Designing and coding two tests for shooting according to accuracy and mobile visual tracking among handball advanced players

تصميم وتقنين اختبارين للتصويب وفق الدقة والتتبع البصري المتحرك للاعبي كرة اليد المتقدمين


  • Assistant Prof.Dr. Muhammad Majid Muhammad Salih Iraq. University of Misan. College of Physical Education and Sports Science
  • Raghda Abdul Rahman Ali Iraq. University of Misan. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

design and coding، shooting، handball


The lack of an actual test that measures the visual vision and attacking performance of  handball game, which is similar to what happens during the conditions of the game in order to play high-level handball, by obtaining digital values ​​about the handball skill according to the visual vision in terms of accuracy and visual tracking, through Designing two tests that combine accurate  shooting and visual vision skills, to be an objective guide that can be relied upon in the future by our training staff.            

So the objectives of the research were to design and codify two shooting tests according to accuracy, mobile visual tracking, and to set grades and standard levels for handball   among advanced   players.

As for the research method, the researchers used the descriptive method in the method of surveying and correlative studies, and the community and sample of the research were identified, and they are from the premier handball clubs in Iraq represented by clubs (Najaf, Diyala, Kut, Aljaish(Army), Sulaimaniyah, Al-Musayyib, Al-Fatwa, (Albaldiyaa(Municipality), Al-Karkh), a total of (135) advanced players by (15) players for each club.                                                                                   As for the most important conclusions of the two tests that have been designed  designed that they  have the ability to evaluate in the field using direct measuring methods, and the sample members varied in obtaining different degrees, levels and percentages through the application of the two designed tests, the largest percentage was concentrated at the two levels (medium and good).           

The reseachers recommended to  use the two tests that were built, designed and codified in assessing the levels of players by coaches and specialists in the field of handball sports training.                         


