The ideal time to determine the level of lactic acid concentration after anaerobic exercise among short distance female athletes of Erbil sport Club

الوقت المثالي لتحديد مستوى تركيز حامض اللاكتيك بعد جهد لاهوائي للاعبات المسافات القصيرة لنادي اربيل الرياضي


  • Lect. Dr.Akram Abdeu wahid Mohammed Amin


الكلمات المفتاحية:

lactic acid concentration، anaerobic effort، short distance


The research aims to:
Identify the best time for the transfer of lactic acid into the blood to restore ATP.. 1
2. Identify the level of anaerobic indicators of a fast-running athlete. Identify the specificity of the correlative relations among all the indicators under study..3
In data collection , the researcher relied on a sample of short distance female athletes for Erbil Sports Club, with 10 players. The reasons for choosing this sample are due to their presence and continued training in the club stadiums for the season (2016-2017). As for the tests used, they were determined by measuring the level of lactic acid and testing physical exertion to identify anaerobic capacity as well as an indicator of fatigue. After conducting the tests and treating them by statistical means, a set of conclusions were reached, the most important of which are the following: 1.The results showed that the highest concentration of lactic acid in the blood was at the fifth minute.
2.The results also showed that the second highest concentration of lactic acid in the blood was after the seventh minute. 3.The lowest concentration of lactic acid in the blood was after the fifteenth minute, followed by the thirteenth minute.


