Estimated levels to classifying primary school students according to mental abilities and biomotor abilities


  • Lec. Hassanein Abdul Razzaq Jawad
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jassim Al-Yasiri



Classification, Mental Abilities, Bio-Motor Abilities, Classified Children


The importance of the research was to know the reality of students aged (10-12) years in terms of mental abilities and bio-motor abilities, and to classify students into heterogeneous groups according to mental abilities and bio-motor abilities. The procedures included classifying the students according to their mental abilities using John Raven’s colored differential matrices of intelligence, and using bio-motor aptitude tests, for the purpose of classifying them into four groups, which are the first group (high abilities - high abilities), the second group (low abilities – high abilities). The third group (high abilities - low abilities), the fourth group (low abilities - low abilities), as for the research sample was chosen by random stratified method from the original research population in a method of distributing samples each according to age group and educational stage, and with a number of (267) laboratory subjects out of ( 351) students, and the others were excluded as a result of non-attendance, age, and other health problems. With a percentage of (70%) for the population studied, the number of males for stages (fourth - fifth - sixth) was 197 and the number of females for stages (fourth - fifth - sixth) was 154. The most prominent results of the study were: that the standard ranges, levels and differences were obtained through moderate distribution. There are individual differences between the levels of students and according to their stages and age groups. The grades and levels that were found by the researchers represent the real level, not the capabilities of the research sample. The sample members of both genders varied in their obtaining different levels and according to their standard grades.

