VO2 MAX, HR Effect of hierarchical training with light weights on strength characterized by speed and indicator
VO2 MAX ,HR تأثير التدريب الهرمي بأوزان خفيفة في القوة المميزة بالسرعة ومؤشر
https://doi.org/10.33170/10.33170/volالكلمات المفتاحية:
hierarchical training، light weights، strength characterized by speed، VO2 MAX indexالملخص
Fencing, like other sports, requires its practitioners to have many special physical abilities and functional indicators.
Here, we find sports training a plurality of its methods and manners to improve the physical and functional capabilities and performance of skills, and through the preparation of training curricula commensurate with the capabilities of the female players. From this point of view, the researcher headed to everything new in the science of sports training to improve and develop physical capabilities. Functional indicators, including the strength characterized by speed of the upper and lower limb since it is an important ability for fencing sports. Therefore , the significance of research lies in paying attention to the muscular ability of the upper and lower limbs , as well as some functional indicators that help the player to continue to perform skillfully with high efficiency throughout the competition period without feeling tired.
The research aims to prepare curricula in a hierarchical training style with light weights to suit the requirements of the sport of fencing.