Reality of administrative creativity among the physical education supervisors of the directorates of education in Iraq


  • Dr. Thamer Hammad Raja Iraq. University of Baghdad/College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • M. Nashat Aziz Abbas Iraq. Ministry of Youth and Sports/Department of Physical Education and Sports
  • Dr. Faryal Younis Noman Iraq. Al-Mustansiriya University/college of physical education and sports sciences
  • M. Ahmed Khayoun Hash Iraq. Ministry of Education/Al-Rusafa Second Directorate of Education


الكلمات المفتاحية:

administrative creativity، , physical education supervisors


The research was concerned with the responsibility of physical education supervisors in light of the organizational chain directed towards the best and creative performance in building school sports, and the extent of the efforts he exerts in seeking to improve and develop the study of sports discipline according to new and unfamiliar creative frameworks, as the problem was determined by determining the extent of the ability Physical education supervisors in administrative creativity, and employing it to serve the objectives of education and physical education lesson. Through the preparation of a standardized scale to identify the reality of administrative creativity among the physical education supervisors of the directorates of education in Iraq. The descriptive analytical approach was used for its suitability and the nature of the research, for a community of physical education supervisors, numbering (20) directorates, with (492) supervisors and supervisors distributed over the governorates of Iraq. scientific terms. A scale was prepared that included (4) areas distributed over (38) phrases in a specific questionnaire with closed answers, and then it was rationed by extracting a score for each person, and dividing it into (6) levels within the limits of the standard degree levels (Z, T) for a measure of administrative creativity for the legalization sample. And analyze it, using the statistical bag (spss), for a set of statistics that fit the required results. The research concluded that the process of preparing and codifying the research scale is of great importance in revealing the extent of administrative creativity in the work of physical education supervisors and their management of their daily work in follow-up and evaluation and improving the level of physical education lesson and curricula prepared for students. The research recommended the necessity of adopting a scale application by the educational supervision directorates in the Ministry of Education and Science according to it, as it is the scientific method that reveals the degree and extent of administrative creativity in the production of new and distinctive. Listening to the suggestions of supervisors and giving them freedom towards administrative creativity in the job and feeling the effective influence to provide the best.


