The Effect of jogging exercises up and down using slopes and stairs on the development of special speed endurance and some kinematic variables and completion of 200 meters among juniors

تأثير تمرينات الركض المكوكي صعوداً ونزولاً باستخدام المنحدرات والسلالم في تطوير تحمل السرعة الخاصة وبعض المتغيرات الكينماتكية وانجاز 200 متر ناشئين


  • Lect.Dr. Waleed Ahmed Awad
  • Lect.Dr. Abass Ali Lafta
  • Dr. Intisar Mizher Saddam Assistant Prof.



 This research discussed  the study of the effect of two methods of training (alternative and traditional) of the two experimental groups, which included alternative style exercises, jogging and on the slopes up and down, while traditional exercises focused on the running  exercises and different distances. The selection of such distances, for both groups, was done based on test of speed endurance as well as the chance of these distances (longer or shorter) of the test distance.. The purpose and importance of this is to find methods of training to help develop the physical capabilities of runner, especially the special speed of that capacity due to its great importance in the activity of 200 meters. According to the researchers opinion , the problem is that there is a weakness in the ability  of speed endurance , especially in the last third of the distance, and this may be due to the training methods followed, so two training programs were developed

for a period of (12) weeks and two training units per week and during the period of special preparation .The sample consisted of (12) runners of the National Center of the talented  and  (6) runners for each group, and the objectives of the research focused to identify The effect of jogging exercises up and down using slopes and stairs on the development of special speed endurance , and to identify the impact on the Biochemical variables and achievement. The hypotheses stated that there were significant differences in the results of the special speed and biochemistry variables (under research) and the achievement between pre and posttests of the two research samples participants The researcher used the statistical package  SPSS to reach the hypotheses and objectives. The researchers concluded that alternative method exercises contributed to the development of speed endurance and the biochemical variables and achievement, while the traditional method contributed to the development of speed endurance and some biochemical variables and achievement.                                                           


