Parental protection methods and their relationship to psychological security among primary school children

أساليب الحماية الوالدية وعلاقتها بالأمن النفسي لدى أطفال المرحلة الابتدائية


  • Dr. Mahmoud Khalil Ibrahim Al-Barghiti Palestine. Al-Quds Open University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

parental protection، psychological security، primary school children


The research aims to identify what are the most frequently used protection methods among primary school children in Khan Yunis governorate,  identify the level of psychological security among primary school children in Khan Yunis governorate under study, and identify the relationship between protection methods and psychological security for primary children under study. The research sample consisted of (255) primary school children from Khan Yunis governorate, and the tools used are Parental Protection Methods Scale, Psychological Security Scale. The research concluded that the arithmetic mean of all items in the permissive style was greater than the neutrality degree of 3, and the significance level of the t-test for them was less than the acceptable significance level of 0.05, which indicates that the opinions of the research sample about that style reached the point of approval, that is, there is a consensus to agree to that method and that item No. (1), which states “the number of performance indicators is large” was the largest paragraphs of the permissive style used my father loves me and relaxes when I am next to them, followed by item No. (2), which states “My father welcomes my friends whenever I invite them home”, where the relative weight was respectively  82.6% and 77.8% .     


