Aerobic exercises to lose body weight and the percentage of fat and its effect on some hormones for young people aged (20-25) years

تمرينات هوائية لإنقاص وزن الجسم ونسبة الدهون وتأثيرها على بعض الهرمونات للشباب بأعمار (20–25) سنة


  • Assistant Prof.Dr. Atheer Abbas Mustafa Iraq. Albasrah university . Student Activities Department


الكلمات المفتاحية:

aerobic exercise، fat percentage، hormones، for young people (20-25) years old



The researcher observes recently  that the individual has become rapidly tired and stressed, and many healthy and natural physical characteristics have changed,  postural deviations have increased and spread , and  body resistance to diseases has decreased , and a person shifted from practice to viewing, so obesity and flabbiness increased as a result of the lack of daily physical activities.                                          

Fats are the most likely component of the body to increase or decrease, and most of their increases or decreases in the body are caused by the nutritional imbalance between the number of calories entering the body through foodstuffs and the number of calories consumed through vital life and sports activity, .Therefore, it is imperative to take all measures to combat weight gain and the percentage of body fat because of this importance in avoiding the health problems that are associated with these two factors, which are considered health risk factors. The research aims to                         

-Identify the effect of different aerobic exercises on body weight and fat percentage, and thus its effect on the rate of secretion of hormones  (Testosterone ,Cortisol,   Insulin, Thyroxin) by examining the significance of the differences between the pre and post tests of the research group.                                                                                


