Comparison of the perceptions of teachers and students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and the College of Media for some teaching behaviors

مقارنة مدركات التدريسين والطلبة في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة وكلية الاعلام لبعض سلوكيات التدريس


  • Saif Alaa Naji Lect.Dr. Iraq. College of Media. The Iraqi University


الكلمات المفتاحية:

perceptions، teachers، students، teaching


One of the teacher's duties is to fulfill the duty of moral education regardless of the school stage in which he works, and it is necessary for the distance between the perceptions of the teachers and students to converge.                                                     

 The research aims to identify the perceptions of the teachers and students in the field of teaching at the University of Baghdad and the Iraqi University and the differences in these perceptions between the Faculties of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and the College of Media as a model. The number of the sample reached 98 teachers and 780 students. The researcher used the descriptive survey approach  and the  form prepared by (Mubarak Muhammad Adam) was used for the survey . The analysis and statistical treatment of the data indicated that the teacher's perceptions regarding the ethics of the teaching behaviors under study are good, meaning that most of them realize most of the behaviors in a proper manner, and that there are differences between teachers and students and between males and females. Finally, the researcher recommended some appropriate recommendations.                                   

Key words: perceptions, teachers, students, teaching behaviors


