The impact of variable mastery learning and its impact according to the guided discovery method in learning some offensive skills for football juniors


  • Assist. Lect. Hossam Abbas Mashut
  • Assist. Lect. Ahmed Salem Abadi
  • Firas Bayat Muhammad


The impact of variable mastery learning and its impact according to the guided discovery method in learning some offensive skills for football juniors. The research included four chapters. The first chapter contained the introduction and importance of the research. Teaching methods that guide the teacher about the goals, contents, methods, steps, and tools that help his success in teaching and raising students were addressed. factors and requirements for its success. Which makes the interest in understanding the education strategy a great importance because this stage affects the achievement of distinguished performance, while the research problem is that the performance of these skills constitutes a difficulty and an obstacle in front of them, which appears in the form of errors in perfect performance, and this is called performance errors. Through the experience of the researchers and his observation of teaching these skills within schools, he noticed a fluctuation in the level of scoring, penalty kicks, direct free kicks, and the accuracy of heading for the skills under study. The aim of the research was to investigate the impact of variable mastery learning according to the method of guided discovery on the motor performance of the skills under study. foot for students.

