The effect of the teaching method in the learning circle using physical - skill exercises to improve some Physical and skill abilities in football


  • Lect. Muneeb Hassan Nashmi Iraq. Mustansiriya University. Faculty of Basic Education. Department of physical education and sports sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Teaching method، physical and skill abilities، football


If we want to succeed in the educational curriculum, the method or  syple must have a place in it. It is supposed to be of a distinct nature that motivates the student, generates interest in the study material, and motivates him to make maximum efforts to achieve the goals he set for himself. In recent times, methods of learning and teaching in physical education have evolved until It has become a complex work of art, and with this development, methods and systems have emerged in the analysis of the physical education lesson through educational programs that are prepared and that require attention to the psychological, physical and skill aspects of the learner and  other aspects of the same interest and level. According to the foregoing, the  research is important in activating the the practical aspect of using the teaching methods, due to the lack of most of the educational programs, and the application of the overlap with modern teaching methods, a method in the circle of learning with them, and physical and skill exercises that can teach the largest number of Learners are better educated and with the same available capabilities that improve cognitive and applied skills, as they increase the acquisition of scientific concepts and learn football skills that facilitate the learning process.

The research aims to:

1- Prepare educational units for teaching style in the learning circle using physical and skill exercises to improve Some physical and skill abilities in football.

2-.Identify the effect of the teaching method in the learning circle using physical - skill exercises to improve some abilities Physical and skill football.


