Studying some special physical characteristics and their relationship to the level of artistic performance and achieving weight push among female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

دراسة بعض الصفات البدنية الخاصة وعلاقتها بمستوى الاداء الفني وإنجاز فعالية دفع الثقل لطالبات كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة


  • Assistant Prof.Dr. Ahlam Shagti Mohsin Iraq. Baghdad University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

special physical characteristics، level of artistic performance، achievement of activity، weight push


Athletics is one of the individual games that requires a high level of physical fitness and technical numbers, as each depends on the other, as competition in the integration of the physical and technical aspects depending on the other aspects is considered one of the modern means in sports training to reach the level of better achievement in general and competition of weight push  in particular since this activity depends on its motor performance in achieving a high level of physical characteristics and the degree of integration between them, including strength, speed and endurance, and in order to stand at the level of students, the tests should be used to identify the level of their physical and technical abilities. Therefore, the idea of ​​studying some special physical characteristics and their relationship to achievement  of  weight  push and   due to  impacts of researches  and studies on  these factors on improving the level and performance, the researcher decided  find out the type of relationship to achieving   weight push  in order to reach results that serve researchers and trainers in developing this activity  .The research aimed to  identify some special physical characteristics and to find a correlation between some characteristics  and the achievement of  weight push .The researcher hypothesized  that there is a significant correlation relationship of  statistical significance   between some of the physical characteristics of  weight push. The researcher used the descriptive approach due to its suitability for  the nature, objectives and hypotheses of the study. The research procedures were carried out by selecting the sample members from the  female students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad, the fourth stage, and by the intentional method and the use of many means and tools. The most important special physical characteristics after reviewing the sources and opinions of experts and specialists in the field of sports training.                                                                   


