Classroom interaction of physical education teachers and teachers In the province of Maysan Descriptive research presented by the researchers


  • A. L. Sadiq Ibrahim Abdullah The General Directorate of Education in Maysan
  • Prof. Dr Rahim Helou Ali College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences\ Missan of University
  • M.D Hayder abdulkadhim khudhair Department of Physical Education and Sports Science\Alkut university college



التربية الرياضية, التّفاعل الصفي


The importance of the research lies in revealing the role of classroom interaction in developing students ’opinions and ideas through field practice and exchanging opinions, which is a manifestation of successful learning by having successful and appropriate teaching methods consistent with the capabilities of students and their desired goals and thus achieving outputs that many of the specialists aspire to in this the field , The physical education teacher must be able to direct everyone’s attention during education, guidance, and the varying practice issued by him and the extent to which students understand them to form an interactive link between him and his students, thus achieving educational and educational class interaction. The research sample of (95) was chosen according to what the research procedures require by (56) teachers and (39) physical education schools, and this percentage is (92.23%), and the statistical treatments for extracting the psychometric properties of the two measures ( Truthfulness, consistency) and defining the standard levels for them, as the SPSS statistical bag was used to obtain the results of the study, analyze it and discuss it.

  The researchers used the descriptive approach with the survey method for the purpose of preparing the classroom interaction scale, as the research community is (103) teaching and physical education teachers in the Maysan Governorate Center,                                                                                     

In light of discussing these results, the two researchers reached the following results:                                                                                                                

1- There are differences between teachers and teachers of physical education in the middle school settings in Maysan Governorate in the classroom interaction variable for the benefit of teachers .

Recommendations :

1-Conducting a similar study on the professors of physical education and sports science at the University of Maysan, to identify the role and importance of class interaction on university students .


