The impact of information processing strategy to developing mental abilities and the most important scouting skills for students


  • م.م. محمد فتاح غني Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Babylon,Iraq.


Information Processing Strategy, Mental Abilities, Students' Scouting Skills


The results of some research and studies have indicated that most learners have a superficial and external understanding of how their minds work and how to use information processing strategies and learning methods, which has led many to say that they do not invest their minds properly. This problem is almost general among students of the College of Physical Education in developing scouting skills. Even many other colleges are the result of facing different learning and study patterns that they were not used to previously in dealing with information. They bear great responsibility for their learning and adopt new strategies in dealing with information. Acquisition, storage, retrieval, and another problem is the weak ability to learn, train and achieve, not because of low intelligence, effort or lack of inclination, but because of the low level of their skills in organizing and processing information. Also, failure to remember, comprehend, perform and achieve success leads to loss of self-confidence, a feeling of weakness and doubt in the ability to perform well, as well as an exaggerated feeling of anxiety and fear. The weak ability of the learner to transfer what he has learned to practical life caught the attention of the researcher. Educational and psychological scientists agree that the role of learning must be to provide the learner with usable and applicable knowledge that requires processing information according to the needs generated when facing different situations in deduction, creating ideas, planning, facing difficult situations, which differ according to the thinking style of each individual, as well as the learner’s use of strategies that provide him with appropriate methods and help him in the situations he goes through, and then he learns well according to the method that suits his thinking and mental abilities.

