Psychological reinforcement for some team sports coaches in Iraq


  • Sami Khalil Ibrahim College of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Diyala, Iraq
  • Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Wahib Yassin



Psychological Reinforcement, Team Games Coaches


The problem of the research lies in the lack of an Iraqi measurement tool in the sports field that measures the concept of psychological reinforcement and its important and effective role in preventing the occurrence of negative psychological effects caused by sports work conditions in training and competitions. The research aims to build a measure of psychological reinforcement for some team sports coaches in Iraq. The researchers followed the descriptive approach using the survey method, and the research sample represented trainers accredited in Iraqi federations, and the number of the sample reached (219) coaches. The results resulted in concluding that the measure of psychological reinforcement for coaches consists of (7) components and (44) statements distributed as follows; (Enhancing self-confidence) consists of (6) phrases, (Personal and family reinforcement) consists of (7) phrases, (Material and moral reinforcement) consists of (6) phrases, (Enhancing feedback) consists of (5) phrases, (Enhancing... Self-energy) consists of (7) statements, (social reinforcement) consists of (6) statements, and (cognitive enhancement) consists of (7) statements.

