Analytical study between high and low technique during the performance of the inverted circle skill on the horizontal bar


  • أ.م.د. قاسم محمد صياح جامعة البصرة. قسم النشاطات الطلابية
  • م.د. ثامر تركي مناع
  • م.م. عمر عويد صالح



The aims of the research are to find biomechanical differences between high and low techniques and to derive the requirements of gymnasts. A 2D video analysis was used for Iranian players at the 2019 World Youth Championships in Hungary. We find differences in skill time and maximum angular velocities for the hip and shoulder angles. These differences should be taken into account by coaches and gymnasts. None of the performances analyzed were perfect. First player performance was, in general, the most performance with precision of skill. It was characterized by the act of braking at the beginning of the lower stage to facilitate rapid and tight flexion of the hip joint and the relatively large angle of the shoulder joint at its highest point in elevation. Additional analysis is needed, including more skilled presentations, in order to identify the variables that contribute most to the successful implementation of the skill.

