Determine reference standards for physical fitness tests to accept students into the College of Physical Education
Reference Standards For Tests, Physical FitnessAbstract
The importance of the research was to identify the level of performance of first-year students in the College of Physical Education at the University of Basra for physical tests and to determine standard scores for physical tests to accept students into the College of Physical Education. The admission tests to the College of Physical Education, especially the physical tests, have remained as they have been for more than 20 years. When examining the standard scores for them, we find that they do not match the current capabilities of the students, as most applicants for admission do not pass these tests. As a result, the researchers found that there is a problem in the possibility of determining New standard grades that are compatible with the current capabilities of students on the one hand, and fill the gaps in grades for which there are no standards on the other hand. Through the work of the researchers in the field of physical education and the admission of students to the College of Physical Education, he noticed that the grades of students applying for admission began to decline, and that students who obtain grades less than the passing grades (50) are accepted into the college due to the small number of students who passed these tests in addition to The currently existing standards lack grades that are not included in the booklet, and therefore the diligence of those responsible for listing the standard grades remains in giving this grade.