The effect of an educational program using hypermedia in learning and achieving the triple jump for students


  • Abdul Ali Obaid Al-Fartousi Iraq. Al-Mustansiriya University. Student activities



Educational program, super-interference media, triple jump


The research problem crystallized in investing the number of educational units allocated to the triple jump activity in raising the amount of applied and cognitive learning using the (Hypermedia) program.

The objectives of the research were:

1-Preparing an educational program using hypermedia for the triple jump activity.

2-Knowing the effect of the proposed educational program using hypermedia in learning and retaining the triple jump activity (technical performance and achievement) among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Al-Mustansiriya University.

As for the research procedures, the research sample was students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Al-Mustansiriya University, as well as the steps of preparing super-interference media in addition to technical performance and achievement tests. In light of this, the researcher used the experimental method with the design of (equivalent groups) and also used statistical methods, the most important of which were the Levene test, the (t) test for related samples, and the (t) test for independent samples.

Finally, the researcher reached several conclusions, including:

1- The program prepared using super-interference media achieved a significant improvement in the level of technical performance and achievement in the effectiveness of the triple jump among the members of the experimental group.

2- The program prepared using super-interference media achieved good retention among the members of the experimental group.

