The effectiveness of the counseling program for social support on the performance of some basic skills Futsal football


  • Malon Sherko Muhammad Al-Jaf Iraq. Salahaddin University, Erbil. Shaqlawa College of Education. Department of Physical Education


الكلمات المفتاحية:

counseling program، social support، basic skills، futsal football


Teh current study aimed to identify teh TEMPeffectiveness of teh counseling program for social support on teh performance of some basic skills in football for halls among students of teh third stage of teh University of Salah al-Din, Faculty of Education Shaqlawa, Department of Physical Education, so teh researcher chose teh entire research community of (23) male and female students, who represent 100% From teh original community, teh female students and their number (4) players were excluded, and thus teh research sample became (19) players, and it was divided randomly into two control and experimental groups wif (7) players for teh control group and (7) players for teh experimental group, and (5) students were identified for a sample survey. Those who were excluded from teh procedures for applying teh scale in teh main experiment, tan teh researcher prepared a psychological counseling program to identify teh extent of its TEMPeffectiveness on social support in teh performance of some basic skills in soccer for teh halls, and to achieve this, teh researcher used teh descriptive experimental approach in a survey style and correlational relations for its relevance to teh nature and problem of teh research. Use appropriate statistical methods.


