Servant leadership of academic leaders and its relationship to the job engagement of faculty members in


  • Teacher.Dr. Maytham Habib Khudair Colleges of physical education and sports sciences in Baghdad



servant leadership. Academic leadership, career engagement



The research aimed to identify the relationship between the servant leadership of academic leaders and the job engagement of faculty members in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences in Baghdad. The human domain was: members of the teaching staff at my university (Baghdad, Al-Mustansiriya), and the time domain was: 4/11/2023 until 8/16/2023, and the spatial domain was: colleges of physical education and sports sciences at my university (Baghdad, Al-Mustansiriya). The research community was determined from Faculty members in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences at the universities of Al-Mustansiriya and Baghdad. The current research community reached (433) faculty members distributed in the colleges of physical education and sports sciences at the universities of (Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya). The research sample was determined by adopting a percentage of (80%) In a random way (lottery) for the research community, a sample of (353) faculty members was taken from the universities of (Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya). The researcher recommended the need for academic leaders to pay attention to the psychological development of faculty members on an ongoing basis through holding courses. It is necessary to give greater powers to the faculty member to implement decisions without referring to him. And working to develop the functional capabilities of faculty members in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences by involving them in administrative decisions. There is a need to improve the level of motivation among teachers to achieve the best scientific results.


