The effect of exercises endurance competitive and complementary performance (silymarin) on the (GOT-GPT) variables, offensive performance and its accuracy for young handball players


  • Zainab Raad Mohsen Iraq. Wasit University. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Prof. Dr.Bahaa Muhammad Taqi Iraq. Wasit University. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


الكلمات المفتاحية:

endurance exercises، competitive performance، supplement (silymarin)، variables (GOT-GPT)، handball


Handball is one of the team games that  widely spread around the world because of its educational, physical, mental and competitive advantages. Therefore, the research aimed to prepare exercises that endurance competitive and complementary performance (silymarin) and its impact on the (GOT-GPT) variables and offensive performance and its accuracy  among  young handball players, as well as to identify the effect of exercises that endurance  competitive and complementary performance (silymarin) on the variables (GOT-GPT) and offensive performance and accuracy among  young handball players. The researchers used the experimental method in the style of the experimental and control groups on the research sample selected by the deliberate method represented by the players of the Sports Talent Center in Wasit handball, ages (16-18), as their number was (16) and divided randomly into two groups and homogeneity and parity were conducted. The procedures consisted of applying the tests of offensive performance and its accuracy, which are the defensive and offensive performance endurance test, the high jump shooting accuracy test, and the ball shooting test. After that, a blood sample was drawn from the players to analyze the research variables (GOT-GPT) and then enter into the nutritional approach represented by supplying the herbal supplement silymarin and the  training approach .  The researchers concluded that the most important of which is that the use of the supplement (Silymarin) with exercises had positive results on the biochemical variables of the research sample. The researchers recommend  that it is necessary to pay attention to exercises that endurance competitive performance, as they are in line with the reality and requirements  handball.                                                                     


