Avoidance and willpower and their relationship to the performance of some clubs rhythmic gymnastics skills

التجنبية وقوة الارادة وعلاقتهما بأداء بعض مهارات الشاخص بالجمناستك الايقاعي


  • Lect.Dr.Zeena Khaled Jassim Iraq. Baghdad University. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



الكلمات المفتاحية:

avoidance، willpower، rhythmic gymnastics


The current study revolves around studying some psychological variables related to the performance of some o skills in clubs  rhythmic Gymnastics , including avoidance, willpower, and the degree of correlation of these two variables when performing skills, especially the beginning of learning the clubs skills, as you need a kind of compatibility and willpower in controlling performance and linking them with basic skills on the other hand, so a type of performance that creates a state of avoidance from the performance of the skill on the one hand and its desire to learn on the other hand. Therefore , the research aimed to find the relationship between avoidance and willpower and its relationship to the performance of some of the clubs  skills, on a sample of first-grade students from the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls at the University of Baghdad. The researcher used two scales for measuring avoidance and a scale for measuring willpower .After preparing the two scales through a sample of (54) students as well as evaluating the clubs skills scores by three empires. After extracting the scores, they were statistically treated as well as analyzing and discussing the results. It has been found that there is an inverse relationship to the avoidance  with performance. Willpower has a positive relationship with performance. The researcher reached a set of conclusions and recommendations that serve the research.

