Psychological endurance and its relationship to the achievement level of the 400m sprint for the participants in the Diyala University Athletics Championships for the school season


  • Assistant Lect Nawzad Shafik Khalaf Iraq. Kirkuk University. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

psychological endurance، achievement of 400m sprint، athletics


Through the researcher’s briefing on a number of studies, research and personal interviews with specialists about the main and important problems that hinder the player’s achievement, especially psychological problems, the researcher found that there are several influential factors, and among these factors is the psychological endurance that directly affects the player, especially the runner s of the 400m freestyle sprint , where Psychological endurance is one of the important psychological traits that affects achievement.

Through the researcher’s briefing and experience in this field, he observed  that the annual curriculum of athletics activities does not include the psychological aspect, especially the psychological endurance that the player needs, occurs in and during the players, and the lack of scientific knowledge in dealing with high cases of psychological endurance and its reflection on the player’s performance and achievement level during competitions. The research aims to

Recognize the level of psychological endurance of the 400m  runners. 1.

. sprint  2. Recognize the relationship of psychological endurance to the level of achievement of 400      As for the hypothesis of the research, there was a statistically significant correlation between psychological endurance and the achievement of a 400m sprint.

The research community and sample were identified from (20) participants in the Diyala University Athletics Championships, they were selected in a deliberate way. The researcher performed homogeneity on his research sample by taking the variables (age, mass, height, training age). The researcher carried out a set of research procedures to implement his research in the appropriate manner. The researcher chose the psychological endurance scale of Kamel Aboud Hussein (2004) and it consists of (42) items that measure aspects of the psychological endurance of the individual and the highest degree of the scale is (168) and the lowest degree of the scale is (42). After determining Scale, the researcher presented the scale with its items to experts, arbitrators, and specialists in general psychology and sports psychology. After presenting, analyzing and discussing the results of the research tests. The researcher reached the following conclusions:                             

 There are different levels in the psychological endurance scale of the research sample 1.

2.There is a significant correlation between sports psychological endurance and achievement of 400m sprint.                                                                                              


