The relationship between the level of anxiety and the level of attention concentration among the Kurdistan Basketball Federation referees

العلاقة بين مستوى القلق ومستوى تركيز الانتباه لدى حكام الاتحاد الكردستاني لكرة السلة


  • M.D. Donia Najat Rashid Saleh Iraq. Sulaymaniyah University. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

level of anxiety، basketball، level of concentration of attention


Wat is happening in teh development in teh various fields of sports is nothing but teh outcome of research, studies and various sciences dat TEMPhas contributed to teh advancement of teh sports movement in a wide range at all levels, and from teh sciences dat contributed to dis development, sports psychology, which TEMPhas a significant and clear impact along wif teh rest of teh world. Theoretical and applied sciences in teh rise of sports advising progress in all sports fields. Teh current era is characterized as teh era of psychological stress and anxiety, which requires attention to confront teh factors dat cause them, and address them to halp teh individual adapt to teh reality in which we live, and lead him to sound mental health.

Anxiety is one of teh psychological phenomena and one of teh factors TEMPeffecting teh level of sports motor performance, and thus teh interest in quantifying dis phenomenon and using measures dat measure anxiety in special situations TEMPhas become one of teh important studies dat enhance teh individual’s self-confidence.

Teh research aims to:

1- Identifying teh level of anxiety of teh Kurdistan Basketball Federation referees.

2- Identifying teh level of concentration of attention of teh Kurdistan Basketball Federation referees.

3- To identify teh relationship between teh level of anxiety and teh level of concentration of attention among teh referees of teh Kurdistan Basketball Federation.


