The effect of healthy physical exercise for the treatment of Blood vessels in varicose veins among middle-aged women

أثر تمرينات بدنية صحية لعلاج الأوعية الدموية لدوالي الساقين لدى النساء متوسطات العمر


  • Lect.Dr.Suhad Ibrahim Hamdan Iraq. The Open Educational College. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Prof.Dr. Mazin Hadi Kazar Iraq. The Open Educational College. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Assistant Lect. Reda Abdulhussein Hadi Iraq. The Open Educational College. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

healthy exercise، vascular، varicose veins، women


Man lives today in the age of technology, which is associated with lack of movement and decreased activity and the subsequent decline in physical and health fitness, which led to many diseases, and varicose veins are considered among these diseases that may affect many members of society at different ages and that appear in the form of swollen and twisted veins in the superficial layers of the legs and thighs, coloring in the color of the skin and apparent swelling. This condition is considered one of the chronic inflammatory conditions that lead to the erosion of the veins, and is accompanied by pain in the legs or a feeling of discomfort and rapid fatigue when doing the effort.                   

Standing for long periods of things that worsens the condition of varicose veins and the associated pain, as well as sitting for long periods without doing exercises to move the foot and ankle to stimulate blood circulation, and the practice of exercises constantly is important to maintain the strength of the muscles of the legs, and then improve the function of the muscle pump for blood, That is, the pressure of the muscles on the walls of the veins to work on the rise of the column of blood in the vein up towards the heart, and to prevent its accumulation in the legs, causing varicose veins, or to make their condition worse.                                                       

The research problem lies in the natural life of many women standing for long periods of time daily, which may cause the appearance of varicose veins, which is considered one of the famous venous diseases, as it occurs as a result of a weakness in the muscle strength of the muscles surrounding the veins, and from this standpoint the researchers' thinking tended to develop an exercise program Simplified physicality to stimulate blood circulation to the lower limbs  and strengthen those muscles, which contribute to improving the muscular strength of the two legs and improving the size of the prepayment and thus improving the condition of varicose veins or preventing them. The  research aims  to develop a therapeutic and preventive physical exercise program for varicose veins and to identify the effect of muscle strengthening and improving the amount of return blood flow on reducing the symptoms associated with this disease in middle-aged women.


