The Effect of a rehabilitation approach through using Elastic cords and some natural remedies to rehabilitate the partial Tear of the dorsal muscle of the shoulder joint

تأثير منهج تأهيلي باستخدام الحبال المطاطية وبعض وسائل العلاج الطبيعي لتأهيل إصابة التمزق الجزئي للعضلة الدالية لمفصل الكتف للاعبي المبارزة


  • Assistant . prof. Dr.Salam Jaber Abdullah




The importance of the research came in the preparation of a rehabilitation approach for the simple level of the dorsal muscle working on the shoulder joint using some exercises and elastic cords. The researcher believes that the problem is that the current rehabilitation programs lack the adoption of exercises and physical therapy devices and elastic cords and various weights, which are key factors in the acceleration of the rehabilitation process, The researcher prepared a method of rehabilitation for the simple tear of the dendritic muscle using some physical therapy methods, elastic cords and various weights and trying to use them to rehabilitate such common injuries to return the injured to the training as soon as possible. The research aims to:

  1. Prepare a rehabilitation approach for partial tear of the dendritic muscle using some physical therapy methods, elastic cords and various weights.
  2. Identify of the effect of the rehabilitation approach to the partial tear of the dendritic muscle using some physical therapy methods, elastic cords and various weights.

The experimental method was used in the same group and the number of injured 6 divided, (2) fencing injured players and (2) tennis injured players and (2) volleyball injured advanced players in Basra province for the season 2017.


