficiency of the heart muscle and the size of its effect on the left ventricular mass among fencing advanced players

دراسة الفاعلية الكهربائية لعضلة القلب وحجم تأثيرها على كتلة البطين الايسر لدى لاعبي المبارزة المتقدمين


  • Assistant Lect. Mohamed Hassan Taima Almayahi



The development, which takes place  in many fields of life and in various sciences, through the use of advanced modern scientific devices in all fields such as (science of physics, engineering, etc.) as well as in the field of physical education, which is like other sciences , has an impact on human development and raising physical and health level ,which helps to achieve the objectives as soon as possible.  The research significance  lies in studying the variables of the electrical efficiency of the heart muscle and the left ventricular mass of the fencing players as well as  putting all these variables in the statistical aspects in order to identify  the magnitude of the effect of the variables of electrical efficiency of Heart on the left ventricle mass .The research problem is reflected in the answer to the following question (What is the nature of the effect of electrical efficiency of the heart muscle on the left ventricular mass of the heart muscle as the main pump of blood carrying oxygen and food and delivery to all parts of the body))


