The Effect of a Recreational Program (Health-Psychological) on Alleviating Depression among Elderly

تأثير برنامج ترويحي (صحي - نفسي) في تخفيف الاكتئاب لدى كبار السن


  • Lect.Dr. Iman Fouad Hashim
  • Lect.Dr. Walaa Tarik Hameed
  • Assistant Lect. Farah Alaa Jaafar



It is the responsibility of the society with its various institutions to provide everything that will contribute to the decent and healthy living of the elderly. What is important to us in this field is what the sports community and its institutions contribute to the application of the recreational scientific curricula of the elderly, which promotes their health and psychological wellbeing. The study aimed to prepare a recreational (health- psychological) program with music, which suits the sample nature .Then, identifying the effect of this program on alleviating depression and improving mood among research sample. The researchers used the experimental method on a society consisting of (40) men aged (60-65) years, suffering of intermediate Depression. The sample w 20 people, selected randomly. After having undergone the pre-tests of the scale of the depression for Aaron Bek and then applying the program. The program took 10 weeks and 4 units per week, (3) Health training units (Swedish exercises – Exercises by ball), and recreational unit. After the posttest, the results were collected and processed statistically. The program was concluded to have an effective impact in alleviating depression and improving mood.


