The effectiveness of motor games in developing the mental alertness of students aged (11-12) years


  • Assistant Professor .DR.SHALA AHMAD ABDIIAH


الكلمات المفتاحية:

effectiveness، movement games، mental alertness


  The two objectives of the research focused on preparing a measure of mental alertness for students aged (11-12) years, as well as identifying the effectiveness of motor games in developing the mental alertness of students aged (11-12) years. 30 students from the original research community of (107) students representing the students of Enkidu National School in the center of Babylon Governorate, and the research sample was divided into two groups, one experimental and the other controlling, with a total of (15) students. The two researchers used the appropriate tools and devices to apply the vocabulary of the educational units, as well as the adoption of the mental alertness scale consisting of (15) items. (5) weeks, with (2) two units per week, and a total of (10) educational units, while the time of the educational unit was (40) minutes , Then a post-test was conducted for the research variable (mindfulness), and after data extraction and statistical processing were presented, analyzed and discussed depending on the relevant scientific sources, the two researchers reached several conclusions, the most important of which are the kinetic games that were adopted within the educational units, a large and positive role in developing the mental alertness of students at the age of (11-12) years, and in light of these conclusions, the two researchers recommended the necessity of introducing kinetic games within the educational units of the physical education lesson to develop the mental alertness of students.


