Measurement of Cognitive achievement among students of some universities in the Kurdistan Region in volleyball

قياس التحصيل المعرفي لطلاب بعض منتخب جامعات اقليم كوردستان بالكرة الطائرة


  • Lect. Dr.Nebaz Abdullah Fattah Iraq. Koya University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

cognitive achievement، Kurdistan Region Universities Team، Volleyball


The research aims to identify the level of cognitive  achievement of students of some universities in the Kurdistan Region in volleyball.

The research sample was chosen and represented by students of some universities of the Kurdistan Region in volleyball, who are (36) students and distributed on (3) universities by (12) students for each team and they are universities (Koya, Sulaimaniyah, Dohuk), and thus the percentage of the sample that applied to the questionnaire ( 100%) of the original community.

The researcher used the descriptive method in the survey method. After obtaining the results, they were discussed in a scientific method supported by the sources to achieve the research objective. In light of the research results, the researcher concluded the following

.  1.The students had an acceptable level of knowledge and their correct response rate for thecognitive  test was acceptable.                                                                                          

2.Questions of the axis of the plans obtained the highest percentage of correct answers, which indicates that the students had good knowledge of the questions of that axis compared to the other axes.             

3.The cognitive outcome of students in two axes (law, basic skills) is medium, due to the presence of these two axes from among the syllubus  lessons of volleyball in college curricula.                                

4.The percentage of cognitive outcome in the axes (physical preparation, volleyball for children, match management, date) is very weak, which indicates students' lack of interest in reading , and not allocating time to review the laws, training and management of the game in volleyball.                      


