The effect of non-oxygenic training on some indicators of the immune system and enduring the short performance of the futsal players

اثر التدريب اللااوكسجيني على بعض مؤشرات الجهاز المناعي وتحمل الأداء القصير للاعبي كرة القدم للصالات


  • Lect. Ali Yaqoub Youif Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah University. College of Physical Education and Sports Science


الكلمات المفتاحية:

non-oxygen training، indicators of the immune system، endurance of short performance ,Fustal


Among the most important of these chemical changes that are affected by training are immune indicators, as the immune system  is considered  to be self –defense  developed  means of self-defense  of  extreme complication to defend the body and maintain physical balance and organ functions in the face of the risks that it may be exposed to and against environmental changes that do not stop down anyway. The research aims to prepare numbers of non-oxygenate exercises commensurate with the nature of the game and the prevailing and ideal energy system for the game. The research problem can be summarized by the following question: (Do the non-oxygenic exercises prepared by the researcher according to scientific principles , the energy system and the functional status of the players have a positive effect through which immune variables can be measured that the performance endurance  of  Futsal  players is developed and by this there is a clear picture  for the coaches to improve the training level for the players?).The researcher concluded that the non-oxygen training used is of great importance in increasing the efficiency of  Futsal  players and the non-oxygen training used has had a significant and effective impact in increasing the level of indicators of  immune system.                       


