The impact of a structural building games program on motor intelligence among slow-learning children and those suffering from social isolation in state care centers

اثر برنامج للألعاب البنائية التركيبية في الذكاء الحركي لدى الأطفال بطيئي التعلم والذين يعانون من العزلة الاجتماعية في دور رعاية الدولة


  • Dr. Ali Hussein Hashem Al-Zamili
  • Assistant Prof .Dr. Asaad Ali Safih




The researchers stressed that the current research depends on behavioral psychological therapy in some of its techniques in the psychological rehabilitation of the child slow learning, which suffers from some psychological problems and the most important technique will be used is a synthetic game as it is from the point of view of researchers is the most interesting and flexible for children of the selected sample and suit children age category . The child's play does not stop its limits and benefits when achieving physical growth, but also to achieve goals related to cognitive development, learning life skills and learning social adjustment skills such as meeting skills. The problem of research was formed to on the answer to the following question:

- 1.Are there statistically significant differences in motor intelligence in the pre and post testing of slow learning children?

The research aims to:

  1. Build a program for structural games contributes to reduce social isolation and increase the level of intelligence of children with slow learning
  2. Studying the differences between the levels of motor intelligence and social isolation of the experimental group of children with slow learning (pre, post)


