An analytical and descriptive study of the kinematic variables and their relationship to the achievement of the high jump among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at Al-Mustaqbal College, first stage

دراسة تحليلية وصفية للمتغيرات الكينماتيكية وعلاقتها بإنجاز فعالية الوثب العالي لطلبة قسم التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة في كلية المستقبل المرحلة الاولى


  • Dr. Iftikhar Matar Baqer Iraq. College of the Future University. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

high jump، kinematic variables، quantitative analysis


The research aims to solve the problem of performing the  the high jump and how to convert the speed gained by the player into a vertical speed to cross the crossbar, as speed is of great importance in determining the path of forces and speed produced in obtaining height when jumping. Those who do not have sufficient information about the values ​​of the characteristics of the kinematic variables affecting the activity. Through the study and quantitative analysis, the properties of some variables affecting the jump can be extracted for  the high jump until an appropriate successful preparation is made and what is wrong with the performance in order to raise the level of achievement of the learners in less time and effort with a proper achievement. The development that accompanied many sudden changes in the jump and that led to the improvement of achievement was directly related to the change of the jump technique and the method used that accompanied this development with its application of the kinematic aspects related to the performance requirements of the high jump, as the nature of the motor skills according to their kinematic properties is what determines to a large extent, the characteristics of special physical traits.                                      


