Results of some athletics and five aside football tournaments and their relationship to the adequacy of facilities in preparatory schools

نتائج بعض بطولات ألعاب القوى وخماسي كرة القدم وعلاقتها بكفاية الإمكانات في المدارس الإعدادية


  • Assistant Lect. Osama Muhammad Salih Babil Education Directorate
  • prof. Dr.Sawsan Hudoud Obaid Shuaila University of Babylon. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

athletics، five aside football، adequacy of facilities


There are annual tournaments held by the sporting activity within a pre-prepared curriculum. These tournaments depend on the results of the adequacy of the  facilities in the schools and the validity of their quality, as these capabilities differ from one school to another. Also, the availability of school facilities or lack thereof affects negatively or positively the results and the performance of physical education teachers, whether in the competitions held by the sports activity or its performance in taking out the lesson inside the school . Through the  researchers work  as  teacher s of physical education, they  observe  that the capabilities are not commensurate with the number of students in schools, which  affects the implementation of the physical education lesson and the internal and external sports activity, which hinders the implementation of the objectives of the physical education lesson, and since the student is the focus of the educational process, the possibilities and their diversity must be available in order to correspond with his desires, inclinations and preparations. In this context, the two researchers raise questions about the adequacy of the facilities available in the preparatory schools in Hilla district. What is the relationship of the results of athletics and five aside football adequacy of facilities . The research aims to build a measure of capacity adequacy in intermediate  schools in Hilla district, identify the results of the five aside football athletics tournaments for the 2018-2019 academic year , get acquainted with the reality of the adequacy of facilities  in preparatory  schools in the Hilla district, and  identify  the results of the athletics and five aside football tournaments, their relationship, and the adequacy of facilities  in intermediate  schools in the Hilla district. The researchers hypothesized that there is a relationship between the results of athletics and five-aside football and the adequacy of facilities  in the preparatory schools in  Hilla district.


