Psychological happiness in a physical education lesson for displaced intermediate school students In the representation of the Ministry of Education in Erbil

السعادة النفسية في درس التربية الرياضية لطلاب المرحلة المتوسطة النازحين في ممثلية وزارة التربية اربيل


  • Lect.Dr. Ahmed Jassim Suleiman
  • Lect.Dr. Reyad Akkab Mari ee Majeed



The topic of happiness is one of the topics of positive psychology that has not been researched and studied like other variables. Specialists have paid attention to unsatisfactory pathological aspects such as mental illnesses and deviations at the expense of positive aspects of personality such as optimism, hope, happiness and satisfaction with life, as well as the relationship of man with others and the environment in which one lives such as adaptation and solution  to conflicts and social support.        

The search for happiness in this age is important to help the individual to face the challenges of the age and the pressure it causes on the human being in all stages of his life, thus achieving compatibility and mental health. The search for happiness is a goal that accompanies every human being, and therefore achieving his goals entails his mental happiness in order to achieve success in various areas of his life, which results in his happiness, especially if he is displaced.                                                                      

The research aims to identify the degree of happiness among the displaced students in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In order to achieve this, the researchers designed a measure of happiness in the lesson of physical education. The researchers used the descriptive analytical approach, and the research sample included a number of  intermediate school students who are (200) students and distributed on (7) Schools, the data were statistically treated by the mean, standard deviation, percentage, test (T) for two independent samples, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient

The researchers found that there is a low degree of happiness among these students. The researchers recommended civil society organizations and humanitarian organizations to establish psychological rehabilitation courses as well as using the scale in experimental studies as an criterion that can be referred to as a pre-test and after me to learn about the degree of happiness for intermediate school students in physical education lesson .


