Organizing a physical education lesson in intermediate and preparatory schools in ThiQar Governorate between reality and ambition

تنظيم درس التربية الرياضية في المدارس المتوسطة والاعدادية في محافظة ذي قار بين الواقع والطموح


  • Lect. Hussam Malik Saleh
  • Lect. Hussam Malik Saleh



The research included organizing a physical education lesson in intermediate and  preparatory schools in of DhiQar Governorate and whether there is interest in this vital lesson or not and what is its effect on students in terms of psychological, physical and social aspects , and its significance stems from the importance of sport in general in human life, especially in terms of health. The research  sample is the students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Science and during the period of their application in schools where they were the best ones to convey to us what is going on inside these schools . The research  objective was to identify the reality of physical education lesson in the schools mentioned . The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method  for its suitability  in Solving the research problem . The researcher used the questionnaire to collect data and information, analyze it and obtain  the result, one of which was lack of interest in this vital and important lesson by the relevant institutions, foremost of which is the Ministry of Education and many school administrations. The researcher recommends providing all material capabilities starting from the rehabilitation of the school yard to all sports equipment and  necessary tools .


