The effect of acrobatic exercises on the development of motor -sensory perception in table ball among students

تأثير التمارين الاكروباتيكية في تطوير الادراك الحس – حركي بكرة الطاولة للطلاب


  • Lect. Ihsan Al-Din Othman Abdullah Iraq. Salahaddin University. Erbil. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Prof.Dr. Safa al-Din Taha Muhammad Iraq. Salahaddin University. Erbil. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

acrobatic exercises، motor -sensory perception، table tennis


Through the simple practical experience of the two researchers and following up on teaching table tennis, they observed the lack of concentration and perception of the educational material, especially when holding racquet and the ball and entering the suspense factor for the student during  initial learning stages of the skill due to his desire to hold the tool (racquet and ball) and standing in front of the table, which causes poor concentration and the awareness of what is required of him to acquire the first step in the educational process and what it requires of organizational procedures in terms of testing the appropriate and interesting exercise and how to apply it according to the learning organization and rules that help in learning and developing the motor - sensory perception, which the researchers believe that the acrobatic exercises are the appropriate solution for having the thrill factor at the same time it  leads to the development of motor- sensory  perception  and leads to achieving the goals of learning and reaching the goal and objectives of the lesson.                              


