Special exercises with speed and ascending distances according to the pulse index to develop the endurance of special speed and achieve the 800m run for juniors


  • م.د. زينب جوني كوطي العراق. جامعة بغداد. كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة للبنات




pulse indicator, special speed tolerance


The 800m is a medium-distance running that requires an average speed from starting work and maintaining speed. Research problem: How to maintain speed to the end of the race The research aims to use special exercises with speed and ascending distances according to the pulse index to develop the endurance of special speed and the achievement of running 800m for juniors, raising the first Rusafa by running 800m. The second chapter included the research methodology, as the researcher used the experimental method in a one-group style with two tests, pre and post, to test the speed endurance (600 m) and achievement (800 m). The pre-tests were conducted, and after the implementation of the special exercises, the post-tests were conducted in the same conditions. Chapter Three The results were analyzed and discussed scientifically supported by the sources. The fourth chapter included the conclusions and recommendations that the researcher came up with.


