The effectiveness of the two strategies of integrative and cooperative learning in developing the skills of handling and scoring in soccer for students Researchers


  • L. Dr. Aqeel Kazem Hadi Al-Faham جامعة الكوفة. كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Bassem Naji Abdel Hussein جامعة الكوفة. كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة



The problem of the research: The interest in the educational process and its upgrading and its strategies, if it becomes the preoccupation of educational institutions and many researchers in order to facilitate the process of providing information to the learner in developing technical performance and achievement, which requires moving away from providing information from the teacher exclusively and finding modern strategies in which the center of activity moves in the process Learning from the teacher to the learner is one of the axes of the educational process and that all of this is in accordance with regular, planned and purposeful behavioral movements, according to which the teacher is going to reach his goals. The football game is one of the group games that needs special attention to teaching, especially in cases of handling scoring of all kinds. Integration and cooperative learning and the performance of the skills of handling and scoring in football. The objectives of the research: to identify the effectiveness of the two integrative strategies and cooperative learning in developing the skills of handling and scoring in football for students and to identify which groups have the preference in developing the skills of handling and scoring in football for students. Statistical significance between the two integrative strategies and cooperative learning in developing the skills of handling and scoring in soccer for students soccer. Research community and its sample: The current research community are students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kufa for the academic year 2021-2022, whose total number is (50) Student. The researcher dealt with the research community and used the experimental method, as the eyes were divided It was divided into three groups, the first being the control group, the first and second experimental groups, with (15) students per group. Each group is taught with a strategy different from the other group, and after conducting the equivalence processes and the tribal tests, the method followed by the teacher was applied, and the post tests were conducted and the appropriate statistical methods were used in order to reach the results through which the research objectives were achieved, and that the research results showed that the value of F and L.S.D. For the skill of scoring and handling, respectively, are (38,778), (0.949), (45,207) and (1,748), Conclusions: The superiority of the group that used the integrative strategy in learning the technical performance of the skill of handling in football and the superiority of the group that used the cooperative learning strategy in learning the technical performance The preference was for the group that used the integrative strategy. As for the recommendations: the need to use the integrative strategy and the cooperative learning strategy in a learning process.

