The Effect of water- exercise using computer in learning the technical performance of back swimming among female students

تأثير التمرينات المائية باستخدام الحاسوب الآلي في تعلم الاداء الفني لسباحة الظهر للطالبات


  • Lect.Dr. Shahla Ahmed Abdullah



The research aimed to identify the effect of using computer in learning the movements of the arms in back swimming and the effect of using computer and water exercises in learning the technical performance of back swimming among students. The program was conducted on a sample of 26 female students of the third stage of the Faculty of Physical Education,  Soran university ,divided into 13 for the experimental group and 13 for the control group .

And the number of (26) students and divided (13) students for the experimental group and (13) students for the control group.

The researcher designed a proposed program, which aimed at correcting the movements of the arms to identify their impacts on the level of skill performance of back swimming. The program also included exercises outside the water and the use of computer as a means of helping to clarify the technical skill performance of the movements of the arms with correcting mistakes and acquiring the right experiences.

The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements in the performance of the arm movements and the skill level of the experimental and control group  in the favor of post measurement  at the level of significance 0.05.There are also statistically significant differences between the two experimental groups.

The control of arms movements and the skill level of the technical performance of the research sample is in favor of the experimental group. The result of the study is that the computer has a positive effect in correcting the movements of the arms in back swimming and improve the technical performance of back swimming. The researcher recommended the use of teaching and visual aids during swimming learning, which has a positive effect in correcting mistakes, improving the level of technical and skill performance, and taking care of exercises outside the water to support the swimming learning process


