The effect of keratin intake associated with muscle strength training in the stages of achieving the quad snatch lift

تأثير تناول الكرياتين المصاحب لتدريبات القوة العضلية في مراحل انجاز رفعة الخطف للرباعات


  • Lect.Ismail Mouloud Saleh Iraq. Salahaddin University. Erbil. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

taking Keratin، muscle strength training، snatch for female weightlifters


Weightlifting is one of the individual sports that interest has increased in all countries, especially in  Kurdistan in the past years and in the present, because of its clear weight in terms of the number of medals that this game reaps, which in turn depends on the output product of muscle work, represented by lifting the largest possible weight. During the legally permissible lifting , which is the snatch and snapping lift. The study relied on the snatch   only, and the snatch is performed in one movement by lifting the weight from the ground close to the body and fixed above the head with both outstretched hands depending on the highest possible level of muscle output represented by strength during the stages of the performance of the lift. This is done through muscular contraction of the working muscle groups during each stage, and it is characterized by high capacity and high physical characteristics of the muscles of the legs, back, shoulders and arms.         From the physiological side, this sport depends on the ATP three-phosphate system, because the skill performance is short, ranging between 3-10 seconds, and this is the ATP participation rate for muscular work, which is the largest participation value for this system, because it gives a high efficiency of strength to muscles in the event of contraction and the production of maximum strength and  little period of  performance.                                      

Since the study of physiology is linked in most of its measurements to the use of special food materials to strengthen the muscles and correct and accurate measurements, so it requires reliance on these materials that are compatible and objective work so that they fulfill the new objective  set for the study.                               The research  significance lies in reaching the extent of the use of the nutritional supplement, especially keratin , and its effect on the physical characteristics and achievement of the female weightlifters of the university team, Salah al-Din - Erbil, in weightlifting.                                     



