Body kinetic intelligence and its relationship to the level of performance of the two jumping skills (open and closed) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students


  • Lec. Dr. Khaled Mohamed Ahmed Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / Salahaddin University, Iraq.



Body Kinetic Intelligence, Jumping Device, Gymnastics


The study aimed to identify the relationship between bodily-motor intelligence and the level of performance of the two jumping skills (open and closed) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students. The researcher chose the descriptive approach using the correlational method, and the research population was chosen intentionally from third-year students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Saladin University - Erbil for the academic year (2023-2024). The researcher used appropriate statistical methods, as he used the statistical bag Spss. The researcher reached the following conclusion, which is that there is a high moral relationship between physical-motor intelligence and the level of the two skills (jumping open and wide) on the jumping apparatus in artistic gymnastics for students. In light of this conclusion, the researcher developed a set of recommendations, which are giving more importance to physical-kinetic intelligence while teaching students gymnastics skills, adopting new educational methods in order to improve physical-kinetic intelligence among male and female students, and conducting other research focusing on mental processes, especially related to intelligence.

